IMO the strength of the Borg was that we knew very little about them other than they assimilate any species that they deem to have value and/or uniqueness. I don't blame the writers for making a ton of Borg episodes, but Voyager really neutered them because of all the times they escaped and basically got over on the Borg.We need Paramount to greenlight a full Borg Origin movie. The enterprise retcon was garbage.
What do you think of the way the crew reacted to Jellico?
Agreed even in first contact it was something like 20 ships including the Defiant and enterprise e and it took Picard having knowledge of Borg tech to destroy the cube and the sphere still escaped.IMO the strength of the Borg was that we knew very little about them other than they assimilate any species that they deem to have value and/or uniqueness. I don't blame the writers for making a ton of Borg episodes, but Voyager really neutered them because of all the times they escaped and basically got over on the Borg.
A single cube crippled Starfleet at Wolf 359, but a long-range research vessel continually evades them? And not because of superior tech or any other treknobabble... because of Janeway's cunning.
I think Levar Burton feels the same way.the most offensive thing about them is their link to the old continuity. absolutely no need to bring leonard nemoy into it and contrive a way for it to be connected to old trek.
IMO the strength of the Borg was that we knew very little about them other than they assimilate any species that they deem to have value and/or uniqueness. I don't blame the writers for making a ton of Borg episodes, but Voyager really neutered them because of all the times they escaped and basically got over on the Borg.
A single cube crippled Starfleet at Wolf 359, but a long-range research vessel continually evades them? And not because of superior tech or any other treknobabble... because of Janeway's cunning.
Voyager fans are you aware of the original actress they hired for Captain Janeway she was terrible.
Kirk would have stayed on the bridge. And Picard would have gone down with the ship. But Genevieve Bujold, cast only two weeks ago as Capt. Elizabeth Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager, the latest Trek TV incarnation, bailed out after only three days. At press time, the leading contenders to replace Bujold included Joanna Cassidy (Buffalo Bill), Susan Gibney and Elizabeth Dennehy (both of whom had made guest appearances on Next Generation), Tracy Scoggins (Lois & Clark), and Lindsay Crouse (House of Games). But Bujold’s sudden exit from Voyager on Sept. 8 left more than an empty captain’s chair; it also raised the question of who will be in charge of Paramount’s Trek empire.
According to studio sources, the 52-year-old French-Canadian film actress wasn’t ready for the grind of a weekly series—especially the series’ 18-hour days, long even by TV standards. ”The joke on the set was there are no (shooting schedules),” says one source. ”You just never go home.” Trek guru Leonard Nimoy sympathized. ”When you’re coming from a film schedule,” says Nimoy, ”18-hour days are not comfortable. It’s the kind of thing people desperately in search of a career will do.”
In addition, sources on the Voyager set claim Bujold was acting as much like a diva as a captain. She complained about restyling her hair and was uncomfortable with the makeup (Bujold’s spokeswoman denies this). ”People were giving her s – - about it,” says an insider. ”Add that to all the hours and she just said ‘God, let me out of this.”’
The vacancy at Voyager’s helm leaves the show and executive producer Rick Berman lost in space. Already backed into a tight schedule by Bujold’s late casting, the two-hour, $23 million pilot, scheduled to premiere in January, had to continue shooting even as Berman scrambled to find a new captain.
And that’s not the only crisis facing Berman: Voyager is the centerpiece of Paramount’s new network, and a successful launch is, well, paramount. So Paramount TV exec Kerry McCluggage watched the Bujold proceedings with a baleful eye. Sources say that McCluggage, who reportedly disagreed with Berman over the choice of a female captain, might see the walkout as a sign that Berman is overextended: In the last year, he’s overseen the final season of Next Generation, the upcoming feature, Star Trek: Generations, the second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and the development ofVoyager.
Berman insists he’s not as busy as he was last year, but that hasn’t quieted speculation that Paramount might bring in a new producer forVoyager. Or that Nimoy might replace Berman as producer of theNext Generation features, if Generations doesn’t do well when it’s released in November. Nimoy claims he hasn’t been approached, but he seems prepared to beam aboard. ”When I get a phone call from Paramount,” says the former Vulcan stoically, ”I’ll respond to them in the appropriate manner.” Sounds logical.
Genevieve Bujold Abandons 'Star Trek: Voyager'
A woman who played the medical assistant in the first three season of Star Trek: Voyager was arrested for indecent exposure.
Jennifer Ann Lien, 41, was arrested at her home in Harriman on September 3 at around 6:42 p.m. Deputies said Lien had an active warrant in Roane County on two counts of exposing herself to a child under the age of 13.
Neighbor Carey Smith says Lien recently walked by her home and commented on how the children were being cared for while two were crying.
“Started saying vulgar things. I mean really vulgar things, I told her to mind her own business and keep on walking,” said Smith.
That’s when things got even stranger.
“All of a sudden, here come the shirt up. She started flashing and, ‘Woo hoo,’ and I said, ‘And what respect is that for kids?’ There was none. And then she turned around and dropped her pants,” said Smith.
Parents, worried things might escalate, then called 911.
“I didn’t understand why she was doing it,” said Kayla Clark.
At the time, Lien denied to police that she exposed herself, but officers issued a detainer summons, charging her with indecent exposure.
When Roane County deputies visited Lien’s house, her front door was open. After knocking on the door, she yelled at deputies to come in.
Deputies said Lien was naked on her couch, covered by a blanket. She told the deputies she was expecting them.
Then dispatch told the deputies that Lien had an active warrant from the Harriman City Police Department. When they told her about the warrant, she said they needed to leave her alone, saying she wasn’t going any (expletive) where.
The two deputies repeatedly asked Lien to put on clothes, eventually calling for a female deputy. They said Lien told them she would have all of them shot and killed.
Eventually, deputies said the put Lien in handcuffs, putting a shirt and pants from the jail on her. They said she refused to walk to the patrol car and they had to carry her to the car, before driving to the Roane County Detention Center. Lien’s bond was set at $2,500.
Parents say they are worried and angry about the impression made on their children.
“She pretty much copies everything that I do and I’m pretty sure she would copy somebody else doing that behavior and I don’t want that her to,” said Clark.
Lien has a criminal history that includes aggravated assault, resisting arrest, evading arrest and reckless endangerment on April 17 by the Harriman Police Department.
On June 4, 2012 she was also arrested for domestic assault in Roane County.
Star Trek: Voyager's 'Kes' charged with exposing herself to children in Harriman
Only thing about that is I think anyone in command might have reacted that way because what was happening was nuts since the dominion wanted to see how they would react.Started re watching DS9 again last night.
On the episode where they went to look for the Founders, Sisko stormed in the Admiral's office and started demanding answers![]()
Leaning towards him in this thread. He had to balance being a wartime commander and diplomat moreso than other captains imo
Lol I was gonna try not to bring this up.I guess this is the best place to put this (maybe this should just become the official Star Trek TV show thread)...for fans of Kes from Star Trek: Voyager, ya girl is a bit of a mess:
Star Trek: Voyager's Kes Arrested For Exposing Herself To Minors
I guess this is the best place to put this (maybe this should just become the official Star Trek TV show thread)...for fans of Kes from Star Trek: Voyager, ya girl is a bit of a mess:
Star Trek: Voyager's Kes Arrested For Exposing Herself To Minors