Resume, resume, resume. It's even more important then the cover letter b/c a CL can be copypasta'd, but your resume tells the real story. I'll read a bad resume b/c good resume writing is kind of rare, but I know a
lot of managers who won't read a bad resume.
IMO, your resume should only list the jobs that relate to your occupation. I'm a teacher, so my background only relates to my work in education. Nobody cares that I was a pawnbroker at Cash America Pawn in undergrad, you know? But I see this all the time.
If you have a portfolio, keep it
current. (Again, guilty.) I'm not interested in anything you've done past the last couple of years. If your magnum opus has a 2008 date, that tells me that you've done nothing of merit lately.
Also, don't ever, ever,
ever lie about your education. It's the lie that most people get caught in, and it's one of the few that'll get you fired way down the line. I know employers who will be sympathetic to certain (minor) charges, but you'll never catch a break if you lie about your education. If your ass graduated with the
GED Class of 1999, you damn well better not say you have a high school diploma from Hootie Mack High School. (Also, nobody cares about your GPA, not even if you're in college
or high school. If it's on the application, list it; if it's on your resume, don't bother.)
Honestly, that's all I can really think of - and keep in mind that you'll have other managers who'll disagree. The problem is that it's not even really about credentials or talent anymore. It basically boils down to whether or not the manager likes you and whether s/he thinks you have room to grow and learn. Take OP here. That cover letter? Basura. So right off the bat, I know that 1) he failed Basic Professionalism 101, and 2) he didn't even bother to do the research to get better. That's a sign of ignorance, laziness, or both. (Good on breh for asking the professionals at The Coli, but Googling professional writing samples would've been better.) As the thread goes on, we see that OP doesn't take criticism well and that he's arrogant as hell. You can have a trash CL that's professional in tone, but like
@Clutch Robinson said, it really DOES come across as "hire me kthxbi". It's unprofessional to the point of being borderline disrespectful. Bushes.
Now, am I wrong about OP? Probably so. Maybe I've missed a diamond in the rough b/c of a bullshyt "hire me bro" cover letter, and that'll be my loss. But do I have time to find out? No, because I have 80 other applicants who have decent, professional cover letters to look over. Have I ever had a time where I thought,
Damn, I should've hired that other guy with the bullshyt resume and the email address of Never. In the words of Trick Daddy, you ain't got to be the best - but you better be
close enough. (He was talking about giving head, but whatever.)
OP wants us to do the work for him. Like Google ain't free.