To be clear when I talk about spectacle it ain't just relegated to sex and edginess. Storytelling can provide spectacle but it's an uphill battle in wrestling because of certain inherent connotations
But it is interesting that you mentioned Game Of Thrones because it emphasizes my previous post. Game Of Thrones was excellent storytelling, but part of that storytelling was FUKKERY
Lannister fukkery brought ratings before the dragons did. The fukkery was what DREW people to GOT, the story was what kept them
So to further clarify, no I don't think just taking the current WWE and slapping attitude Era shyt on top is a binary solution, because like I mentioned, the Attitude Era was a pioneer in shifting cultural norms in the 90s. For current WWE to get that heat back, they would have to lead or be a major participant in a counter culture movement relevant to this time. Sex and fukkery is everywhere these days so what could it be? Who knows?
Yeah, we're on the same page. And wrestling has enough inherent fukkery in the product that we'll never have to worry about that ever not being a focus
I'm just excited that long-term storytelling is being prioritized because it's always been the thing that makes it good. 5-Star matches are great but story will always be king. We're the nerd generation that loves Comiccon and superhero movies that take on darker or more adult tones. DC and Marvel can't get away with just rolling out a BS movie to sell merchandise like they used to be able to.
I've always said that for years, even when WWE is bad, their greatest strength has been those little 2-minute vignettes that catch us up on the story right before a PPV match. They've taken lukewarm storylines that I didn't care about, but then when I see how they add the narration, music, and video, I'm like damn, all that happened

The world and the way we consume media is too segmented today to compare any kind of successful creative and popularity strides to the Attitude Era, but I can definitely see them hitting another gear and changing the game in a different way.
I can see them putting more effort into having those little easter eggs and possible breadcrumbs that get the internet talking during their builds and angles. Hopefully the success of the Bloodline storyline is going to inspire other wrestlers to take pride in their feuds in this way, and that with Vince gone from creative, people get the breathing room to do their thing