Biden needs to drop out and the Democrats need to run a primary, couldn't remember when he was vice president and couldn't remember when his son died

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
America is a global disgrace, so what do you expect? This country could be beautiful if it wanted to be. It could actually be everything it wants everyone to believe that it already is. But rather than achieve such a reality it would rather be a pretender to the throne. :scust:

You’re an inch away from letting a fascist rule you - AGAIN
Apr 3, 2014
Newsome is able to skillfully dodge those perception darts. And of course Newsome will come to the middle in a national election. Newsome would get on Trump about the debt, January 6th, his covid response, him sucking Putin's ass, his positions on Ukraine.

And let's be real, Trump isn't a great debater. He is just debating against a bunch of personality-less, focus group approved talking heads. There's a good couple dozen folks on HERE that could outdebate Trump and don't even know politics that well. He's just funny and says the quiet parts out loud.

Breh Trump is a monster on the debate stage. He will insult you, talk about your dead mother and say any and everything to either make you look weak or make you lose composure. During his first debate with Hillary, he brought all the women that Bill cheated on her with and sat them in the front row. :deadrose:

During the debate with Biden, he went in on his junkie son and Biden is still feeling the effects of that to this day with his son being under investigation.

Yalls problem is yall keep underestimating this man. He is one of the best debaters of our era in terms of knowing that the American people are dumb fickle idiots and knowing how to directly appeal to them.

He won all of his debates with Hillary because he will lie lie lie and the lies spew so effortlessly from his mouth that you can barely keep up with it. He's not going to follow any establishment rules on purpose mind you, to rattle his opponent. There are many who say that the first debate with Biden was a draw because Trump slung so much mud that there was no way to draw a clear winner.

He's formidable. And thats why he said the other day that he wants to debate Biden now instead of waiting until September. All Trump needs is the national stage. He hasn't had that in 4 years. They'll have to give it to him if he stands across from Biden. Prepare for him to go in about how Biden is prosecuting his political opponents, how Jan 6 was an inside job, he's going after Hunter again, and look for him to go after anything that he can possibly use for a low blow.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
That mf is playing like he's senile so he doesn't have to face charges like Trump. He ain't fooling me.

Seriously though, wouldn't it be something if Biden was going full Trump behind the scenes and when the shyt came out he'd get leniency for being "mentally diminished and senile." That would be a real 4D chess move.

"Mr. Biden, it says in these classified documents that you had millions of dollars wired to your son and you sent escorts under secret service protection to deliver CRACK cocaine to your son Hunter Biden? Not to mention the several business rivals of your son that were found buried on the property of none other than Chinese President Xi Jinping."

".......Hunter? Like, the wrestler? Hunter Hearst Helmsley? That's my son? Why didn't anyone tell me he was alive?! And it's a crime to pee on Chinese property? Come on now, you know the Orientals don't have flush toilet technology!"

Nkrumah Was Right

Mar 11, 2022
Seriously though, wouldn't it be something if Biden was going full Trump behind the scenes and when the shyt came out he'd get leniency for being "mentally diminished and senile." That would be a real 4D chess move.

"Mr. Biden, it says in these classified documents that you had millions of dollars wired to your son and you sent escorts under secret service protection to deliver CRACK cocaine to your son Hunter Biden? Not to mention the several business rivals of your son that were found buried on the property of none other than Chinese President Xi Jinping."

".......Hunter? Like, the wrestler? Hunter Hearst Helmsley? That's my son? Why didn't anyone tell me he was alive?! And it's a crime to pee on Chinese property? Come on now, you know the Orientals don't have flush toilet technology!"

Ah - the Diane Feinstein trick! Wily as a fox


Sep 14, 2019
Newsome is able to skillfully dodge those perception darts. And of course Newsome will come to the middle in a national election. Newsome would get on Trump about the debt, January 6th, his covid response, him sucking Putin's ass, his positions on Ukraine.

As soon as Newsom takes the stage liberals and centrists will eat it up, normalcy is the name of the game even Trump has been avoiding debates for this reason.

Hopefully he can pull through, they're going to nail him on DEI and racial topics because of his history of flirting with reparations.


Waxing Intellectual
Apr 14, 2013
Phi Chi Connection
Breh Trump is a monster on the debate stage. He will insult you, talk about your dead mother and say any and everything to either make you look weak or make you lose composure. During his first debate with Hillary, he brought all the women that Bill cheated on her with and sat them in the front row. :deadrose:

During the debate with Biden, he went in on his junkie son and Biden is still feeling the effects of that to this day with his son being under investigation.

Yalls problem is yall keep underestimating this man. He is one of the best debaters of our era in terms of knowing that the American people are dumb fickle idiots and knowing how to directly appeal to them.

He won all of his debates with Hillary because he will lie lie lie and the lies spew so effortlessly from his mouth that you can barely keep up with it. He's not going to follow any establishment rules on purpose mind you, to rattle his opponent. There are many who say that the first debate with Biden was a draw because Trump slung so much mud that there was no way to draw a clear winner.

He's formidable. And thats why he said the other day that he wants to debate Biden now instead of waiting until September. All Trump needs is the national stage. He hasn't had that in 4 years. They'll have to give it to him if he stands across from Biden. Prepare for him to go in about how Biden is prosecuting his political opponents, how Jan 6 was an inside job, he's going after Hunter again, and look for him to go after anything that he can possibly use for a low blow.
The highlighted is where you got me fukked up. I don't underestimate him at all, you can check my post history on that.

He's not a good debater. He uses theatrics and lies against people who don't know how to debate. There's ways to win debates against people who do that.

Keep it 100, you think Trump would crush Obama in a debate? Same thing would happen with Newsome. He's not gonna play into it.

I don't doubt he would shyt on Biden at this point. He's borderline feeble-minded. Newsome, not so much.


Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
Of course but Biden needs to drop out.
It's like we're all on a train flying at speeds that'll cause a derailment and we got a senile old man as the conductor.

All these damn people on the train and everyone is like "Yeah, but are you sure you want THAT guy taking over?" -- Literally on both sides

THE FUKK ARE WE TALKING ABOUT, who we prefer to kill us??? :why: I wish somebody was just do like the movies and tell em both MOVE!! :damn: FUKK OUT THE WAY!!


Mar 19, 2017
its sad that the other candidate is so bad you would vote for shyt in a brown paper bag over him.

idgaf, he isnt making any decisions. Its a shadow presidency propping him up.

shyt is bad.

Why do conservatives hate black people so much?

If they werent flat out anti black, we could have discussions. Quite frankly being anti black is a none starter
A big tent of their party is anti black that's why they constantly release and push legislation that harms us. But the anti Biden/ no reparations no vote crowd would let these people in power and think it's ok since they're doing it openly on their does that even make sense?!??