The ignorance of African history is astounding and is just an example of how white supremacist revisionism has infected the general populations consensus on African and Black history.
Lemme first provide you nikkas with some context
First of all Africa is a MASSIVE continent, it is genetically the most diverse continent on the planet and the people are VERY different to one another. There was no concept of Nationalism like there was in Europe where European smaller states consolidated to former large nations. No, Africa was a series of kingdoms that felt little solidarity with one another and the concept of Nationalism is alien to Africans in the European sense.
After colonisation the Europeans implemented their technique of DIVIDE AND CONQUER and pitted the African tribes against one another. Same thing happened in the Middle East. The Europeans created artificial boarders which encompassed a hodgepodge of several different tribes INTENTIONALLY in order to invoke tension so that they could retain their supremacy. This is a cause of almost ALL the 21st century's geo-political problems.
Okay now let's breakdown this Chinese guys argument
2) Towards the end of colonisation, African "countries" still felt the legacy of colonisation as tribalism and nepotism reigned supreme and the people with power where typically of one single tribe; a good example is evident in Rwanda.
Essentially the African leaders would only care about their tribes and their people and wouldn't give a fukk about their nations and would take "aid" money and the like in exchange for European involvement; just watch the diary of an Economic hitman to provide you with an explanation of why some parts of Africa are so under developed.
He uses the example of Ecuador but it's applicable to all areas of Africa
Here's an excerpt from an article to explain it to you
The alliance offers African countries public and private money (the UK has pledged £395m of foreign aid) if they strike agreements with G8 countries and the private sector”. To get their hands on the money, African governments have to reach certain “agreements” that will enable unprecedented access for multinational companies to resources in Africa. This include massive changes to their land and farming policies. Once again, talk about the road to Hell being paved with good intentions.
Essentially the leaders are corrupt and only care about their tribes as nepotism runs deep, the Europeans continue to exploit that as they have done for hundreds of years
This Chinese man provides an over-simplified and disgusting view of why Africa is in the state it's in.