Ask A White Dude Anything...


All Star
May 3, 2012
I don't even know what meatloaf is haha

But is black cultural hip hop culture?

Cos thats younger than white america


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
i'd say it is

and i think black american culture is more distinct than white american culture, for whatever reason

Bumping this thread as a white person willing to contribute, but I think black culture is def more distinct. White culture is kind of just a mix of a bunch of different non-culturally specific things.

Like if you gather for christmas, what would be on the menu?

Some sort of bird (Chicken, duck, etc), potatoes, some vegetable, prolly some crescent rolls or some shyt.

My actual diet is pretty much normal college age stuff.

How many black friends you have?

Tons. My last apartment three of my four roomates were black, and I post at places like this.

Have you ever used the n word? and what was your repercussions?

Nah. Got tons of white friends who do though. The most racist kid I know is Native American.

why do y'all assume every black person is uneducated?

I don't breh. It's this sort of old-fashioned grandmotherly racism sort of thing. Sort of like how white ppl lock their car doors when driving by black people or move out of the way on the street with :merchant: looks on their face. There is this sort of inherent stigma with white ppl, not in all of them but generally that is scared of black ppl.

I live in Rochester, NY, took my mom on the west side once near Thurston to buy some furniture, she tried to roll the windows up and lock the doors on some "we're gonna get shot at" shyt at like 2 PM on a Thursday.

wtf is up with so many white people carryinng guns or buying guns?

I own guns lol, got a WASR-10 and an AR-15. Home defense and I got friends who are heavy into them that pushed me in that direction.

If you had a daughter, would you let her date a black man then?


What's your favorite type of cheese?


OP you voting for Ron Paul? Even though he has no shot of winning, how do you feel about him?

I voted for him in 2008. Will vote for him again this year.

I'm an econ/polisci double major, support his drug policy and believe in Austrian business cycle theory so he's spot on there too.


Master Baker
May 1, 2012
what that thang hang like? is the "less endowed" shyt just a rumor :shaq:

if you've ever been attracted to a black chick, what type? i always see white guys in cali with darkskin chicks, makes me feel like yall aint checkin for the brighter persuasion :noah:

how come yall nikkas don't have high blood pressure like black folk?

how come white people get married so much more than black folks? like a white couple will date a year and then get engaged where a black couple could date 9 years, have two kids, and still be all :unsure: about getting married

how come yall aren't as aggressive as black men when it comes to hollering? and why are white women so aggressive/thirsty


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
what that thang hang like? is the "less endowed" shyt just a rumor :shaq:

World map of The Penis Size Worldwide (country) by Country - TargetMap

if you've ever been attracted to a black chick, what type? i always see white guys in cali with darkskin chicks, makes me feel like yall aint checkin for the brighter persuasion :noah:

I love girls like this:

Slakah the Beatchild:::Enjoy ya Self (Official Video) - YouTube

Slakah the Beatchild:::Enjoy ya Self (Official Video) - YouTube


in general I'm more into Neo-Soul type chicks

how come yall nikkas don't have high blood pressure like black folk?

I don't know. According to yahoo answers:

t Americans with an African heritage, like Africans have certain genetic tendencies to hypertension, as they do to sickle cell anemia and certain other disorders. It's in the genes

how come white people get married so much more than black folks? like a white couple will date a year and then get engaged where a black couple could date 9 years, have two kids, and still be all :unsure: about getting married

If you are white and have kids out of wedlock, depending on the age group ppl give you the :merchant: face. There is an expectation that if you have kids, you are to be/should be married.

how come yall aren't as aggressive as black men when it comes to hollering? and why are white women so aggressive/thirsty

I've noticed this too. Might just be a charisma thing, but white people aren't as forward.

White women in general are messes. Usually have awful taste in music, complain about the dumbest shyt, are the most racist of white people, etc.

What's with y'all and Sperrys.

I have two pairs. They are a good casual shoe in the even im not trying to wear my other stuff (I have Nikes, Pumas, Creative Recs, Supras, etc etc) but boat shoes have their place. I don't have to clean them either. I might rock something like this:




Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
do you feel that non white people are treated fairly in this country?

Do you feel that reperations are due to the decendants of slaves in this country? Why or why not?

Do you think Jesus's skin color was colored or white?

When you hear about the people starving in Africa, does that move you in any way?


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
do you feel that non white people are treated fairly in this country?

Nah I've seen it. I've had friends unfairly harassed by the police, the numbers are out there on minorities in prison being incarcerated with little evidence at much higher rates.

It's one of those things I think is more concentrated toward blacks and Hispanics though. From what I recall Asians and Indians actually get loans and those sort of things more often at successful rates than even whites and have different sets of circumstances, so I don't think it's just a minority thing but more a consequence of the status blacks were traditionally put in as "below" white people that has been significantly harder to climb out of.

Do you feel that reperations are due to the decendants of slaves in this country? Why or why not?

There is a question of equality and justice there. As someone who is going into law it's hard to make the argument that someone's children need to be responsible for crimes their ancestors committed, and in my instance my family came to the United States around 1890 from Scotland and was too poor to ever own slaves. Should my family be required to pay reparations despite coming to the country after slavery ended?

If there is a direct link (e.g. my great-grandfather was a slave-owner, the property I've come to acquire was appropriated at the behest of slave labor) then I think there is definite grounds for a claim of that sort that title insurance should cover.

According to Walter Block:

Owning a slave is a crime. The Nuremberg Trials have established the validity of ex post facto law. Those people who owned slaves in the pre-civil war US were guilty of the crime of kidnapping, even though such practices were legal at the time. A part of the value of their plantations was based on the forced labor of blacks. Were justice fully done in 1865, these people would have been incarcerated, and that part of the value of their holdings attributable to slave labor would have been turned over to the ex slaves. Instead, these slave masters kept their freedom, and bequeathed their property to their own children. Their great grandchildren now possess farms which, under a regime of justice, would have never been given to them. Instead, they would have been in the hands of the great grandchildren of slaves. To return these specific lands to those blacks in the present day who can prove their ancestors were forced to work on these plantations is thus to uphold private property rights, not to denigrate them....

I maintain that although reparations are indeed owed to some blacks, from some whites, for slavery, all blacks should not be creditors in this regard, nor all (non-black) taxpayers debtors.

Do you think Jesus's skin color was colored or white?

According to the New Testament there is no definition or reference to what race Jesus is. I'm also atheist, so I don't really care either way. In Europe he appears white, in the Byzantine Empire he was more Turkish/dark looking, in China he appears with Asian features, and in Africa he appears of African descent. I think its more an accessibility-with-one's religion type of thing. "If everyone was created in god's image why is his son a different color than me?" is a tough question to have to sell to your followers. If he was black I wouldn't be surprised, there was some reference to him in the Book Of Judah being from "the dark skinned nation" or something like that.

When you hear about the people starving in Africa, does that move you in any way?

Yeh. I think a large part of the problem is that the countries were set up under colonial rule on nonsensical boundaries with no reference to traditional culture or areas, and the vast majority of African governments are extremely corrupt/borderline communist with the exception of states like Botswana who have done thing the right way and not simply pilfered foreign aid to enrich their ruling class. You have the South African government ignoring AIDS and spending money it doesn't have while running its economy into the ground, everyone knows what happened with Zimbabwe and its massive monetary inflation, etc.

I'd posit the cause of Africa's problems are a combination of the following:

-Lack of conception / respect / enforcement / protection of individual property rights.
-World Bank Loans that turn countries into debt slaves
-Continued foriegn government "aid", which supports the parasitic class and does nothing for those it is meant to. All it does is sustain the status quo, something I would imagine is part of the goal of foriegn governments "aid" programs. See: US "aid" packages to Pakistan.
-Large foreign businesses getting in bed with the state in exchange for the exploitation of a single natural resource
-States absolutely failing to provide stability, the only function of theirs which should even begin to be seen as legitimate

Africa has extremely low productivity per capita, compared to the rest of the world. Economic theory prescribes that three things are needed for capital formation:

-Strong Property Rights
-Sound Money

Africa has some of the worst protection of property rights in the entire world, some of the most oppressive/useless governments in the world, and some of the worst monetary systems in the world. Botswana, Gabon and Mauritius are examples of how to do things the right way. I think a lot of Africa's problems would be solved if they simply voted in governments that actually represented the people.

But the current situation is definitely disastrous and cause for concern. I think it's something you have to weight on your mind from time to time. I've donated money to fund trips for a few friends to work on aid stuff (habitat construction, garbage cleanup, literacy programs) in South Africa before.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
Nah I've seen it. I've had friends unfairly harassed by the police, the numbers are out there on minorities in prison being incarcerated with little evidence at much higher rates.

It's one of those things I think is more concentrated toward blacks and Hispanics though. From what I recall Asians and Indians actually get loans and those sort of things more often at successful rates than even whites and have different sets of circumstances, so I don't think it's just a minority thing but more a consequence of the status blacks were traditionally put in as "below" white people that has been significantly harder to climb out of.

What are you doing to change this?

What do you plan to do to change this?

what are you willing to do to change this?

There is a question of equality and justice there. As someone who is going into law it's hard to make the argument that someone's children need to be responsible for crimes their ancestors committed, and in my instance my family came to the United States around 1890 from Scotland and was too poor to ever own slaves. Should my family be required to pay reparations despite coming to the country after slavery ended?

If there is a direct link (e.g. my great-grandfather was a slave-owner, the property I've come to acquire was appropriated at the behest of slave labor) then I think there is definite grounds for a claim of that sort that title insurance should cover.

Your family has helped pay reparations to the jews and the japanese. If that is acceptable to you and them then reparations to the decendants of slaves should also be acceptable..........more so even.

Players who join teams with ongoing rivilaries are now apart of those riviaries......when they joined the team is irrelevant. You and your family are now apart of team America, this countries rivalries are now your rivalries.

According to the New Testament there is no definition or reference to what race Jesus is.

Revelation 1:14-16

In Europe he appears white, in the Byzantine Empire he was more Turkish/dark looking, in China he appears with Asian features, and in Africa he appears of African descent.

where did you get this information?


david ruffin in the flesh
May 26, 2012
What are you doing to change this?

-Vote for Ron Paul to summarily release all incarcerated on non-violent drug offenders.

-Have a different attitude than the one described. I'm not on-board with that sort of passive-aggressive subtle move across the street sort of racism you see in lots of white people. Just treating people normally is a stark change from that kind of awkwardness.

It's the kind of thing you handle personally. I'm not sure how else to explain it.

Your family has helped pay reparations to the jews and the japanese. If that is acceptable to you and them then reparations to the decendants of slaves should also be acceptable..........more so even.

I didn't contentiously pay any reparations to the Jews. The Germans also kept detailed records of all the persons they killed/sent off to death camps which makes identifying the family of those effected by their actions much easier to calculate than is the case with slavery, which I illuminated a bit in my last post. I also never agreed to put the Japanese in internment camps or to pay them money either. I don't think tacit consent (e.g. the government forcibly taking my money at the threat of putting me in jail for tax evasion) is grounds to conclude that I consider all reparations acceptable.

Again, if my family didn't do anything to harm the mentioned groups, why should it be acceptable for me to pay them reparations?

Players who join teams with ongoing rivilaries are now apart of those riviaries......when they joined the team is irrelevant. You and your family are now apart of team America, this countries rivalries are now your rivalries.

-Countries are not rivalries
-Countries are not teams
-That entire analogy is a non-sequitur, it has nothing to do with responsibility.

Revelation 1:14-16

The Book of Revelation describes the features of a glorified Jesus (e.g. hair white as wool, etc.) in a vision (1:14-16), but the vision refers to Jesus in heavenly form, after his death, not his appearance during his earthly life.


what color is Jesus is not something I spend my days thinking about. LIS, I'm non-religious.

where did you get this information?

Certain local traditions have maintained different depictions, sometimes reflecting local racial characteristics, as do the Catholic and Orthodox depictions. The Coptic Church of Egypt separated in the 5th century, and has a distinctive depiction of Jesus, consistent with Coptic art. The Ethiopian Church, also Coptic, developed on Coptic traditions, but shows Jesus and all Biblical figures with the Ethiopian appearance of its members.Other traditions in Asia and elsewhere also show the race of Jesus as that of the local population (see Chinese picture in the gallery below). In modern times such variation has become more common, but images following the traditional depiction in both physical appearance and clothing are still dominant, perhaps surprisingly so. In Europe, local ethnic tendencies in depictions of Jesus can be seen, for example in Spanish, German, or Early Netherlandish painting, but almost always surrounding figures are still more strongly characterised. For example, the Virgin Mary, after the vision reported by Bridget of Sweden, was often shown with blonde hair, but Christ's is very rarely paler than a light brown.

For those accustomed to traditional Sunday school portraits of Jesus, the sculpture of the dark and swarthy Middle Eastern man that emerges from Neave’s laboratory is a reminder of the roots of their faith. “The fact that he probably looked a great deal more like a darker-skinned Semite than westerners are used to seeing him pictured is a reminder of his universality,” says Charles D. Hackett, director of Episcopal studies at the Candler School of Theology in Atlanta. “And [it is] a reminder of our tendency to sinfully appropriate him in the service of our cultural values.”

my white brehs what is the deal with extreme sports?

I don't know. Motorcoss and the like are the type of thing country people with a lot of land do, whites in and near cities want nothing to do with it. Same with Nascar and shyt like that.

White people like snow sports because you don't have to be athletic and they cost a lot of money to do, its a keep up with the Joneses type thing for people who aren't diehard fans.


Jah Sun Ma'at Ra
May 8, 2012
-Vote for Ron Paul to summarily release all incarcerated on non-violent drug offenders.

-Have a different attitude than the one described. I'm not on-board with that sort of passive-aggressive subtle move across the street sort of racism you see in lots of white people. Just treating people normally is a stark change from that kind of awkwardness.

It's the kind of thing you handle personally. I'm not sure how else to explain it.

So you think voting Ron Paul is the antitdote to everything that has happended and is currently happening to the people currently under this countries boot?

You think that by "having a different attitude then the one described...." and "....treating people normally..." are really going to change whats going on out here?

"Its the kind of thing you handle personally..." What do you mean by this? Its the kind of thing that the oppressed should handle personally?

Do you think that it is just for an oppressed person to deem you part of the problem?

I didn't contentiously pay any reparations to the Jews.

I dont give a fuk what you contentiously did or didnt do..........YOU DID IT. And thats all that matters.

The Germans also kept detailed records of all the persons they killed/sent off to death camps which makes identifying the family of those effected by their actions much easier to calculate than is the case with slavery, which I illuminated a bit in my last post.

What exactly is your point with this comment? Are you implying that because there are no detailed records of the attrocities committed to slaves that they should just be treated like they didnt happen?

I also never agreed to put the Japanese in internment camps or to pay them money either.

I again, I dont give a fukk what you agreed or didnt agree to was done and you did it.

I don't think tacit consent (e.g. the government forcibly taking my money at the threat of putting me in jail for tax evasion) is grounds to conclude that I consider all reparations acceptable.

So you would tacitly consent to reparations for decendants of slaves if they were given too huh?

Again, if my family didn't do anything to harm the mentioned groups, why should it be acceptable for me to pay them reparations?

Again, you've done it already so whats the big deal?

-Countries are not rivalries
-Countries are not teams

how arent they?