As a woman, I'm tired of being nice to men


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
You have to understand that you're a woman, and that because of sexism you're seen as a sex object. It really has nothing to do with you as an individual, and everything to do with your gender. Theres really nothing you can do, but this situation isn't your fault. His reaction says more about him than it does you. Chin up!!!

Because of sexism the guy wanted to have sex with her?


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
Lol okay. What the fukk am I supposed to do working with all males? If they go get a drink or hang out I just can't go? Sometimes I just like to be around men. I like the convos and they are funny.

Men and women can be friends, but eventually that attraction comes up and someone is going to want more, and get hurt. My closest friends are women. Just get some female friends, or get invested in a hobby.


AL loves da kids : )
Jun 15, 2015
There's a different (at least for me) between liking to spend time with someone and wanting to be in a relationship and possibly further than that. He is just not the type. Like I can recognize he's cute and all that but if I really wanted him... I probably would have fukked him by now.... isn't that hard

Did you find out that he had a girl just now, or did you know already?


Jan 20, 2015
So today I'm hanging with my coworker. He's really attractive. We have been hanging out more at work and just talking to each other a lot. Tell me why today we were alone and he hits me with "you know I have a girl now I just think we should cool it "
DONT NOBODY WANT YOU. Why can't a woman be fukking nice to a man and want to hang out without wanting to be in a relationship or have sex with him? It actually pissed me off that he thinks I want that from him. We literally talk about the women he likes together jokingly. I've given him friend vibes from day one. Sometimes I just like to be around him and spend time with him.. I text him when I bored and we have little jokes together because everyone at work sucks and I can laugh and relate to him. He's not my type... and I'm pretty sure he only likes white women. Lol he really tried to play me like I'm lusting after him.
I guess I should just stop being nice and wanting to hang out with men... Now it feels awkward even speaking to him. I feel like the whole time he thought I was feeling him but I just thought he was a nice guy plus he always was making an effort to be around ME so I thought we were cool.

Anyways /rant

Just thought I share because now I realize I need to stop treating everyone so nicely because that means I wanna fukk. Ha. I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I just always gravitated towards guys (not in that way)... but i feel like it's always misconstrued. I actually get more quiet around guys I'm into and open up to most of my platonic guy friends. NOBODY gets it. They always think I have a motive.
I'm just sick of it... maybe I should have a stank attitude and not talk to the guys in my office and I won't have these issues.

Knuckles Red

Jun 22, 2015
OP you could just tell him what you've told us here in this post. I do think he owes you an apology. That was a pretty douchey thing to do.


May 2, 2012
So today I'm hanging with my coworker. He's really attractive. We have been hanging out more at work and just talking to each other a lot. Tell me why today we were alone and he hits me with "you know I have a girl now I just think we should cool it "
DONT NOBODY WANT YOU. Why can't a woman be fukking nice to a man and want to hang out without wanting to be in a relationship or have sex with him? It actually pissed me off that he thinks I want that from him. We literally talk about the women he likes together jokingly. I've given him friend vibes from day one. Sometimes I just like to be around him and spend time with him.. I text him when I bored and we have little jokes together because everyone at work sucks and I can laugh and relate to him. He's not my type... and I'm pretty sure he only likes white women. Lol he really tried to play me like I'm lusting after him.
I guess I should just stop being nice and wanting to hang out with men... Now it feels awkward even speaking to him. I feel like the whole time he thought I was feeling him but I just thought he was a nice guy plus he always was making an effort to be around ME so I thought we were cool.

Anyways /rant

Just thought I share because now I realize I need to stop treating everyone so nicely because that means I wanna fukk. Ha. I don't have a lot of girlfriends. I just always gravitated towards guys (not in that way)... but i feel like it's always misconstrued. I actually get more quiet around guys I'm into and open up to most of my platonic guy friends. NOBODY gets it. They always think I have a motive.
I'm just sick of it... maybe I should have a stank attitude and not talk to the guys in my office and I won't have these issues.

Mad as fukk.
