Ask A White Dude Anything...


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
So you think voting Ron Paul is the antitdote to everything that has happended and is currently happening to the people currently under this countries boot?

No. I'm a college student, I don't have the means to completely reverse years of institutionalized racism. Forgive me for not being everywhere at once or devoting my life to such matters.

You think that by "having a different attitude then the one described...." and "....treating people normally..." are really going to change whats going on out here?

See above.

"Its the kind of thing you handle personally..." What do you mean by this? Its the kind of thing that the oppressed should handle personally?

No, I mean as in treating people respectfully is something you instill into yourself, into your children, etc. You don't start by going about trolling people on message boards by flooding them with arguments or doorstep preaching to Klansmen about the errs of their ways. People have their own attitudes, some more wrong than others. How you shape your attitude is a personal matter. You can influence the opinions of others, certainly, but ultimately you have control over yourself.

I dont give a fuk what you contentiously did or didnt do..........YOU DID IT. And thats all that matters.

Quite frankly I think you are completely wrong, and I think the CAPS LOCK means that you have no intention of even hearing a contrary opinion. The argument that "I am okay" with reparations because the government took money from me to pay them is as moronic as me suggesting you support aborting live fetuses, defending Israel, and putting Marijuana smokers in prison because your tax money goes to pay for Planned Parenthood, Israeli defense spending, and the War on Drugs. I mean, you did it, and that's all that matters, right?

I still don't know what you are talking about with paying the Jews. I am zero percent German. I never paid the Jews any reparations at all.

What exactly is your point with this comment? Are you implying that because there are no detailed records of the attrocities committed to slaves that they should just be treated like they didnt happen?

I am saying that is hard for me to recognize an argument that say, an Asian family that moved to the United States from Japan in 1975 should be required to pay reparations for something that happened a hundred years before they even left their home country just because "they joined the team". Should Mongolia pay Israel reparations for raiding Jerusalem during the mongol hoards? Should Saudi Arabia pay Turkey reparations for burning down Istanbul and enslaving tons of their people? Should Turkey pay Greece reparations for literally kicking them out of Anatolia following the fall of the Byzantine Empire? Should the European nations pay the nations of the Middle East reparations for the hundreds of thousands of innocent people killed in the Crusades? In all of those instances there are no detailed records of atrocities, should they just be treated like they didn't happen too?

I again, I dont give a fukk what you agreed or didnt agree to was done and you did it.

I placed Japanese in internment camps and then paid them reparations? That is news to me. I'm pretty sure I wasn't alive in 1942, and was not a taxpayer in 1994 or whenever when Clinton organized payments for that. I'm also pretty one of my grandparents was working on his farm in Westville, New York, near the Canadian border, while the other was actually in Canada, not the United States, not conscientiously rounding up Japanese people and labeling them terrorists on the opposite side of the country. Why am I responsible for that? Just because my skin is the same color as the people that did? That's like me claiming you are personally responsible for the genocide in Rwanda because "your people" did it and then paid reparations.

So you would tacitly consent to reparations for decendants of slaves if they were given too huh?

I doubt I would go about committing tax evasion if they did. LIS, in documented instances I have no problem with title insurance appropriating land to the ancestors of slaves.

how arent they?

-Countries are sovereign government entities, not organized sports teams
-Countries don't have narrow goals like winning championships or making the playoffs
-Countries are composed of millions of individuals seeking to satisfy their own ends, they aren't a unified team marching toward a single goal.
-What if you have a racist landowner who owned slaves, was on team America, and then he simply moves to Mexico at the end of the Civil War? Does that mean he no longer has any responsibility because he's on a different team?

I don't know why you are making such a stupid argument, but it's like saying Eli Manning is required to apologize to Joe Theismann for LT breaking his leg. They are rivals, after all. Its an analogy with no meaning.

I posted in this thread to offer what I think about things. It's clear you want nothing more than to just reinforce you're own opinion, much like CHICAGO did on SOHH, given the hostility in your past two posts and the repeated incoherent arguments. I don't see the point in continuing this discussion. To thee ignore list you go.


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
lol at these dudes blaming you for slavery and shyt :aicmon::russ:

Can we trade? I figure one of my ancestors prolly stole your ancestors land when India was colonized by the British, but what if I found out one of your ancestors killed some of mine in First Anglo-Maratha War. Do they cancel out? If you want you can come to NY and I'll smoke you up or something, does that makes us even?


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
No. I'm a college student, I don't have the means to completely reverse years of institutionalized racism. Forgive me for not being everywhere at once or devoting my life to such matters.

A college student aligning himself to join a system that you know is unjust. That makes you part of the problem. If one of these oppressed people should happen to direct their frustrations your way i just hope that you do not feel victimized and undeserving.

You are their enemy............

Everything else you said is just rhetoric.........which i wont even bother entertaining.

Best wishes wh1te boy

Julius Skrrvin

I be winkin' through the scope
May 28, 2012
Can we trade? I figure one of my ancestors prolly stole your ancestors land when India was colonized by the British, but what if I found out one of your ancestors killed some of mine in First Anglo-Maratha War. Do they cancel out? If you want you can come to NY and I'll smoke you up or something, does that makes us even?

I dont give a fukk about what your ancestors did to mine or mine to yours

some :win: sounds :ahh: tho

laughing again at these dudes expecting you to be a full time activist when they prolly dont do shyt for the community

the mechanic

Greasy philosophy
Feb 8, 2013
Why do yall dress like


on the golf course?