Doesn't mean it should be on a top 10 list OF ALL TIME...not top 10 blockbusters of all time
then we might need to make that list next

Only films released in May-August should be eligible.
Doesn't mean it should be on a top 10 list OF ALL TIME...not top 10 blockbusters of all time
Breh you can't even compare twilight to jack sparrow. It doesn't work. Like I see what you're saying I do but I feel like you're underestimating the impact of that franchise and that character in general
They rated it #74.
Not that I care about anyone else's opinion but please stop pretending like the movie isn't widely considered a classic American film.
then we might need to make that list next
Only films released in May-August should be eligible.
Transformers is a billion dollar franchise.
Ask the average person in the street if they know the name of Shia Labouf's character.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is #74 also #10? Is 74 even 50? Nope, its 74 breh...its not top 10, its not even top 50
Thanks for proving my point
Transformers is a billion dollar franchise.
Ask the average person in the street if they know the name of Shia Labouf's character.
His character hasn't had the impact of freaking jack Sparrow lol. People don't go to comic con dressed as Shia. There aren't theme park rides built around him. Or cosplay or video games. Or board games. Or any of the other stuff his face is on. Stop
So let me understand your point.
If someone on the coli decides they want to put Forrest Gump (a movie the AFI deems the 74th greatest of all time) in their personal top 10... that gets a Jordan smiley.
Yea breh... such sacrilege. The nerve of these people.
Barring the years of each film release of course... in the year 2014 the search item "Forrest Gump" is more popular than:
"Jack Sparrow"
"Pirates Of The Carribean"
Go ahead. Tell google it's wrong.