As black people, we have to come to accept that...

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For someone who is all about self you sure do give a huge fukk about what other people are doing. Why do you care so much? Obviously you are only striving for your own comfort, so if the next man is delusional how does that hurt you? You are actually sounding like a preacher or something typing up a long ass dissertation trying to get people to agree with you :wtf:

That's what it all boils down to. He doesn't give a damn about the black community, else he'd be out there doing something instead of typing passive aggressive paragraphs trying to get people to believe (or don't in this case) in his world view.

Has an internet debate on religion or politics EVER changed anyone's mind? It's just a circle jerk and ego boost for those who can't garner attention in any other meaningful way.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Relax and stop exaggerating. I made a couple of comments, but I'm not going all in on the God discussion because it would be fruitless. I just pointed out that you're looking pretty hypocritical by calling the atheists in the thread angry repeatedly, when you clearly appear to be the angriest person in the thread and throwing out a bunch of ad hominems, and are continuing to do now.


You, you, getting on someone about ad hominems? :pachaha: Come on Vic, let's not play the angel role here. :beli: If ad hominems equaled anger, the whole of the HL would have to be institutionalized. There's no debate in that forum that doesn't devolve into "you're stupid," or "you're gay." And it's promoted as the forum where you can kick knowledge and talk about current events without fear of trolling. Yeah right. The place is like a grade school playground at times. The few relevant discussions we have here are more fruitful.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012

You, you, getting on someone about ad hominems? :pachaha: Come on Vic, let's not play the angel role here. :beli: If ad hominems equaled anger, the whole of the HL would have to be institutionalized. There's no debate in that forum that doesn't devolve into "you're stupid," or "you're gay." And it's promoted as the forum where you can kick knowledge and talk about current events without fear of trolling. Yeah right. The place is like a grade school playground at times. The few relevant discussions we have here are more fruitful.

That e-beef stuff can make the debates interesting and entertaining, though I agree it goes way overboard at times. But why do you keep trying to change the subject and talk about HL and deflect from the fact that you're contradicting yourself right now by going on and on about how the atheists in the thread are angry while you appear to be pretty damn agitated to say the least yourself?

And since you brought it up, there's plenty of religious debates in HL and KTL that don't involve trolling and insults. Me and Mowgli beefing or Swagmar joking on religion isn't the totality of religious debates. You're lying or just not paying attention if you're saying there is not intelligent insult-free debate in HL/KTL. If you skip over the troll posts, you often seen very serious, sound arguments about the teleological argument, or cosmological argument, or historic facts as they relate to the origination of religions. I troll myself, but I know how to turn the troll button off when I'm talking to a serious person. And for the record, HL (not KTL) has less trolling and insults than any forum on this site.

You're always bashing HL and KTL unprovokedly, but you and I both know the deal. You're not mentally equipped to keep up there so you feel insecure about it, and that insecurity turns to mockery. It's cool, though.


All Praise To TMH
May 1, 2012

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
That e-beef stuff can make the debates interesting and entertaining, though I agree it goes way overboard at times. But why do you keep trying to change the subject and talk about HL and deflect from the fact that you're contradicting yourself right now by going on and on about how the atheists in the thread are angry while you appear to be pretty damn agitated to say the least yourself?

And since you brought it up, there's plenty of religious debates in HL and KTL that don't involve trolling and insults. Me and Mowgli beefing or Swagmar joking pn religion isn't the totality of religious debates. You're lying or just not paying attention if you're saying there is not intelligent insult-free debate in HL/KTL. I troll myself, but I know how to turn the troll button off when I'm talking to a serious person.

You're always bashing HL and KTL unprovokedly, but you and I both know the deal. You're not intelligent or knowledgeable enough to keep up there so you feel insecure about it, and that insecurity turns to mockery. It's cool, though.

I'm not changing the subject. You're being a hypocrite (and not even a Christian :jawalrus:). Your little brudda Swagmar, NEVER, I repeat, NEVER added anything of relevance to a discussion (unless it was about some drug) and would come into any thread, even the rare civil one, and call someone a fakkit, stupid, etc, etc. Where was the outrage then? Oh right, because he shares your viewpoint.

And I attack KTL/HL because you all like to strut around and act if you're above the bullshyt when you're no different than any other forum. Constant thread derailments, e-beef, personality cults, cliques, empty co-signs, and if you you had a prominent female poster it'd probably be some simping there as well. Just be honest with yourselves and admit that you all aren't really receptive to alternative viewpoints. Take a guy like KingpinOG for example; what makes him so different from any other poster? He expresses his partisan views in a brusque manner much like most of the left wing posters. But because you disagree with his politics he's a troll.

And let's be real, I'm not the only one who thinks HL is a left wing circle jerk. I go in there to browse and check the Conspiracy or Documentary threads. Two of the few threads that are free of partisan bickering. Think about that; a Conspiracy thread is one of the only places "knowledge" can be shared without being called a fakkit. That tells me all I need to know about HL right there.

Whoops, I typed a small novel.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
You're always bashing HL and KTL unprovokedly, but you and I both know the deal. You're not mentally equipped to keep up there so you feel insecure about it, and that insecurity turns to mockery. It's cool, though.

Ad hominem attack. See, you're a hypocrite.


Da Spice...
May 1, 2012
Mah life has been 10 times better since I woke up n threw dat religious bullshyt in da bushes.

nikkas can apply common sense n logical/rational critical thinking skills to everything in life except when it comes to religion. shyt is absolutely mind bogglin to witness. :aicmon:

So glad i jacked outta da matrix when i did. Feel sorry for you nikkas still holdin on to some 2,000 year old book of fairy tales told by some people livin in da desert somewhere who had no understanding of science n how dis world works.

You mufukkas wouldn't eam be believin in dis bullshyt had it not been for dem slave masters forcin dat shyt upon ya ancestors. :aicmon:

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
I'm not changing the subject. You're being a hypocrite (and not even a Christian :jawalrus:). Your little brudda Swagmar, NEVER, I repeat, NEVER added anything of relevance to a discussion (unless it was about some drug) and would come into any thread, even the rare civil one, and call someone a fakkit, stupid, etc, etc. Where was the outrage then? Oh right, because he shares your viewpoint.

lol...outrage? There's not outrage on any front. I just pointed out you were contradicting yourself by talking about how atheists were "angry" all the while coming off ornery and insulting everyone in this this thread. Acri1 just gave his opinon some some shyt and you attacked him personally.

So now I can't point out your hypocrisy on this front without saying "Well Swagmar is insulting people too." Well gee, I apologize. Then I guess you have to go criticize Timbo716, Mowgli, Radamillz, LastEmperor2K2 and every other abrasive religious person as well.

And I attack KTL/HL because you all like to strut around and act if you're above the bullshyt when you're no different than any other forum.
Really? Examples? Because I post in HL more than you and I don't recall one single person every "strutting around and acting like they're above the bullshyt" ever. This must be your intellectual insecurity speaking again.
Constant thread derailments, e-beef, personality cults, cliques, empty co-signs, and if you you had a prominent female poster it'd probably be some simping there as well. Just be honest with yourselves and admit that you all aren't really receptive to alternative viewpoints.
I'm not sure what you mean by receptive to alternative viewpoints. It's a debate forum so shyt gets debated. It's also largely nonreligious and left-leaning, so naturally nonreligious left-leaning views will be the most prominent. Regarding e-beef, thread derailments, etc. that's just sohh/the coli. So it's e-beef mixed with debate. :yeshrug: Don't see what you're so emotional about.

Take a guy like KingpinOG for example; what makes him so different from any other poster? He expresses his partisan views in a brusque manner much like most of the left wing posters. But because you disagree with his politics he's a troll

:laff: KingpinOG is the example you use? One of the GOAT trolls in the history of the internet who practically wrote the manual on trolling??? I know KingpinOG a little better than you. I knew of him several years back when he, I and the poster getinthetruck (onedeen) posted on the old AOL board and I know for a fact he's a troll who doesn't believe a lot of the shyt he says and exaggerates a bunch of shyt for trolling effect and he does it on several site, not just here. He doesn't even deny he's a troll. You picked the worse possible example to try and convey your point.
And let's be real, I'm not the only one who thinks HL is a left wing circle jerk. I go in there to browse and check the Conspiracy or Documentary threads. Two of the few threads that are free of partisan bickering. Think about that; a Conspiracy thread is one of the only places "knowledge" can be shared without being called a fakkit. That tells me all I need to know about HL right there.
I doesn't matter whether you're the only person who thinks anything or not. The notion that you can't debate in HL without being called a fakkit is false. HL are generally civil toward people who present themself in a civil way. Whenever I see you there, you're always trolling or engaging in sarcastic mockery, so of course that's what you're going to get responded to with.

The bottom line is you're insecure because you can't keep up intellectually with some of the heads there. Less intelligent people often resent the smarter ones.

How about this? Let's me and you debate religion/God right now and promise to keep it 100%-free of insults, mockery, and trolling? Let's see how that turns out.


Jun 24, 2012
Not to derail the thread but, It was not white people that freed slaves and stopped lynchings. If you took the time to read you would know it was people like toussaint, nat turner, and those in 1960 civil rights movement that stopped lynchings and slavery. Black people have always taken control of their own destiny and its only when we let white people know we're not taking this shyt anymore were things accomplished.

Rarely-Wrong Liggins

Name another Liggins hot I'm just honest.
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The bottom line is you're insecure because you can't keep up intellectually with some of the heads there. Less intelligent people often resent the smarter ones.

Well, if you think I'm insecure about people I really don't take seriously, think it. If that what makes you feel better.

As far as Acri goes, yeah, I insulted him. Personally. But it's not anything people already don't know about him. I'd also like to say that people's religious beliefs are pretty personal. But you and and others have no issue attacking or looking down on them. One poster in the thread actually encouraged it. Like I said though, when someone shares your viewpoint you turn a blind eye. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. :yeshrug:

And I'm not going to sit here and debate about religion. I don't do that. I tire of it. That's why I'll participate in some of the HL threads and just drop out. Your mind is made up. My mind is made up. Anything else is looking for validation from strangers. But you're welcome to twist my refusal to suit whatever narrative you wish to create.


May 1, 2012
if you spend 2 hours in church every sunday.

you wasted nearly a year of your life when you are 70.

303 days

And how much time do you spend watching television. A year of your life having fellowship with your fellow man and praising the creator:rudy:

vs probably the equivalent of a decade of your life having your mind programmed by an idiot box.

Its so demonic.

Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Well, if you think I'm insecure about people I really don't take seriously, think it. If that what makes you feel better.

As far as Acri goes, yeah, I insulted him. Personally. But it's not anything people already don't know about him. I'd also like to say that people's religious beliefs are pretty personal. But you and and others have no issue attacking or looking down on them. One poster in the thread actually encouraged it. Like I said though, when someone shares your viewpoint you turn a blind eye. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. :yeshrug:

And I'm not going to sit here and debate about religion. I don't do that. I tire of it. That's why I'll participate in some of the HL threads and just drop out. Your mind is made up. My mind is made up. Anything else is looking for validation from strangers. But you're welcome to twist my refusal to suit whatever narrative you wish to create.

So you refuse to debate and discuss religion yourself, but when others choose to do so, you sit back and chastise and mock those who happen to be on the side of the argument you disagree with for being too rude...gotcha.