As A Man, If You Think That Females Should Approach.....Kill Yaself


Feb 12, 2015
It's sounds like you (and not just you...I hear many other women espouse similar opinions) have found a way to convince yourself that a woman approaching a man is some sort of improper etiquette that defines a man's character--it's simply a justification for avoiding rejection imo. All this "if a man really wants it...he will go get it" is just nonsense, because by that rationale you can apply that to anyone in any situation and judge their success in life in general on that premise--however most of us won't because life is much more complicated than that for most women and men but for some odd reason this seems to hold water with women when it comes men initiating the attraction.

I honestly think the reason most women don't is simply fear of rejection...nothing more nothing less. From what I've seen ALL women will approach the right man. I've seen women swear that they would never approach a man...but when someone like Boris Kudjoe steps out...all of that flys out of the window. Why? Because it's worth the risk of rejection in their opinion.

Now's fine if either party wants to wait to be approached--it's perfectly their right. I just think it's strange when women end up in unsatisfying relationships...and then can't for the life of them understand that if you limit yourself to being approached--you've pretty much limited the pool of men to choose from.
lmao! Not even Boris ole fine self could make me approach him. You wrong for bustin out the temptation!!! Lol! Horrible.

Fear of rejection isn't it. It's the idea that men don't really respect what they don't have to work for. This is based on what we've observed of men's actions. Men always want the easy way out. Be it easy p*ssy, be it wanting women to come to them. A woman could do everything that men traditionally have done, but most are never appreciative of those women. Because men don't take those women seriously. Being easy isn't the same as being respected.

But this all comes down to personal experience in the end. I've been around men who could care less about a woman chasing him when he really has his sights and heart set on someone else. Lol! But you've had different experiences so it is what it is.

No problems here good sir! In the end, as u said people have to do what's best for them and what works.
Apr 11, 2014

I didn't know how weak some of you new dudes really were till i read this thread

Yo nikkas actually want a chick to approach you 1st ? And you not have to do anything ? Ya want the roles reversed?

Pull ya skirt back down
Grow a set men

I feel bad 4 the women that gotta pick a father or husband out this bunch
I like being approached.


Feb 12, 2015

I didn't know how weak some of you new dudes really were till i read this thread

Yo nikkas actually want a chick to approach you 1st ? And you not have to do anything ? Ya want the roles reversed?

Pull ya skirt back down
Grow a set men

I feel bad 4 the women that gotta pick a father or husband out this bunch
Imma just shake my head and keep it movin. The sadder part is the chick with no self esteem who is insecure ends up following this nonsense. She'll take a mean L and watch the man she chased, pursue the woman he REALLY wants. Watch him do everything for her that he denied you.

That's how bottom chicks are created. Lmao! They out here fukking and sucking and fixin plates and getting told to leave after wearing a face fulla cum. Meanwhile he's actually puttin in time and work for the woman he really wants.

...unless he's one of those WoW dingy shirt wearing, orange Cheeto stained finger havin nikkas still living with mama, expecting Lara Croft and Tifa Lockheart to come and approach him.

But lemme stop. If it works for u do it! If u like it, I love it. Lmao!


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Yes. That's the point. Approaching is the physical starting point and there is nothing wrong with that. The mental comes later. But if dude doesn't even want to put in the effort to get that started, you'll never get anywhere.
But as I said b4. If not approaching works for u then do it. Do what you have success with. I support.
I'm not promoting men not approaching, I just dont see a issue with women approaching men sometimes. :manny:

If a woman approaches a good man then she will benefit by getting a good man.

If that doesn't sound beneficial to you then I don't know what to tell you.


Jun 21, 2012

lmao! Not even Boris ole fine self could make me approach him. You wrong for bustin out the temptation!!! Lol! Horrible.

Fear of rejection isn't it. It's the idea that men don't really respect what they don't have to work for. This is based on what we've observed of men's actions. Men always want the easy way out. Be it easy p*ssy, be it wanting women to come to them. A woman could do everything that men traditionally have done, but most are never appreciative of those women. Because men don't take those women seriously. Being easy isn't the same as being respected.

But this all comes down to personal experience in the end. I've been around men who could care less about a woman chasing him when he really has his sights and heart set on someone else. Lol! But you've had different experiences so it is what it is.

No problems here good sir! In the end, as u said people have to do what's best for them and what works.

lol I still don't buy it. I still think rejection is pretty much it. Through life experience, we've all intuitively developed the ability to calculate risk and reward. IMO for most women it isn't worth the emotional risk to do so, nor have they developed the ability to cope with it. Most would prefer to be approached and deal with the limited options that come with it because that is what was taught to them as the norm, and that's perfectly fine afterall we're all risk averse to something.

BTW . If a woman approaches a man, and that woman is pretty much everything that a man wants--I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't take her seriously, afterall by contrast your insinuating that men who do prefer to approach women--tend to take them much more seriously, and we know that isn't true. Being "easy" isn't defined by who approaches who, but more so by how a person receives and responds to the approach. Men approach women in sleezy ways all the time--and sometimes it works depending on the women, respect for the most part is defined by how you carry yourself.

International Playa

Playa with a Passport
Nov 26, 2012

I didn't know how weak some of you new dudes really were till i read this thread

Yo nikkas actually want a chick to approach you 1st ? And you not have to do anything ? Ya want the roles reversed?

Pull ya skirt back down
Grow a set men

I feel bad 4 the women that gotta pick a father or husband out this bunch

Thats why most of these cats aint getting laid. Quality women will require you to put in some work, because they wont give it up easy. Who wants easy women, they usually been ran through by a lot of cats


A work in progress...
Aug 23, 2014
Yall don't understand how many females I've bagged by NOT hollering at them.

Like seriously. I've deliberately NOT approached chicks, avoided lookin at them, appeared to be busy, uninterested and by doing this it almost enraged the female. :pachaha:

Those same females that I ignored, then approached me almost pissed off that I didn't approach them. I became the challenge and not the other way around. They wanted to know why I didn't make the first move and didn't spark a convo up with them. That little tactic has worked for me for years on end :ohlawd:

Females have huge egos just like men do and once they see that you're not chasing them, that you're not placing them on a pedestal, you're not giving them the attention that they get from the 5,643,000 million men that have jocked the shyt out of them that day, Their egos and gassed up personalities get exposed :dead:

If an ugly nikka "ignores" (:mjlol:) a girl, then it's business as usual for her. He wasn't on her radar to begin with.

Now if you're good looking, I can see why this works perfectly. Then again, everything works when you've got good looks on your side.


Apr 18, 2013
Would you coli brehs please stop using this Ugandan dude as argument support? Dude is the outlier of outlier of exceptions. He is not the norm or anything close to it.



Living the dream
May 16, 2012
Yeah we have two very different experiences. But that's life. I've been around men my entire life. Those who don't approach set a standard that they don't want to take charge or even take initiative to go after something they desire. That lack of valuing the woman or unwillingness to even try to make the first step is what defines this generation of fukk bois and playas.

The mentality is as I said earlier. Get as much as possible from a woman while giving as less as possible. Such dudes also don't have a problem living off women or probably expect women to court them. Lol! They'll use feminism as an excuse to be emasculated just to play mind games to flip the script for a piece of ass.

But I digress, most good dudes I know who are in relationships didn't hesitate to approach and pursue what they wanted be it in life, in a woman or in anything.

I will also say this. I know a lotta passive-aggressive guys who don't want to put in any effort to pursue a woman. They may be good dudes but they have unrealistic expectations of women. Crippling shyness or anxiety about social interactions with women have caused them to completely avoid females altogether. So they want the woman to do all the work and when a dyme piece doesn't hunt them down and search them out, they become bitter or resentful of females.

Either way as a woman, none of those options seem appealing as someone I want to be my man. If he can't even be bothered to make the first move it doesn't inspire me to have a lot of confidence in him otherwise.

Sure there are exceptions. But he should also understand that there are other contenders. And a guy who takes a chance to get to know me is the one I will deal with if the spark is there.

But otherwise, who knows. As I said earlier different people do different things. If what ur doing works, then keep at it. I don't mind either way.






Apr 18, 2013
:huhldup: I would never approach a man.

If a man is interested in me, he would say something. If he isn't, then I'm not gonna run up into his space and bother him. :heh:
Correct because that would be harassment and objectifying.


Free Sheist
May 1, 2012

lmao! Not even Boris ole fine self could make me approach him. You wrong for bustin out the temptation!!! Lol! Horrible.

Fear of rejection isn't it. It's the idea that men don't really respect what they don't have to work for. This is based on what we've observed of men's actions. Men always want the easy way out. Be it easy p*ssy, be it wanting women to come to them. A woman could do everything that men traditionally have done, but most are never appreciative of those women. Because men don't take those women seriously. Being easy isn't the same as being respected.

But this all comes down to personal experience in the end. I've been around men who could care less about a woman chasing him when he really has his sights and heart set on someone else. Lol! But you've had different experiences so it is what it is.

No problems here good sir! In the end, as u said people have to do what's best for them and what works.

no no no. dont even try that mental gymnastics shyt. yall bytches is scared to holla and get embarrassed plain and simple. i've heard many girls say theyre scared and dont know what to say