I can go to a bar, order my drink, sit down and not have a convo with anybody, but would get labeled an introvert smh
Bruh that’s the homie & you LWO
Can’t we all just get along![]()
Took today off - met up with a chick I met on Bumble BFF, chilled by the pool and ended up making friends with a Jamaican couple that just moved in, went to the wine bar and met another chick who’s gonna link me to some civic shyt to get involved in, randomly talking to this chick about her dog while waiting in line for insomnia cookies, Netflix and chill at 9
must suck for y’all introvert weirdos who can’t have a day on your own and randomly connect with new people![]()
Extroverts are the absolute WORST on the job
*machines are down at work*
Cool, I'll pull out my phone and watch some youtube videos
*dude on the machines across from mine starts to walk over*
They always do. One can be introverted, have a great social life, like to interact with people then go home and recharge with little to no interaction and be just fine. Idk why they think we're all hermits who don't talk or pull the shades down and hide.
A lot of extroverts just can't fathom someone actually valuing alone time, peace and quiet and not being ON all the time. It's rather odd.
because many are rooted in insecurities. They have to prove their life is amazing opposed to just living an amazing life.
good postThe issue is that a lot of introverts aren't actually introverts
a lot who call themselves introverts are actually just socially anxious, socially awkward, and/or body-conscious people that are afraid or unwilling to go outside their comfort zone or fix their self-esteem.
Why do y’all think just because I enjoy real human interaction that I don’t enjoy alone time also
the self proclaimed internet introvert always wants to be alone and catches anxiety when they actually have to be social
All of this “I can be social when I want to be” is the same script the socially awkward recite every time this convo is brought up because they don’t want to actually admit that being social is real issue for them
This breh at work was upset because he had to put offsets in the machine to machine the part to its correct dimensions
He wish he could just push a button and go about his day![]()
That’s not true.Yeah she a woman, most women are extroverts. The like get brunch and shyt on yo off day instead of letting they man watch the game, go fishing, or work on their car![]()