Backstabbing friends for P***y.


I'm The Cook that killed Gus Fring
May 29, 2012
Liberty City
In certain cases, It's the principle. Of coupe nikkas'll be nikkas, cuz temptation is a bytch period. But if I'm eating don't come try and eat of my plate nikka. Wait til in done and then have your share. Real nikka shyt!


Legendary Poster
May 1, 2012
Dudes need to learn never bring your friends around a chick u fukin or wanna fuk. Unless they are your fam or the closest friends that u kno 100% got your back. At the end of the day. nikkaz are gonna be nikkaz. Keep your roster to yourself at all times cause a nikka will leave u high and dry in pursuit of that nut when its all said and done.

Word, besides I believe a sohh poster said it before. But it was something along the lines of

Keep ya love life, and ya social life completely separate. Mixing the two always makes things messy. Same goes for girls bringing their man amongst their girls too.

Ya girls should not be cool with ya boys like that from jump. nikkas is grime

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
damn some of yall talmbout having friends that actively need to keep you away from their bytch....

either your friends are pussies :ehh:

or you're an untrustworthy fakkit that nobody considers a friend :smugdraper:
May 1, 2012
how can you get mad at a nikka because your girl is a ho. i can understand if your girl isn't down with it, but your friend is persistent. that's fukked up. but, if your girl is feeling your friend and hollering at him, you can't get mad at your boy for fukking her. he basically saved you a lot of time and money.

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
how can you get mad at a nikka because your girl is a ho. i can understand if your girl isn't down with it, but your friend is persistent. that's fukked up. but, if your girl is feeling your friend and hollering at him, you can't get mad at your boy for fukking her. he basically saved you a lot of time and money.

because friendship is about trust and you shouldn't even have to consider playing defense with your inner circle. an acquaintance I can understand, but you tryna tell me that you shouldn't be mad at your buddy sneakin behind the back?


yea i agree it does save you the trouble of the girl but fukk untrustworthy backstabbing niccas that value a friendship less than busting a nut
May 1, 2012
because friendship is about trust and you shouldn't even have to consider playing defense with your inner circle. an acquaintance I can understand, but you tryna tell me that you shouldn't be mad at your buddy sneakin behind the back?


yea i agree it does save you the trouble of the girl but fukk untrustworthy backstabbing niccas that value a friendship less than busting a nut

if the girl is FEELING your boy, it means she ain't feeling you. why should you CARE if your boy fukks a bytch who ain't feeling you and is lying to you?

maybe i'm just not getting it.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Fully happened twice that I can remember, and neither really worked out well (names have been changed to protect all involved).

First time happened while I was in high school. There's this guy, let's call him Eric. Now, in high school, you remember the cool guys, right? Got all the girls, had musical talent, all that crap? Now, do you remember the little brothers of those guys, who had absolutely none of those things, yet tried to act like they did? Pretty annoying. But this guy was at least kind of nice and responsible; he wouldn't have gotten his chick otherwise. So this guy (a year below me) stuck to me like glue, and the only reason I didn't shake him off was because he really wasn't THAT bothersome (and I'm too nice for that type of thing).

He had a girl, cute redhead, tennis team standout (remember, white upper-crust private school) all that shyt. We'll call her Alexis. Now they were together and were cool and all, but the thing about the dynamics of our relations to each other was that Alexis had been sweating me since she transferred in. So we would flirt and the like whenever we saw each other in the halls and during free periods. But we were never actually together because I had a girlfriend all of the time that we knew each other (including one that basically went from one of my basketball teammates to me. It's not an interesting story).

So we flirted, and more and more, this dude kept getting jealous and making snide remarks, even though he knew I had a girl and there was really no chance of us getting together. But he'd never actually step to me because it wouldn't end well for him (Me: 6', 170. Him: 5'7" 140, maybe less). So what does this guy do?

He messages me a bunch of threats on MySpace. Like a coward.

He tells me about this whole situation about how Alexis told her parents that he was all scared of me and that I need to stay away from her, lest I incur their wrath. I'm looking at my screen like :what:, because me and the girl were cool and chatting easy not 24 hours before this. So I message Eric back telling him that we needed to hash this out like men, and that he needed to get my phone number from his girl so I could figure out what the hell was going on. He wouldn't give me the number, and kept up with his story. So I just said, "fukk it," and went to a party.

Following Monday. The first thing that I do is find Alexis and ask her about what is going on:

Epic: So what is this that Eric is saying about you being terrified of me and talking to your parents about it?
Alexis: ??? Never happened.
Epic::what: Really? You know this guy was messaging me about this shyt on MySpace, right?
Alexis: I have no idea what he's talking about.
Epic: :upsetfavre: Alright, thanks.

Now I'm pissed, and am about 2 steps away from KOing this dude on sight. So eventually I see Eric in the halls, not really going anywhere, and the first thing that I see him do as soon as I mention this is run the opposite way, saying he has to get to class. Eventually, I run him down, and ask him what the fukk is going on. He cops pleas, says that he's joking and all kinds of shyt. I let it go (I already got the answers I wanted) and go on with my day after scaring him a bit for pissing me off like that.

...Oh, you wanted the actual p*ssy part. Me and Alexis fukked in his house at a post-prom party and a few times while I was at school. Eric never knew.
Then she broke up with him to get with one of my younger teammates because he was such an ass toward her afterward.

I'm not a vengeful guy, but that was actually pretty nice.


Dum Shiny
May 1, 2012
SoCal State Beaches
Second time was in college, right after the first situation resolved itself.

Me and my roommate David were cool with each other, good friends and all that. Smoked together (he had a great hookup), drank together, everything. There was just one small problem: I was fairly good at getting girls, he wasn't. This leads us to one Monique (white girl). Monique and David had known each other for quite a while, and he really liked her. But they had never actually gotten together. I'm wondering why this was, so while we were over Monique's house, I got her away from all of her roommates and asked her what the deal was. It was more or less simple: He liked her, she didn't like him like that. Friend zoned. Poor guy didn't have a clue.

Thing is, me and Monique had pretty good chemistry together, only I hadn't pursued it due to the fact that I didn't want to ruin his chances. Seeing as he HAD no chances now, I felt that I had carte blanche to spit game. According to David, though, I didn't, and he basically bytched me out when I mentioned anything about it to him. But I didn't care, she didn't really like him like that anyway, right? So we fukked at her roommate's 19th birthday party, I basically bagged her right in front of him before we found private quarters for the night.

No happy ending for me here. I find out afterward that he completely left the party after that and snorted a bunch of coke, which I was NOT happy about. A week later, Monique and I go to another college close to ours where I have friends to party, and right as I'm about to get down to business, I get a call saying that I HAD to come back since he found out that I took her with me, did a bunch of drugs and tore up the apartment. I basically took the entire crew with me to my apartment (I was drunk, I couldn't drive) and subdued him. Kicked his ass out the next day, cause I wasn't going to deal with that garbage.

Hey, they can't all have good endings.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
naw man, that's some sucker behavior. I got friends from anywhere between 15 to 20 years. Messing with their woman shows desperation or a lack of control and that's some qualities you really don't want to have in a 'friend.' What happens if you just got some money laying on the table... is that same friend going to up and take it, talking about he's just teaching you how to take care of your assets better?

Man some of ya'll gonna end up getting shot sneaking with ya potna's girls, wives and I even hear some of ya'll talking about you would sleep with ya boy's mom.