Atlantis was in.....Africa. According to declassified CIA documents


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
I'm not as passionate concerning the black/white war once I factored in reincarnation and how our bodies are just suits. Your soul isn't black or white. And while your body can live 100 years, your soul is eternal.

It's a God damned lie that black and white is irrelevant in this discussion, plain and simple. The Pineal Gland is considered the seat of one's soul, and this gland that works universally in black people does not work in people deemed "white". There is something to it, but the people on the white side hate to know the truth. They know that they are fukked up in a special kind of way, and they hate when the difference between us and them in that regard is expounded on.

So even if white people ORIGINALLY didn't have souls...They're sufficiently mixed with us to where they've fixed that. And there are unsubstantiated reports of blacks reincarnating white and vice versa.

Unless cataclysmic events have happened since the publishing of the Kring's 1999 study on the functionality of the pineal gland proving that whites do not have one that functions, then you pulled this right out of your ass homie. Why are you trying to hard to cape for these Devils against all evidence? What points to you get promoting this lie?

I'm trying tell brehs to ease up on this response to racism. That time is coming to a close any way.

What color is your soul?

The Cosmos is BLACK BLACK BLACK. The only people trying to avoid the Blackness of the universe are those who were created to oppose it in the first place (i.e. whites).


Jul 14, 2012
New Orleans
we still don't know the race of Hannibal the greatest warrior who rode on elephants. wikipedia has him as white, historians has him as persian, black people are the only ones claiming Hannibal was black. I said this because even Dr Henrik Clarke said "hannibal an african man" but black? because Cleopatra was half-white-greek by the way.

just saying don't celebrate fake or nonsensical things, they are taking real things from our eyes.

This is Hannibal breh



God bless Black People!
Nov 18, 2016
Rio De Janeiro, BR
I’mma put it to ya’ll like this. If it’s anything black or anything about a woman, you not getting near it until after they have created their sanitized versions and narratives.
Power and leadership in the ancient world looked VVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYY different than it does now.

Tell them!

The world was created for/by black people, fukking neanderthals hijacked it :pacspit:


Jul 14, 2012
New Orleans
I’mma put it to ya’ll like this. If it’s anything black or anything about a woman, you not getting near it until after they have created their sanitized versions and narratives.
Power and leadership in the ancient world looked VVVVVVVEEEEERRRRRYYYYY different than it does now.
Any situations you've personally witnessed this type of stuff happening??? :lupe: I love discussing history so any time I can get some real info I start tweaking :feedme:


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
why do you call the drying symbolic? if it happened for real... explain

As above so below. The universal opening of the third eye for humanity during this 3-4,000 year Zenith proceeding the collapse of the Atlantean period was translated physically on this Earth through the flowering of the most destitute region on it's face (the Sahara desert).


This region is where the bulk of the African family resided while it was flourishing. Kemet was established as a satellite colony to house the remnants of Atlantean consciousness after the foreseen collapse. As consciousness collapsed around 6,000 BC the desert began to enter into it's first phases of desertification, which lead to the deserting of the region. This time period of the collapse also correlates with the time that modern science proves the first signs of white people on Earth. Most of the inhabitants after the fall had dropped to the consciousness of your typical human today. Certain Kemetic priesthood and pharaohs were the ones who stayed on code, after the fall. This fall correlates with the rise of post ice age/The original Pygmy-Twa created civilizations (Ice age ended around 12,000-10,000 BC). Nubia was the first region inhabited after the fall from the Zenith/drying of the Sahara......Nubia was also called "Ta-Seti" (which means land of Set, which mean land of Satan). When consciousness collapsed these nikkas really went wild, and rivaling priesthoods who simply wanted to control the masses of ignorant Black folks started to wreck havoc (nikka egos.....). Kemet with it's Ausarian/Asset/Heru/early Jesus religion was formed for the expressed purpose of separating the good Blacks from those who refused to get right in Nubia. Menes/Narmer kicked out the Set people/predynastic Kemetes who lived north of the first cataract (Nubian border). These exiled pre-Dynastic Set worshipping Kemites migrated into the Near East and Mediterranean where they established all of the civilizations that we see in those regions now (AGAIN, YES BLACK PEOPLE MADE EVERY CIVILIZATION ON EARTH). Not all Nubians were fukked up in that regard, because it was unified. This is the real reason why Kemet and Nubia battled. When Kemet invaded Nubia they did so to establish order in the form of Heru worship. This colonization period of Nubia is the reason why the Nubian 25th dynasty was able to hold it down for a short period after consciousness almost completely went away following the end of Ramses III's reign.

There are alot more details, but that's the short of it.

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Case and point, notice how all of these pharaonic statues that they have found throughout the last decade have yet to make it to the public for display.

Egypt statue 'a colossus of a king'

The link above mentions a statue of Ramses II recently found, but wouldn't dare show it's face. They also lump ancient Kemet with the Middle East to further try to gaslight the situation.
Didnt they find Osiris tomb as well? I read they did in cheikh Diop book

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
It's a God damned lie that black and white is irrelevant in this discussion, plain and simple. The Pineal Gland is considered the seat of one's soul, and this gland that works universally in black people does not work in people deemed "white". There is something to it, but the people on the white side hate to know the truth. They know that they are fukked up in a special kind of way, and they hate when the difference between us and them in that regard is expounded on.

Unless cataclysmic events have happened since the publishing of the Kring's 1999 study on the functionality of the pineal gland proving that whites do not have one that functions, then you pulled this right out of your ass homie. Why are you trying to hard to cape for these Devils against all evidence? What points to you get promoting this lie?

The Cosmos is BLACK BLACK BLACK. The only people trying to avoid the Blackness of the universe are those who were created to oppose it in the first place (i.e. whites).

:hubie: I'm not going hard either way. It just doesn't mean that much too me anymore. It's's not coming back. They lost whatever war they had and are gone.

Our current situation is, even if they left us some advanced knowledge, we're not in possession of it and don't have the power to repossess it.

Black people often get stuck trying to, "Go back to..." when reality doesn't work like that. Reality moves forward. We're trying to go back to being israelites, we're trying to go back to kemet, we're trying to go back to west Africa. When that's not us now...if it ever were.

Your soul is not in your pineal gland either. Look into cattle mutilations...They're not stealing cattles pineal glands lol.

Yeah we see them as fukked up, but that's perspective and slant. We harp on the sun being their enemy, but what if the sun isn't in our future? What if another ice age grips the earth? Who would be inferior then?

Concerning their soulessness, it has allowed them to conquer our spiritual ass'. With no chance to unsurp them unless a comet or aliens hit earth! It's about to move past black and white with transhumanism. You can be any color you want to be. Your body can be white today and purple next year.

Breh this cycle of man, black people have lost. We let them pass the threshold. Our shot was back when they were onpar with us technology wise. Them people bout to turn to cyborgs and leave this planet. While we waiting on Jesus and YHWH.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
I’m curious as to the reason why they’ve chose to declassify that information. Makes me wonder if they got hidden information on Lemuria and Mu as well.

While we’re on that topic, here are some books on the Atlantis/Lemuria/Mu subject that I highly recommend:

Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson
Cosmic Memory by Rudolf Steiner
Atlantis and Lemuria by Rudolf Steiner
The Lost Continent of Mu by Albert Churchward (AC)
The Children of Mu by AC
The Lost Civilization of Lemuria by AC
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World by Ignatius Donnelly
The Submerged Continents by Rudolf Steiner

Just to name a few.

Here’s something to think of: In the Copenhaver book Hermetica, it is mentioned from Imhotep’s conversation with Tehuti* that we originally came from “The Land of the Deluge”, which is Atlantis. Noah’s Flood in actuality talks about the Sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria, which is when both lands or worlds fell from the Semi-Physical into the full blown Physical Realm. Take that for what it is. You can learn more about that from Hermetica by Brian P. Copenhaver, Hermetica, Vol. 1 by Walter Scott, and The Hermetica: The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs by Timothy Freke.

*Tehuti is also known as Thoth or Djehuty. He’s the ibis-headed Kemetic God of philosophy, magick, mathematics, language, writing, mystic wisdom, the sciences, alchemy, and melanin. His wife/consort/feminine half is Seshat, who’s also a form of Ma’at. However, despite being associated with Kemet, there are some in the occult world who suggest that it’s possible that Tehuti may actually be of Atlantean origin and Atlantis mind you existed prior to the creation of Kemet and Nile Valley Civilization in general, even predynastic Kemet which was insanely old. Tehuti is also Hanuman in Hindu mythology and was Imhotep in human form.


this is also Djehuty :mjgrin:
Babi (mythology) - Wikipedia

Babi, also Baba,[1][2] in ancient Egyptian religion, was the deification of the hamadryas baboon, one of the animals present in ancient Egypt. His name is usually translated as "bull of the baboons", roughly meaning "chief of the baboons".[3]
Since baboons were considered to be the dead, Babi was viewed as a deity of the Underworld, the Duat. Baboons are extremely aggressive and omnivorous, and Babi was viewed as being very bloodthirsty, and living on entrails.[3][4] Consequently, he was viewed as devouring the souls of the sinful after they had been weighed against Maat (the concept of truth/order),[5] and was thus said to stand by a lake of fire, representing destruction. Since this judging of righteousness was an important part of the underworld, Babi was said to be the first-born son of Osiris,[6] the god of the dead in the same regions in which people believed in Babi.

Baboons also have noticeably high libidos, in addition to their high level of genital marking, and so Babi was considered the god of virility of the dead. He was usually portrayed with an erection, and due to the association with the judging of souls, was sometimes depicted as using it as the mast of the ferry which conveyed the righteous to Aaru, a series of islands. One spell in a funerary text identifies the deceased person's phallus with Babi, ensuring that the deceased will be able to have sexual intercourse in the afterlife.[3]

Babi (or Baba) as a baboon crouched with an erection



Feb 21, 2015
So now the Greeks were black as well (atlantis being a Greek fairytale an all), ffs will never understand why you dudes take credit for everyones accomplishments while blatantly ignoring the history and civilizations of sub Sahara Africa, you know were our ancestors are actually from.

Atlantis never existed.

It was made-up by Plato.


The Egyptians talk about Atlantis.


All Star
Apr 3, 2014
:hubie: I'm not going hard either way. It just doesn't mean that much too me anymore. It's's not coming back. They lost whatever war they had and are gone.

So you really chalk this up as some sore loser shyt? :francis:

Our current situation is, even if they left us some advanced knowledge, we're not in possession of it and don't have the power to repossess it.

The knowledge is in ourselves. That is the teaching of Jesus the Christ. Higher consciousness does not need a manual in order to achieve it. One will or has already come with this ability to themselves up, and set a path for the rest of humanity.

Black people often get stuck trying to, "Go back to..."when reality doesn't work like that. Reality moves forward. We're trying to go back to being israelites, we're trying to go back to kemet, we're trying to go back to west Africa. When that's not us now...if it ever were.

You really should take about a week of your time to review some of Bobby Hemmitt's lectures. Nobody is trying to "go back" to Kemet or any of that. If you actually paid attention to what was being broken down by me about the collapse of Atlantis, and the emergence of Kemet then you would know from through the context alone that Kemet is not a place that we should strive to reach. It was actually the beginning of our decline for our people, as Bobby breaks down. Kemet started out advanced, and got dumber as the onslaught of lower consciousness took over. This correlates with the eventual takeover of our kingdom by those who are simply the byproducts of low consciousness (i.e. non Black people).

Your soul is not in your pineal gland either. Look into cattle mutilations...They're not stealing cattles pineal glands lol.




What do you think that this symbolism means? This fiery serpent known as the "Kundalini" being tamed by a bird. I'm not sure what your cattle analogy is supposed to mean, but white people are definitely stealing and killing destitute Black people around the World for our melanin that actually sells on their markets. According to you however skin color is irrelevant.

Yeah we see them as fukked up, but that's perspective and slant. We harp on the sun being their enemy, but what if the sun isn't in our future? What if another ice age grips the earth? Who would be inferior then?

Sir the Sun's Sun will always be in the picture;


Concerning their soulessness, it has allowed them to conquer our spiritual ass'

To counter the claim of their lack of a soul, you attempt to glorify the terror that these spawns of lower consciousness have inflicted on the every living man woman child and creature in every corner of the Earth. So they must have souls according to you, because they have been able to enact their terror on the World?


If you whites are proud of what you do then own it as a Devil. That is white nature.

With no chance to unsurp them unless a comet or aliens hit earth! It's about to move past black and white with transhumanism. You can be any color you want to be. Your body can be white today and purple next year.

Only white people honestly think that they will somehow transcend past the karma of this universe. Absolutely white fairytales.

Breh this cycle of man, black people have lost. We let them pass the threshold. Our shot was back when they were onpar with us technology wise. Them people bout to turn to cyborgs and leave this planet. While we waiting on Jesus and YHWH.

You need to do a little more reading, less wishing my dude. This is a cycle not a linear path. Everything is already known, and laid out. White elites have accepted their damnation, just as they have enjoyed trolling the original woman and man in his low state of consciousness. Their entire existence is based in this low conscious state. There is nothing more to them.