Are we gonna pretend Drake hasn't surpassed Kanye?

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
breh, this convo is not gonna work if you keep making up shyt as you go along.

These are your EXACT words:

Where in my response to you did I say "if you don't fukk with Illmatic you have no credibility as a hip hop fan?" :dahell:

enough rambling. This is the problem with you stans. You always wanna diminish other legends, never the wack rapper actually being discussed. You're happy to ramble about off-topic shyt while staying relatively mute on the actual issue of Kanye's shyt lacking quality replay value. So we'll waste all this time talking about The Chronic and Illmatic rather than Ye's discog.

Enough already. Ye has no classics. The Coli (made up of a lot of people not called SirBiatch) already did a poll on this and determined this. And the results weren't even close, by the way. The same Coli overwhelmingly determined Illmatic and Chronic were classics.


I already gave my reasons for why I feel like Kanye has four classics in my first post. Your reasoning consisted of telling me that it’s not a classic because you don’t replay his music, even while admitting that you don’t fukk with him in the first place. Then you dismissed anyone who actually does replay his music as stans because you knew that would refute your replay value argument. Plenty of objective people who neither hate nor love Kanye replay his older albums. I would think those would be the most objective people to cite in this situation.

You using a coli poll in your argument is disappointing. Your whole claim to fame here is that you don’t let the coli’s opinion stop you from expressing your own. Yet you’re using a coli poll to back up your argument, even while citing the same coli that disagrees with you about the Chronic being a classic album. And for every coli thread saying Ye doesn’t have any classics, you’ll find one like this.

You're right, I shouldn’t diminish legends. I apologize for saying the Chronic isn’t a classic. Oh wait, that was you who said that


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
I already gave my reasons for why I feel like Kanye has four classics in my first post. Your reasoning consisted of telling me that it’s not a classic because you don’t replay his music, even while admitting that you don’t fukk with him in the first place.

And I told you those struggle reasons were weak as fukk. So then you went the predictable "well you don't like him anyway, no matter what he does" route.
Which is silly. As though if Ye dropped an album as nice as Supreme Clientele, I'd still hate it just cuz :mjlol:

Of course I don't fukk with him :what: He's a wack rapper with no classics.

If he had made actual classics, I would fukk with him. How hard is this to understand? :mindblown:

I then provided an example of someone I don't really fukk with (Dre), who has made undeniable classics. Which means that if your stuff is really amazing, even people that aren't huge fans of you can still appreciate.

So playing up the "u biased" card is cowardly because it largely doesn't matter with GOAT contenders. They are that good.

Again, how hard is this to understand? :mindblown:

You're deliberately running yourself in circles, misquoting me, struggling to understand basic ideas.

Fact of the matter is that many people other than me think Kanye has no classics, even though you were trying to play it off as "SirBiatch thinks his 'polarizing' opinion is law". Turns out that in this matter, I'm not unique :umad:

And I'm very sure that on a site like The Coli, which has a notoriously strong Ye stanbase, has a more favorable outlook to Ye. And he still couldn't get a classic :deadmanny: Imagine what the real world thinks.

Sorry breh. You're gonna have to swallow that.

You're welcome to re-do the poll and change the outcome if it makes you feel better :umad:
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Big Mel

May 1, 2012
Flodge free zone
Is College Dropout even seeing Diplomatic Immunity or Philadelphia Freeway?

Me thinks not. And those are 4 mic albums graded on an era appropriate curve.

Drew Wonder

May 10, 2012
And I told you those struggle reasons were weak as fukk. So then you went the predictable "well you don't like him anyway, no matter what he does" route.
Which is silly. As though if Ye dropped an album as nice as Supreme Clientele, I'd still hate it just cuz :mjlol:

Of course I don't fukk with him :what: He's a wack rapper with no classics.

If he had made actual classics, I would fukk with him. How hard is this to understand? :mindblown:

I then provided an example of someone I don't really fukk with (Dre), who has made undeniable classics. Which means that if your stuff is really amazing, even people that aren't huge fans of you can still appreciate.

So playing up the "u biased" card is cowardly because it largely doesn't matter with GOAT contenders. They are that good.

Again, how hard is this to understand? :mindblown:

You're deliberately running yourself in circles, misquoting me, struggling to understand basic ideas.

Fact of the matter is that many people other than me think Kanye has no classics, even though you were trying to play it off as "SirBiatch thinks his 'polarizing' opinion is law". Turns out that in this matter, I'm not unique :umad:

And I'm very sure that on a site like The Coli, which has a notoriously strong Ye stanbase, has a more favorable outlook to Ye. And he still couldn't get a classic :deadmanny: Imagine what the real world thinks.

Sorry breh. You're gonna have to swallow that.

You're welcome to re-do the poll and change the outcome if it makes you feel better :umad:

A lot of editing going on in your posts :troll:

I’m using struggle reasons while your argument mainly boils down to “I don’t like him so therefore he’s wack and everyone who doesn’t think he’s wack is wrong” lol

People in that very same thread I posted said he had classics while you can pick other threads here with people saying he has no classics. This is why using the coli as an example is ridiculous in itself given how fickle and inconsistent the views here are. In regards to our own experience in the real world, that revolves around what circles you were in in high school/college which again can apply to just about any rapper based on where you’re from, how you were raised, etc. But we both already acknowledged this

So knowing that, I fail to see how citing influence(even if it’s not the type of influence you personally deem positive), innovation and cohesiveness are struggle reasons for determining a classic.

It’s insane to me that you think Doggystyle is a classic but not the Chronic. But that’s for another thread


Prince of Persia. Stalked for daps
Feb 18, 2015
I’m using struggle reasons while your argument mainly boils down to “I don’t like him so therefore he’s wack and everyone who doesn’t think he’s wack is wrong” lol

No, stupid :snoop: My argument has always been that most heads don't look at Ye's music like that. I even mentioned the Coli poll, which you keep managing to downplay. Fact of the matter is that a poll was done (to address back and forths just like this one), and had more than 100 voters per album. Stop linking me to some struggle thread with low postage :mjlol:

Fux sake... maybe you should be rereading and editing your posts. It'll raise the quality of your posts, that's for sure :troll:


Apr 3, 2014
Does OP ever wonder why most of his threads get no days, and why he's in the red?

On rare occasions a man will be hated because he speaks an uncomfortable truth.

that is not the case here though. just an idiot thinking he's informed :francis:

but that's the thing about idiots
they don't realize they're idiots

I wonder if he actually says this shyt out loud in real life :mjlol:

Wacky D

May 10, 2012
No I posted this song because it's almost universally agreed upon as amazing including by people including those I know aren't Kanye stans and heavily critique him :dwillhuh:

lol. its time to retire the phrase in the bolded.

universally agreed upon by whom? the song just came out. its not possible for it anything to be universally agreed upon. good or bad. lol.

not to mention, you got no cosigns in this thread for that track. not even from the Kanye fans. one of em str8 called it a bad example.

Nope i'm grading it on a Kanye makes amazing timeless music curve, there's no reason why I can't look at his catalog and put any given album against whichever 90's "real hip hop" record you find precious.


Kanye is a hack breh.

the fact that most of the serious hip-hop followers that hype him up as some all-timer are 20 years younger than him, should tell you all you need to know.

Pifferry's trash example proves the problem with so many stans: they don't actually know what's dope or not. They just know: "x artist is to be followed". It's not clear to them when an artist excels or fails and why. Which is why we don't take y'all seriously.

I'm more informed about a wack rapper's music than wack rapper's stans. Funny how that works.
