As A Man, If You Think That Females Should Approach.....Kill Yaself


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Nah for me it has everything to do with my experiences with men and reading their actions. I know you guys always say to watch what a woman does instead of listening to what a woman says. Well I take that advice with men as well.

And in this case, whether men will want to admit it or not, from what I've observed of the men I know is they don't take women who approach them seriously. They enjoy pursuing because that is an ultimate position of power. To go after what you desire.

If a man saw a woman and didn't even want to make an effort to talk to her, it usually means she wasn't worth his time. For these men there is a rush to the risk of the pursuit. And it's a powerful act, a shaping of their own reality.

So a woman (they weren't compelled enough by to even approach) approaching them is very...meh.

All of this tells me that there is no need for me to worry about approaching men. It's redundant. When he wants you, he will let u know. And for me as a woman that feels great!
The only men I know who enjoy the pursuit are playas who are experienced in doing such.

I rarely hear respectable dudes claim to enjoy the pursuit. They are more into finding a good woman.

If a man is a good man and you trust your judgement you approaching him wont hurt.

A good man and a bad man will be the same whether he approaches you or you approach him.

There are many women out there so if a man didnt pursue you then that could also mean that he was busy or shy. Both of which isnt something that would discredit him from liking you and being a good man.

To me this is stressing the wrong thing. What should be priorities are good men and good women going together.
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Feb 12, 2015
The only men I know who enjoy the pursuit are playas who are experienced in doing such.

I rarely hear respectable dudes claim to enjoy the pursuit. They are more into finding a good woman.

If a man is a good man and you trust your judgement you approaching him wont hurt.

A good man and a bad man will be the same whether he approaches you or you approach him.

There are many women out there so if a man didnt pursue you then that could also mean that he was busy or shy. Both of which isnt something that would discredit him from liking you and being a good man.

To me this is stressing the wrong thing. What should be priorities are good men and good women going together.
You even unwittingly said so urself. Finding the right woman. You can't find unless u pursue. As for the notion that only playas are doing this, I disagree wholeheartedly. Playas are the ones who actually want the women to come to them. It's a game. Get as much out of her while putting in the least amount of effort.

Most good men will not hesitate to make a good woman apart of their priorities and pursue her if she's worth it. But of course people have different experiences.


May 11, 2012
East ATL
Would you coli brehs please stop using this Ugandan dude as argument support? Dude is the outlier of outlier of exceptions. He is not the norm or anything close to it.

I'm saying, I hate people who use the "If he did it, you can too" argument.

"Kevin Hart is like 5'5" breh but he's got bytches trying get with him 24/7, you can do it too if he can"



May 5, 2012
I know this is true but it's really hard to do, breh. :mjcry:

I'm best at getting women in low pressure environments, typically where I'm forced to interact with them because I assume that I ain't a female's type.:francis:

I got numbers from girls I'd never assume were into me all when I was working at a gas station because I was forced to interact with them so the ice was already broken. :francis:

I struggle on Tinder because I be thinking girls that swiped right on me are too attractive to actually be attracted to me. :why:

My brain don't make sense. :snoop:





just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
You even unwittingly said so urself. Finding the right woman. You can't find unless u pursue. As for the notion that only playas are doing this, I disagree wholeheartedly. Playas are the ones who actually want the women to come to them. It's a game. Get as much out of her while putting in the least amount of effort.

Most good men will not hesitate to make a good woman apart of their priorities and pursue her if she's worth it. But of course people have different experiences.
Miss I personally know playas and they are the main ones who chase the most.

Everywhere I went with these dudes they chased women even at random times and such.

Non playas are a bit more reserved and dont approach as much women as playas.

A good man is a good man whether he approaches a girl or not lol.

This whole approaching matter has no effect on whether a man will be a good man or not.

As for the if a man approaches you then he thinks your worth it:

When a man sees you he doesnt even know you and when he approaches you he gets to know you and with the many aint shyt people out there he woudlnt be able to make a full judgement call to see if you are worth pursuing or not based on just looking at you and talking to you for a bit which makes me wonder why you stress wanting him approaching you so much other than the convenience of you not having to chase lol.
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Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
To each his own. Man, woman, or otherwise, I don't speak unless spoken to. It's who I am and who I've always been. I'm not with all that extra shyt and I prefer to stay in pocket. If I see something I like then I just maintain eye contact. If she comes over, cool. If not, I'm not losing sleep. Works more times than not, but if that makes me "beta" then:manny:.

What if your soulmate is the same way? I guess you two are just destined not to find each other. Sad.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
if your meant to be with someone odds are you will

i remember when i took the bus it was just me and this other chick at the bus stop every morning, i never said anything because I didn't care to, after like a month one day she just started talking to me and told me she was waiting for me to talk.

What if your soulmate is the same way? I guess you two are just destined not to find each other. Sad.


May 20, 2012
Atl, Ga by way of Alabama
I'm not sure why y'all resisting this advice so hard. It's actually common sense if you boil it down to it's core.

"Not, getting women? Do you approach them? No? Then try approaching them"

:manny: That basically is the gist of what @PhonZhi is saying. I can understand some people not agreeing with his definition of a "true man" but some of you guys need to chill with blaming big, bad feminism for everything. It's a cop-out. Most women aren't feminists and most feminists aren't the stereotypical "feminazis"

If you get women without approaching them first cool. But if you don't what do you have to lose if you try?:yeshrug:

The amount of dudes that complain about women on here make sense now that I've read this thread. Folks really want to leave the decision making up to women? :what:

Y'all are selling yourselves short. This is the best generation there has ever been to get a girl. People overestimate just how often chicks get approached on a day to day. The only places a woman is really going during the month is work, the grocery store, and laundry. Who's approaching her there?

You know how many girls I hear complain that they get no play? After college, it's a different game. You walk up looking well put together and say "hey, I saw you from across the room, my name is" and you've already got a chance based on that. I'd rather live with the memories than with regrets. Don't talk down on yourselves brehs.

Everything said in this thread is common knowledge yet people are like :ohhh:.
What is so difficult about approaching a girl you find attractive and holding a conversation with her? :what:

You guys need to get out and interact with people.
I cant believe we're in here actually debating with other "men" about how men are supposed to be the hunter and go after what they want. :mindblown:Cats in here trying to shame the guys that DO have the balls to approach women. Ill tellya: the feminization of MAN is real.:mjpls: