Biblically accurate angels

((ReFleXioN)) EteRNaL

May 1, 2012
I always find it ironically cruel that we're at a stage of consciousness where we're evolved enough to ponder about the universe, time and space, but not enough to find any semblance of answer :wow: Bound to feel and not to get
It would be even more ironic if we move into the next existence only to find out the answers were right under our noses the whole time. Like searching your whole house for your car keys only to realize they were always in the pocket of your jacket. Maybe we're searching for answers in all the wrong places. Digging into the ground. Flying into space. We're looking everywhere instead of looking within.

As we dive deeper into technology we become more detached from ourselves. It seems like ancient civilizations were much more in tune with the universe. Much more in tune with the mind. Maybe that's why people can reach psychadelic states through meditation. Maybe it's actually possible to make contact with the other side but we just lost the signal. And the signal just keeps getting weaker and weaker as we get more attached to the material. It almost feels like humans are destined for a tragic but ironic ending.
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Ya Sinning Mane

Feb 27, 2017
I’d clown it
Get turned to gooey shyt and sent to hell brehs:francis:

u wouldnt think the thought up
sit yo crazy ass down.
you would know you in God presence and treat it as such unconciously heathen:hhh:

who u think u is mane


May 17, 2012
What bible scripture describes angels as this

Also not all the angels have the same appearance

Some appear and are described as man, some are on fire or bright

the four wing angels the cherubim have four wings, animal like features, and have three heads, that of a lion, a human, and an ox,
as described in ezekiel
Then you have seraphim who have six wings etc

and there are an infinite amount of angels in existence according to the bible the number is incalculable

it's clear superheros, of course bosses in rpg games are inspired from these descriptions in the bible
The angel with the heads of a lion, ox and human is indicating to u its function. Meaning what it was designed to do.

In other words:

head of a lion: an angel that can be vicious, merciless. Most feared animal in the ancient world. Even today u see a lion charging at u, it’s curtains forever for u.

head of a human: an angel that is fully aware of what it is like to be an human. An angel of compassion.

head of a ox: angel that can be sent to help alleviate the stresses of your life, whatever they are.

in case ur inclined to dismiss this interpretation, there is a very short story in the book of Joshua where Joshua saw a man and walked up him. Asked him “ are you a friend or foe?” The man responded “I’m neither. I’m a commander of the lords army”.

that was one of the most gangster statement of the Bible. So therefore, angels have purposes. The images they appear in can be used to know what their mission is.

Joshua 5:
13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, “Are you for us or for our enemies?”

14“Neither,” he replied, “but as commander of the army of the Lord I have now come.” Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, “What message does my Lord e have for his servant?”

15The commander of the Lord’s army replied, “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy.” And Joshua did so.