These other ones that aren't Arlette's are super corny...
Especially this new episodeIt would be straight jokes.
That Miss Parker chick
From the most recent episode, going purely off looks I’d roll with the very first one in the denim and cowboy hat. I can also tell this crew of women have to be at least 33 and up.
Not every, but most black women in the US aren't making it to 25 let alone 30 without at least 1 child, especially Millennials or older. As generations pass that'll (possibly) change.By watching these shows it will make you think every black woman is a single mom
Not every, but most black women in the US aren't making it to 25 let alone 30 without at least 1 child, especially Millennials or older. As generations pass that'll (possibly) change.
I live in NJ with huge families rooted in Brooklyn and Carolina. I'ma need receipts doesn't need to be a 2-4 kids, 0 kids at 30 is still less common than at least 1.It depends which region and area of the country you’re in, metropolitan bw aren’t popping out a bunch of kids like that
she is a great host.
This guy knows thatI live in NJ with huge families rooted in Brooklyn and Carolina. I'ma need receipts doesn't need to be a 2-4 kids, 0 kids at 30 is still less common than at least 1.