As black people, we have to come to accept that...

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
You dont stand above anybody intellectually by mocking their views. The bible and other religious writings have a wealth of information that we all can learn from. Just like we look back at people like Galileo, and Plato and respect them as great scientific minds or thinkers. The people that wrote the bible were great social thinkers. Their teachings have stood the test of time no matter if you believe in god or not. People have hijacked these teachings used them for their own benefits, and have created religion as we know it today, but that doesn't mean you should discredit the teachings of the bible.

You have to understand at the time of the writings these people were not trying to create a religion or gain followers, they were explaining the world the best way they knew how. The bible is full of real people and real accounts of real events. Many of the writings use very epic imagery, cause there was no movies or special effects back then, so if a person wanted to creat a dramatic moment for an audience they had to use words and scenarios we would see as unrealistic today.

You mock the bible as fairy tales, but truth is the people who wrote the bible and other religious teachings were intellectually light years ahead of any of us here having this debate.
Great social thinkers? 2000 years ago? Where slavery, brutality, rape, murder and sexism were rampant and completely acceptable? :heh: If I were a believer in the bible I'd have to stone my wife to death for not being a virgin when we married. What great social thinkers they were.

And these are your heroes? The desert morons who created the bible don't ever deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Galileo or Plato/Socrates.

The old testament is absolutely ridiculous and the new testament was made by a bunch of people who believed some Jew was the son of god :laff: how can you read this shyt with a straight face? It's no different than Scientology, Mormonism or any other cult.

Is this really Jesus? OMG I think it is. Maybe you should become one of his followers since you're so gullible.

The bible may have limited historical accuracies but other than that it is a book full of myths and uselessness.

How about we all go read books about science, mathematics and philosophy and become more intelligent, than reading a bunch of 2000 year old desert myths made up by people who were mentally insane.

I do stand above people who subscribe to religion because there is no logical reason to be a part of any man made religion. There is no evidence to support the existence of God, let alone which humanly created religion is correct.
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

Just got a fresh cut :youngsabo: and atheists still typing titangraphs of anger.

Atheist anger. So based. So pure. :lawd:

Feels good to be secure in my beliefs and be comfortable with them wherever I may be. I couldn't imagine only being accepted in dank corners of the internet with other lonely, angry pretenders. :scusthov:

Semtex. You should tell your dad. It'll free your mind. :ahh:

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I997 using Tapatalk 2
Lol...the irony of this is you are CLEARLY the angriest and most venomous person in the thread.
May 1, 2012
That god may very well not exist and that only we ourselves are capable of improving our condition as a people, I know it's an unpopular mindset to embrace, but we really do live in a world more darwinistic than we would like to believe. Whites and Asians have managed to put themselves in a position relative to others where they can play god if they wanted whereas we are constantly searching for a god that either A)does not exist, or B)does not have a reliable track record on answering the needs of black and brown people the world over.

eh, life is darwinistic, hence it works against whites/asians as well. whites and asians are clearly not our physical superiors. yes, they've harnessed their monopoly on technology for an advantage that's difficult to surmount, but you're naive if you think blacks are at a darwinian disadvantage.

they are not our intellectual (cognitive?) superiors, either. study your history. read about the trajectory of civilization over the annals of mankind. apprise yourself of the theft that preceded the industrial gains of western anglo europe/america. these motherfukkers aren't some magical creatures. they're not gods. white people are not gods. during the savagery of the dark ages, black and brown people had thriving civilizations, where sciences and math flourished.

the HISTORY of our people, through propaganda that exists in all corners of our life, has been wiped clean and rewritten to appease the myth of white supremacy.

blacks have endured 500 years of oppression, yet they are STILL trying to figure out how to destroy our people. they can't. while i am an agnostic, i do know that objective reality bears out what blacks have endured and what we've managed to achieve in the face of genocidal oppression.

you are DELUSIONAL if you don't think whites aren't terrified of us because of that very resilience. they're going :mindblown: @ the fact we are still here. don't doubt that. white people know that we still have chains on us. take those chains off. truly make this an EQUAL society, where opportunity is available to the best man.

we would be unstoppable. that's the truth.

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
what do you mean by inherent morality and right and wrong? if you could steal and kill without the fear of being thrown in jail, would you do it? would you feel like what you were doing was truly "wrong?" morals and societal attitudes are constantly changing, so what exactly is it that keeps human beings "moral" if you don't believe in any sort of moral authority. wouldn't morality be completely relative then?

i'm genuinely curious here. I've always wondered how an Atheist can be "moral" and I always seem to get different answers when I ask them.
No, I wouldn't, because I'm not a sociopath who needs a man in the sky threatening me with eternal damnation. Also, we have laws and police. One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. Confucius said that, before the bible was ever created. I'm sorry, do you not know the difference between right and wrong or something? I don't get it. It's obvious to me.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Here are the Top 10 least religious countries in the world:

1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
2. Vietnam
3. Denmark
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Czech Republic
7. Finland
8. France
9. South Korea
10. Estonia (up to 49% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)

The one that surprised me was Israel, ranking 19th, with up to 37% claiming to be non-believer, atheist, agnostic. Compare that with the United States, ranking 44th, with 3-9% non-believers, atheists, agnostics. (I think I have met them all on the streets of New York City, too.)

:ohhh: You don't say

The survey concluded that "high levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality.

Least Religious Countries |

There have been several studies on the topic of religiosity in comparing societies in terms of metrics that one can use to try and use to gauge ethics such as crime, STDs, teen pregnancies, drug abuse, and suicide and the all come to the same conclusion: those "demonic" activities trend lower in less religious societies.

Creighton University, which is a Christian school, did an extensive 12 year long mega-study comparison of industialized western nations, where they compared the aforementioned indicators and the data showed the least religious societies suffered far less from these ills than the more religious societies. That even compared states in the U. S. and came to the same conclusion. For example, ungodly Massachusetts has consistently one of the lowest rates of divorce of any state, whereas the states with the highest rates of divorce are always "family values" religious states in the south and heartland, which also consume the most porn and tend to have the highest rates of STDs and teen pregnancies. Also the states with the highest crime rates tend to be more religious and the states with the lowest crime rates tend to be the most among the least religious.

This is all indisputable statistical data. Does this prove the extent of the causative role religiosity plays in these undesirable behaviors? No. But it does prove that it definitely isn't helping, nor is it required for a healthy well-functioning society.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Great social thinkers? 2000 years ago? Where slavery, brutality, rape, murder and sexism were rampant and completely acceptable? :heh: If I were a believer in the bible I'd have to stone my wife to death for not being a virgin when we married. What great social thinkers they were.
Why are all those things you listed wrong?

And these are your heroes? The desert morons who created the bible don't ever deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Galileo or Plato/Socrates.

Never said they were my heroes, just worth listening to. And these desert morons you speak of shaped your world just as much as any of those others you named.

The old testament is absolutely ridiculous and the new testament was made by a bunch of people who believed some Jew was the son of god :laff: how can you read this shyt with a straight face? It's no different than Scientology, Mormonism or any other cult.

It's called symbolism. You praise Plato for his teachings but they were just as vague and outrageous as those in the bible. I don't take the bible literally nor do I think every story in the bible is as important as the next, but to discount it all as fairy tales and those that wrote it as "desert idiots" just proves your ignorance and your willingness to stay misinformed.
Minister says he can proof he is Jesus - YouTube

Is this really Jesus? OMG I think it is. Maybe you should become one of his followers since you're so gullible.
You assume things about me that aren't true. I'm not a Christian nor do i believe in "god" in a religious sense. All i said was that there are SOME things to be learned from religious writings.

The bible may have limited historical accuracies but other than that it is a book full of myths and uselessness.

Some of our most important writings outside the bible are full of myths. How can you on one hand mock the elaborate imagery of the bible, but praise the same kind of imagery from Plato?

How about we all go read books about science, mathematics and philosophy and become more intelligent, than reading a bunch of 2000 year old desert myths made up by people who were mentally insane.
I never said we shouldn't study those things. Allot of the science math and philosophy that you speak of came from these same insane desert people that you frown upon.

I do stand above people who subscribe to religion because there is no logical reason to be a part of any man made religion. There is no evidence to support the existence of God, let alone which humanly created religion is correct.

I'm not a religious person either, but I won't pretend that my views are the best or the only way. I will continue to read and learn as much as i can even from people i disagree with.

With all that said I leave you with a question:

What if your wrong?

Sensitive Blake Griffin

May 1, 2012
Why are all those things you listed wrong?

Never said they were my heroes, just worth listening to. And these desert morons you speak of shaped your world just as much as any of those others you named.
Shaped the world, for the worse. Are you that annoying fakkit from KTL who always :cape: to threads about religion to defend the religious folks who could barely put together a coherent sentence, let alone an argument then deflect all the ether you would receive by saying, "I'm not even religious :smugfavre:"

It's called symbolism. You praise Plato for his teachings but they were just as vague and outrageous as those in the bible. I don't take the bible literally nor do I think every story in the bible is as important as the next, but to discount it all as fairy tales and those that wrote it as "desert idiots" just proves your ignorance and your willingness to stay misinformed.
You would be crucified for not taking the bible literally. There is no information that I need from the Bible. The bible says humans came from Adam and eve, and a 900 year old man built an ark while god killed everyone on earth with a flood.
You assume things about me that aren't true. I'm not a Christian nor do i believe in "god" in a religious sense. All i said was that there are SOME things to be learned from religious writings.
If there is, somehow, something to be "learned" from religious writings, that information can easily be found elsewhere, like google or college.

Some of our most important writings outside the bible are full of myths. How can you on one hand mock the elaborate imagery of the bible, but praise the same kind of imagery from Plato?
Because Plato isn't some a$$hole telling me that his word is the word of God and if I don't believe him I'll go to hell.

I never said we shouldn't study those things. Allot of the science math and philosophy that you speak of came from these same insane desert people that you frown upon.
The people who wrote the bible did not create any science or math that still exists today.

I'm not a religious person either, but I won't pretend that my views are the best or the only way. I will continue to read and learn as much as i can even from people i disagree with.

With all that said I leave you with a question:

What if your wrong?
Wrong about what? All I'm doing is rejecting all religions and their assertion that they know for certain God exists. God may or may not exist, but if it does, its nothing like these silly religions depict it to be. I don't believe in things without evidence.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land

Shaped the world, for the worse. Are you that annoying fakkit from KTL who always :cape: to threads about religion to defend the religious folks who could barely put together a coherent sentence, let alone an argument then deflect all the ether you would receive by saying, "I'm not even religious :smugfavre:"

They shaped your world for better or worse. There is no ether, you continue to prove your own ignorance, and I have no clue what KTL is. You follow religious teachings and morals everyday.

You would be crucified for not taking the bible literally. There is no information that I need from the Bible. The bible says humans came from Adam and eve, and a 900 year old man built an ark while god killed everyone on earth with a flood.
Not true at all. Only recently has it become the prevailing thought to take the bible as literal. Throughout time biblical scholars have interperated the bible as pure imagery and symbolism. Common sense tells us that the story of Noah is impossible, but stories of a great flood pop up all over the world in many different cultures and religions.

If there is, somehow, something to be "learned" from religious writings, that information can easily be found elsewhere, like google or college.

So you would rather have faith in the accuracy of google and your college professors than to read and learn yourself.

Because Plato isn't some a$$hole telling me that his word is the word of God and if I don't believe him I'll go to hell.
That's not what most of the bible is about. The bible was written by many different people over the course of many years. The writers of the bible didn't know of each other or religion

The people who wrote the bible did not create any science or math that still exists today.

There are passages in the bible that imply the earth as spherical before this was the prevailing scientific fact it is today. And there are plenty of other examples of scientific facts in the bible.

Wrong about what? All I'm doing is rejecting all religions and their assertion that they know for certain God exists. God may or may not exist, but if it does, its nothing like these silly religions depict it to be. I don't believe in things without evidence.
Wrong about your views of the world. You seem to think your better than others cause you have some supreme understanding of the way things are. So i ask What if your wrong? Does that make you a lesser person and those who were correct better?
May 1, 2012
Also the states with the highest crime rates tend to be more religious and the states with the lowest crime rates tend to be the most among the least religious.

assessing it by the state level returns a distorted conclusion.

looking at the cities with the most violence, it's difficult to find any significant presence of religious authority. chicago? new york? detroit? hartford? those are four violent ass cities, where bodies drop on the daily, yet they don't strike me as bastions of fundamentalism. in fact, the violence is exploding in our inner cities, where secularism abounds; all kinds of blasphemous debauchery is treated as the norm in the inner city. as i see it, secular societies are filled with people who aren't morally constrained in the way their counterparts inhabiting the rural areas are, resulting in the manifestation of selfish behavior at a higher frequency -- in varying ways, from theft to murder -- in the inner cities.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
:heh: What the f*ck is a merchant b, socialist?
Ghana Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Muthaf*ckaz had businesses, traded, and paid taxes, and were doing this ON A RECORDED BASIS since 830 CE. Sounds very tribal to me :stopitslime:
Hey buddy. I know you think you're the Google king and that's great, really great, but ANCIENT EGYPT (not Ghana which you have conveniently brought up) had a command economy, meaning that the economy was controlled by certain ruling families, not capitalism. I know you've gotten your Google on, but I'm pretty much an Egyptologist compared to you.

Now to tackle the issue of merchants because I think you're getting caught up in the idea of certain people selling things (people who could very will be commissioned by the government/monarchy/ruling family or members of/commissioned by the bureaucracyin charge) with the idea of a fully private economy (capitalism).

Governments commission traders/trading all the time. That doesn't constitute full capitalism. For the record, ancient Ghana had a mixed economy as many parts of it were controlled and ran by the non-privatized sector (also known as, the government).

My suggestion is that you learn a little bit more about economies before you actually try to speak on them. You're saying a place (which everyone knows held slaves in captivity for generations and generations, had a capitalist economy. Slaves couldn't even BUY their own freedom in Egypt (as compared to America). That's how non-capitalist the governments were.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
We always been religious, when we had power and when we didn't. The problem is whites stole our religion and edited it and acted like it's a new religion.

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
I think most of these politicians are undercover athiests. But if they came out they'd be finished


May 3, 2012
You're not born thinking "I believe in God." It is fed unto you. If you were born in the middle of Pakistan, you wouldn't be a fukking Christian. If you were born in the middle of Jerusalem, you wouldn't be a fukking Christian.

If you were born in the middle of an island and raised by fukking monkeys who didn't force any sort of religion on you, you would not be religious. You wouldn't "find christ". Its that simple. The idea of your "God" came from a bunch of fukking men thousands of years ago and shoddily passed down over the ages. For some reason some of you still buy this shyt.

Nobody is making any grand stand. People are just being fukking realistic. Its 2012. We don't need to pretend there is this Christian "God" in order to be a mentally strong or morally right people.
realest post in this thread...if y'all happened to be born somewhere else what would you be worshipping please answer this??? i mean theres bound to be people out there that have never even heard of the bible/quarn are they going to hell??? if so why did god create them if he was not gonna guide them to religion??? and this devil thing you mean to tell me i can follow him do all his good deeds yet still be punnished by him? wheres the fukking logic?? :what:


May 3, 2012
its a crazy world i have nothing against people that turn to religion to keep them sane but thats about athetist but i will take teachins from the quran for example that women should be covered up.