By your definition Malcolm X is a sellout because he stopped thinking all white people was bad and regreted snapping on that white bytch who asked if she could help

No, that's your dikkriding ass cap'n save-a-cube definition. Malcolm's view my have revised over the years but he never contradicted his core principles. He may have stopped thinking that all whites were the devil but he was about black pride/empowerment and he still stood up against systematic white supremacy. Cube has completely abandoned the pro-black anti white supremacy stance that he adopted shortly after going solo. He sold alllll the way out. You expose your own lack of integrity by trying to defend dude with that disingenuous ass Malcolm X comparison.
Cube was like 18-21 when he said that shyt,he's not allowed to get more life experience and change his views on certain things?....
Cube was born in '69 and he was still on that fake pro black shyt as late as '95 when Higher Learning came out. "You ain't got to lie Craig" I know that you're some west coast cock sucker but dude don't give a fukk about you. You can keep it real.
Obviously something changed alright. White people started to really accept him, that's what changed. Soon as he started get that white acceptance(mtv white teen crowd acceptance is nothing like that white corporate amerikkka acceptance), he put that black/pride anti white supremacy shyt all the way to the back.
Aint nobody tryna hear that shyt yall talking about in regards to Cube....
Of course you don't. You've dedicated your mouth to protect dude's scrotum. You're not listening to reason so I'm not going to listen to the fanboy pleas that you're copping on behalf of dude. "He was young". You're acting as if his selling out is a product of wisdom and the pro black rhetoric of his youth was just him being young and dumb. The young Cube was a lot more wise and kept a lot more real than this older sell out version. Nobody doubts that his life experiences have changed his viewpoints. That's why he's a sellout. He's allowed the money, fame, and white acceptance to change what he stands for. He used to be pro-black, now not so much. He used to be against Hollywood and the way it perpetuates negative stereotypes of blacks. Now he's part of the Hollywood machine and is personally responsible for perpetuating negative stereotypes about blacks. However you want to spin it, dude sold out.