Assimilation or Autonomy?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I could easily say that a person who has the resources could simply leave in any of those situations and be right.
So business can't be done in America without assimilation:ohhh:

There are plenty of self-employed people who dress casually in meetings.
Dress casually in traditional American garb

Self-policing in communities is real. Are you really this dumb?
No the fukk it isn't, all communities are still bound by the laws of America. Doesn't matter if the cop that shows up is the same race.

Nevemind, I'm not doing this back and forth with an idiot. Good day, sir.


Feb 2, 2016
The thing is....I'm not even big on the homeland in America idea. I think we should view our society as a satellite of the greater diaspora with various African nations being the bulk financiers.

Our society? That's your problem breh. You think blacks have a society inside of America. Like we are one big gallivanted group where every black man is mentally connected like we some damn tribe from Avatar. Them people don't fukking know you. And most of them don't want to. Because they are already leaders in Africa. They own land and countries. We as a race have nothing to offer those people. Stop with the black people have some deep rooted connection to every black soul on this earth simply because of skin color. Further more, you are an American breh. Your country is killing your brothers across the globe to insure your dominance and survival. So why do you think your better when you benefit from every bullet fired, every missile exploded, is for you and yours. But your so convinced that your not part of that. But your'e not breh. You are very much part of that war.

Now you don't have to believe in it. But you do have to acknowledge facts, instead of this whole We are African and not American and we can connect to our brothers over seas and make this country pay our way and blah, blah, blah. Its not reality nikka. There has to a better realistic way to enact change, and not this fairy tale shyt you keep kicking about far out non believable solutions.


My Words Law
Jul 30, 2013
Our society? That's your problem breh. You think blacks have a society inside of America. Like we are one big gallivanted group where every black man is mentally connected like we some damn tribe from Avatar. Them people don't fukking know you. And most of them don't want to. Because they are already leaders in Africa. They own land and countries. We as a race have nothing to offer those people. Stop with the black people have some deep rooted connection to every black soul on this earth simply because of skin color. Further more, you are an American breh. Your country is killing your brothers across the globe to insure your dominance and survival. So why do you think your better when you benefit from every bullet fired, every missile exploded, is for you and yours. But your so convinced that your not part of that. But your'e not breh. You are very much part of that war.

Now you don't have to believe in it. But you do have to acknowledge facts, instead of this whole We are African and not American and we can connect to our brothers over seas and make this country pay our way and blah, blah, blah. Its not reality nikka. There has to a better realistic way to enact change, and not this fairy tale shyt you keep kicking about far out non believable solutions.



Rasta in Babylon
May 1, 2012
Florida / Bahamas
Buy the block....

Strengthen the community, so the next generation won't be pushed out and gentrification. Teach each other, and still try to work around race lines. But the goals is to prosper as a collective, not stunt on each other.

Your collective may not be everybody, but at least work with your friends and family.


The Negotiator
Sep 9, 2012
Bay Area
Didn't see survival on the list. Listen to spoiled idiots who are either well off or to stupid to understand that sometimes responsibility for your family comes before your skin color brehs. Awaits the usual self absorbed "Im a real black man" response from the suburbia American gang
Why do you think white Nationalist preach all white everything behind closed doors, and recruit under those premises? They are NOT preaching assimilation to they family, and acknowledge their survival is incumbent on autonomy. Breh presents a honest question, because a lot of blacks are being conned or influenced by unsuspecting white nationalist, and we need to weed those weak links out.


Feb 2, 2016
Why do you think white Nationalist preach all white everything behind closed doors, and recruit under those premises? They are NOT preaching assimilation to they family, and acknowledge their survival is incumbent on autonomy. Breh presents a honest question, because a lot of blacks are being conned or influenced by unsuspecting white nationalist, and we need to weed those weak links out.

To do what? What is the outcome? What is the strong black race going to do? You know how change was enacted back in the 60's? It wasn't one person or one movement, it was several hundred different movements, and thousands of people doing small individual things . It all for the same purpose but we were not a hive mind where we all know what every other person was doing. We all need to do something TO BETTER OUR INDIVIDUAL situation. What can you do to make your situation better. Instead of always trying to look at the next man's contribution judging and finger pointing. nikkas being the change they want to see is like a lost cause on this board. All these cats want someone else to be a leader, or someone else to do what they do, or someone else to think like they think. Its always someone else that needs to do more to help our people. Its a toxic mindset. Because WE ARE NOT TOGETHER. We are human beings all living our own lives out here. So many black men will bust yo head to the white meat to take what you got in your pocket just because they don't give a fukk about themselves or you and your black pride shyt. They trying to eat out here. You think they care about black Nationalism? But that man is your brother or your enemy. Like we have black enemies too nikka.

You talking about recruiting like we going to war, like these cacs wont nuke this fukking country to keep us from getting it. Hence Donald Trump. My point. We can all win, but it will take individual contribution, and every man focusing on their own contribution not what the next man is doing.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
But you just said violent uprising is needed?

So one can't exist without the other happening?

One thing that will be realized in the future is that they need us more than we need them and because of that fact, if we ever decided to break away from them, it will not be peaceful.
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May 26, 2012
I see @NoChill Jones and @MeachTheMonster are stankin up the thread already... :scust:

I agree with the op. As i've stated before, to do this we need an Empowerment code of conduct. The question @Poitier presents in the op is a great step forward. Helps sort the fence sitting weak nikkas out early :camby:

Real Autonomy is difficult and my theory is that it's kind of impossible FOR US AT THE MOMENT. I don't think we can really get that until the GLOBAL system of white supremacy is broken. My studies are showing me that china may break out of the system within the next 20 years :wow:

My take is we should strive for something i call Practical Autonomy. That term means we should strive to be as autonomous as possible (with the goal of full autonomy in mind). Teach our own children, support our own businesses, build/fund our own politicians to protect and execute our interest. This is very possible right now.. but not without a code.


Feb 2, 2016
I see @NoChill Jones and @MeachTheMonster are stankin up the thread already... :scust:

I agree with the op. As i've stated before, to do this we need an Empowerment code of conduct. The question @Poitier presents in the op is a great step forward. Helps sort the fence sitting weak nikkas out early :camby:

Real Autonomy is difficult and my theory is that it's kind of impossible FOR US AT THE MOMENT. I don't think we can really get that until the GLOBAL system of white supremacy is broken. My studies are showing me that china may break out of the system within the next 20 years :wow:

My take is we should strive for something i call Practical Autonomy. That term means we should strive to be as autonomous as possible (with the goal of full autonomy in mind). Teach our own children, support our own businesses, build/fund our own politicians to protect and execute our interest. This is very possible right now.. but not without a code.

Yeah all you nikkas do is talk on the internet. Your not fukking leaders your moron followers, Please miss us with this fukk ass bullshyt.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
That's why I said OP needs to explain himself because assimilation is interchangeable with integration and autonomy is interchangeable with self-preservation.

How is it a myth that MLK wasn't crazy about integration when it was the primary objective of the civil rights movement? You can't even argue that he was for economic independence when he never created a blueprint for one before he died and his failure in that regard is the reason why the Jews and white women benefitted more from the civil rights movement than black folks.

Perhaps you're alluding to the latter stages of his life. However, liberals don't talk about that whenever they talk about MLK and he never did much in that regard before he was killed.

Is that why other civil rights leaders were slowly considering MLK an outsider? And what the hell do you mean he never created a blue print? :what:

I swear some of you characters hardly studied MLK like you all claim. Look up the Poor People movement. More importantly this...

^That is what he REALLY wanted. Do you really think a guy that studied Karl Marx thought blacks people able to shop in the same stores as whites was the liberation for blacks? He never had a chance for his plan for economic liberation to begin because he was killed before it even commenced.

Integration(not what you're thinking) was only his first step, NOT his primary plan for blacks, it was the primary plan for other civil rights leaders..

Then we have this!!!
Martin Luther King: We Are Not Interested in Being Integrated into This Value Structure

Ultimately, King thought of himself as a Democratic Socialist, suspicious of the state but wanting to reclaim it through grassroots organising. Toward the end of his life he said to an SCLC planning meeting that “Something is wrong with capitalism as it now stands in the United States. We are not interested in being integrated into this value structure… a radical redistribution of power must take place.” His vision was translated into action. The Poor People’s Campaign was a direct attempt to answer the questions about society, about distribution, about value, and do something about them.
Martin Luther King: We Are Not Interested in Being Integrated into This Value Structure | Raj Patel

If anything MLK in that article is echoing something more similar to what @Poitier is saying!
May 26, 2012
As far as assimilation goes. Ever notice how much nikkas love the idea of assimilation but are not TRULY assimilated into the white culture?


We don't like their style of cooking
We don't like the way they dress
We don't like most of their movies
We don't like their humor
We don't like their music
We don't like the way they kick it
We don't like the way they do social media
We don't like the way they do church

Seriously nikkas. You don't really fukk with white people like you think :pachaha:

My opinion on the integration nikkas is: Black folks want to be next to whitey for the resources, white p*ssy, and out of fear of being alone with your own people.
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