Bernie Sanders Unveils Sweeping Policy Platform To Combat Racial Inequality


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Thats because people vote on presidents then sleep on the REAL characters: the legislature. Ask how many brehs are talking shyt about Obama (I don't care for him, tbh, but whatever)

but after voting him in, didn't go out to the midterms to keep the republicans from engaging in terms-long fukkery? The constituency is at fault when they vote in messiahs

but won't stick around to vote in his allies.

Going and voting for state legislators and congressman wont change shyt if black people are unorganized and voting in the same two party system that doesn't give a fukk about them.

You'll vote these white politicians in (and I'm lumping the black ones in there as well), and they'll do what they've been doing, ignoring black people and sending their puppets out to keep us calm.
Aug 3, 2012
Breh, its like we literally didn't just go through this shyt with Obama :mindblown:

Lol every pro black group I'm apart on Facebook be like I'll never vote republican they not for us and don't care about us, and in the back of my mind I'm like and democrats do?

What's even funnier is that the president we worshiped the most put us in jail. I remember the Obama campaign everyone was like if Obama doesn't win I'm leaving the country, we need him office. We're worse off now then we were before he took office. So yea I realized voting is a waste of time.


Sep 2, 2014
Going and voting for state legislators and congressman wont change shyt if black people are unorganized and voting in the same two party system that doesn't give a fukk about them.

You'll vote these white politicians in (and I'm lumping the black ones in there as well), and they'll do what they've been doing, ignoring black people and sending their puppets out to keep us calm.
:yeshrug:And there is my beef. So amongst this "LOL:mjlol:Politics" culture we have, in the meantime, does everyone just sit on their asses and complain?

If people aren't at the *very* least voting locally, they can eat crow, cause with the things people can change they don't seem interested in following through.

There seems to be more effort to discredit politics (a shytty sideshow admittedly) than taking control of their local legislatures. The President and his functions

will be irrelevant to us 90+% of the time, unless he sending boys to fight wars. The shyt we ACTUALLY care about on the day to day:

Discriminatory hiring practices
decaying infrastructure in our neighborhoods
Police behavior

Local issues. AKA when we have a problem, we have names, addresses, and phone numbers of people very close who with enough forethought and action

will HAVE to listen. The time for people to get active isn't after another death or racist law sees passing. Plenty of white people sit on their asses and they

see how it hurts them when laws get passed. Fact is, what hurts them hurts us worse, so it makes more sense to hope on deck and convince at least a few people

that without action, there are no results.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
Lol every pro black group I'm apart on Facebook be like I'll never vote republican they not for us and don't care about us, and in the back of my mind I'm like and democrats do?

What's even funnier is that the president we worshiped the most put us in jail. I remember the Obama campaign everyone was like if Obama doesn't win I'm leaving the country, we need him office. We're worse off now then we were before he took office. So yea I realized voting is a waste of time.

Breh, I was as pro Obama as you could get. I stood in line for hours to vote, donated money to his campaign, saw him speak at my school while he was running, even attended an "Election Party" at a club the night he got elected.

But I was asleep then. My dumb ass thought "finally a black president, shyt's gonna finally get better for us :ohlawd:"

Next thing I see this fakkit on TV telling black people to stop complaining and pick themselves up by their bootstraps :scust:

Black Magisterialness

Moderna Boi
May 23, 2012
No other group of people accepts scraps from other races, and I sure as hell am not gonna sit back and cosign some white politicians giving us "half-hearted help"

I know black leaders are constantly torn down. And the people who's constantly tearing them down are now the same people who you want to elect to give us "half-hearted help."

People like you I keep as far away from me as possible. If you believe so poorly of black people in America, then you're an enemy, not an ally.

We live in AMERICA everybody getting the scraps from white folks. And from what you are saying it SOUNDS like you don't know how to separate white people from white culture. We aint fighting individuals, or candidates we are fighting white supremacist CULTURE. And the moment you sit there and spew a certain kind of rhetoric you are doing the same shyt that they do to us which is look at us like a monolith.

and its not about me. I'm well aware of the functioning, affluent, efficient black enclaves around the US. BUT you'd be a fukkin FOOL to think that black folks arent the masters of our own destiny. Kwame, The ex-mayor of Detroit was one of the most loved and lauded black politicians in the NATION. In 2004, when Kerry flubbed his campaign there were two brothers being lifted up as the scions of the Democratic party. Kwame Kilpatrick and Barack of them is president and the other is sitting in a federal pen. And as much as I DONT want it to be true...there was no grand white conspiracy against Kwame, his city was black...he fukked his own self up. Lavish parties with strippers coming up dead, leasing luxury SUVs with tax payer money...sweetheart deals etc.

I say this because for as much as we can point the finger at systemic racism, we need to also take pride in our agency as a people. I don't believe poorly of black folks...I don't want us to waste our potential.

But the 2-party system is bullshyt....:manny:


All Star
Oct 14, 2014
Back in Florida
This thread has some very :snoop: responses. To anyone saying they don't want to vote you're playing into the hand of the powerful, the point is to disenfranchise enough so even the ppl who aren't directly effected throw their hands up and say its pointless. You are part of your community's continued marginalization.
Also blacks need ally's. With having the total population percentage you guys have its impossible (talking only about elections) to get tangible change by rejecting people who mean well and really would be allies. Instead of writing then off write into them and state your POV and and your ideas for real change from a first person perspective. The man is white and 70ish can you blame him for not having a first person POV on black issues? He's the closest thing I've seen too it though.

I can't vote as long as I live in Florida for a mistake I made as a juvenile. As a white man that experience showed me how the system really works. It's meant to beat individuals down and make you think its all hopeless. They don't want certain people to vote and for those who persist its about fracturing that vote. All adds up to the same types of people with the same types of ideas in power.


May 1, 2012
Breh, who put Amin in power? Who destroyed Zimbabwe and forced Mugabe to take action?

You can't bring up African nations and their turmoil and ignore the effect colonialism had on the people. That's like bringing up the civil war and never mentioning slavery. Look at Thomas Sankora. Assassinated. Look at Patrice Lamumba. Assassinated. Look at Kwame Nkrumah. Driven out of his country by European backed powers.
forced mugabe to take action lol you meet any zimbabweans you share this with them .........................
are you telling me that the murdering of black masses by black leaders by forces directly under their control is the fault of Europeans.........................

and then you are fully for segregation of blacks right

i have seen this con before ,


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
:yeshrug:And there is my beef. So amongst this "LOL:mjlol:Politics" culture we have, in the meantime, does everyone just sit on their asses and complain?

You'll never find a single post of mine telling black people to complain about anything. My stance has been the same: black men need to get off their asses and take control of their communities. Either join a pro black organization, or start one, and get to work fixing the problems they see locally.

Everything else is us depending on white sympathy which will never come.


Sep 2, 2014
This thread has some very :snoop: responses. To anyone saying they don't want to vote you're playing into the hand of the powerful, the point is to disenfranchise enough so even the ppl who aren't directly effected throw their hands up and say its pointless. You are part of your community's continued marginalization.
Also blacks need ally's. With having the total population percentage you guys have its impossible (talking only about elections) to get tangible change by rejecting people who mean well and really would be allies. Instead of writing then off write into them and state your POV and and your ideas for real change from a first person perspective. The man is white and 70ish can you blame him for not having a first person POV on black issues? He's the closest thing I've seen too it though.

I can't vote as long as I live in Florida for a mistake I made as a juvenile. As a white man that experience showed me how the system really works. It's meant to beat individuals down and make you think its all hopeless. They don't want certain people to vote and for those who persist its about fracturing that vote. All adds up to the same types of people with the same types of ideas in power.
All of this. People want to point out that the system is bullshyt. I agree. But you have to wonder: If voting doesn't work, why are so many politicians actively working
to take away the votes of Blacks, the young, the old, etc. The voter registration nonsense should have been a headsup, but nah, we can't have genuine analysis:shaq2:


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
forced mugabe to take action lol you meet any zimbabweans you share this with them .........................
are you telling me that the murdering of black masses by black leaders by forces directly under their control is the fault of Europeans.........................

and then you are fully for segregation of blacks right

i have seen this con before ,

You really think most those African nations are independent :dahell:

You got African countries still wholly controlled by European powers breh. The fukk you talkin bout?

And no I don't believe in segregation. I believe in separation. If you don't know the difference between the two YouTube Malcolm X speeches on the subject.


Sep 2, 2014
You'll never find a single post of mine telling black people to complain about anything. My stance has been the same: black men need to get off their asses and take control of their communities. Either join a pro black organization, or start one, and get to work fixing the problems they see locally.

Everything else is us depending on white sympathy which will never come.
I wasn't saying you said that, but watch the typical butthurt peanut gallery come in talking that nonsense. Hell, many aren't even that old and talk shyt
like they have seen this going on forever.

Starting organizations, getting your people to back your message, and taking ACTION are the only way. Yes, a lot of that action is political.
Schools are gonna fund themselves. Crumbling roads? Who is gonna pay for that? All of these things require more in-depth activism, and the fact
so many brehs don't see that is distressing. You don't have to participate, but to A: not participate and B: whine about the system:dahell:

What little power each man holds, his voice, his vote, and his wallet, will get thrown to the bushes in favor of a platform to complain on.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
All of this. People want to point out that the system is bullshyt. I agree. But you have to wonder: If voting doesn't work, why are so many politicians actively working
to take away the votes of Blacks, the young, the old, etc. The voter registration nonsense should have been a headsup, but nah, we can't have genuine analysis:shaq2:

Oh, voting does work. It just doesn't work for us. Every piece of legislation that have ever benefited black people were essentially dismantled by other legislation and policies by the same racist government.

Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, shyt even the 16th amendment. Eventually if you're black, you're gonna have to ask yourself how long must you live under white rule until you decide enough is enough and you need to do for self.


Sep 2, 2014
Oh, voting does work. It just doesn't work for us. Every piece of legislation that have ever benefited black people were essentially dismantled by other legislation and policies by the same racist government.

Voting Rights Act, Civil Rights Act, shyt even the 16th amendment. Eventually if you're black, you're gonna have to ask yourself how long must you live under white rule until you decide enough is enough and you need to do for self.
:shaq2:Aiight. You my dude, but imma have to unsub this thread. This is one of the few topics where I can get heated and its too nice of a day for

nothing to come of it.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
I wasn't saying you said that, but watch the typical butthurt peanut gallery come in talking that nonsense. Hell, many aren't even that old and talk shyt
like they have seen this going on forever.

Starting organizations, getting your people to back your message, and taking ACTION are the only way. Yes, a lot of that action is political.
Schools are gonna fund themselves. Crumbling roads? Who is gonna pay for that? All of these things require more in-depth activism, and the fact
so many brehs don't see that is distressing. You don't have to participate, but to A: not participate and B: whine about the system:dahell:

What little power each man holds, his voice, his vote, and his wallet, will get thrown to the bushes in favor of a platform to complain on.

Again, if black people separate and have their own communities, you won't have to worry about funding because the people in charge are the ones who live in those communities. White people don't have to worry about that because white people run white communities.

Our tax dollars will be put to use to help ourselves. Right now our tax dollars are being put to use to help everybody but us.

Voting does work. But it only works if the people you're voting in, has your best interest at heart. I don't believe any candidate on either party gives 2 fukks about the masses of black people.