Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Post a pic bytch and not a lie. Yo bitter azz ain't seen a p*ssy since the day u came outta one but I'm supposed to be offended that some moist, pseudo-autistic wannabe is mad that I'm spitting the truth.

Everything u say is obsolete because u dumb enuff to be mindraped by a bunch of racist stereotypes. You use these as a shield to protect you from the truth that u fail romantically because u awkward as fukk, look like God knows what, can't hold a normal conversation, and probably irritate most normal people. Blk women don't want you because you're not worthy of their attention. Not because they want thugs, not because they single moms. But because they want men and ur not one.

See I can read the bytch in ur heart. I see the hoe in ur eye.
Get over it. Get offline re-hashing the same tired bitter azz rhetoric. Stop being mad as fukk and worry about urself.
Don't blame the blk community for ur dry dyck. Blame u.
And until you are smart enuff to evaluate actual stats on our community, keep ur moist hoe ass mouth shut about a group of women you lie on cuz u mad they don't want ur goofy ass.

:umad: ya bish

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
But it is. That's always what comes out. "All we like are thugs" "That's why all of em single mommas" "women in other races like nerdy guys"
"Dey superficial"

Too many issues to have an honest conversation without people getting moist.
Meanwhile, I still maintain that nerdiness as defined by intelligence and a moderate interest in a particular hobby, isn't the damning factor in why many of these gentlemen aren't getting play. That's the convenient excuse they hide behind because they don't want to address deeper personality issues.

Namely the following problems are more likely factors and this is for male AND females with similar complaints.
1.) Entitlement-This idea that relationships are easy and are the right of everyone. Meanwhile even the rich and sexy have trouble making connections with others.
2.) Unrealistic expectations in the opposite sex from lack of interaction- just weird strange ideas about the motivations of the opposite sex. An inability to understand them within the context of flawed humanity.
3.) Minor appearance issues- I say minor because in a lot of these cases these guys aren't that physically unattractive. It's not looks that's holding a lot of them back.
4.) lack of communication skills- How often do u speak to the opposite sex outside of a forum? Who u communicate with the most is who ur develop comfort with.
5.) frustration-This seeps into interactions with the opposite sex and it drives people away because it's not their job to cure u of bitterness
6.) social awkwardness-There is something about u that just makes people uncomfortable. You may have a general disposition that puts people at ill ease. Or u may speak over others. Stand too close. Push for relations too soon. Overcompensating with rudeness to exude a sense of being a badass but it just looks weird and pretentious...
7.)exaggerated preferences in the opposite sex-nuff said
8.) defeatist attitude-when people show you examples of other intelligent couples you excuse away their romantic success. "Oh he probably had money!"
9.) racial self-hate-nuff said
10.) lack of effort-A lot of people who complain don't have a lot of actual experience under their belt. They are anticipating rejection based off other's experiences or online anecdotes and arguing from this stance. Meanwhile if u ask them about the last time they actually had interaction with someone offline, they can't tell u.
11.) Lack of social circle- Many of these types don't have many friends period, but somehow women are to blame for their social failures with the opposite sex?

My problem with these discussions is it's automatically assumed that some nebulous concept of nerdiness is the female repellant that is keeping them from success with women. Like sure, it couldn't POSSIBLY those socially crippling factors at play. Nope...gotta be that people hate nerds.:comeon:

Not to mention many hiding behind nerdy hobbies are slowly losing their pity party haven. Now a days who hasn't seen Dragonball Z. Plenty of people are into video games. People have a wide array of hobbies.

Everybody is branching out. So now that a lot of people are into a lot of things, what will socially inept people use as an excuse now?
I say these things not to be mean-spirited but to encourage self-reflection. Get out, meet people, avoid a$$holes, and cultivate a genuine enjoyment of life while building urself up. Wallowing in excuses won't help in the long run.

I hope you go this hard in the paint when the shoe's on the other foot (when it's women complaining about not having a suitable man)

Larry Lambo

Sep 5, 2015
If chicks looked at him and said "no thanks, you're a nerd" then what they really meant is "i'm not attracted to you" in the least offensive way.
Fact of matter is if you're an attractive human, your culture,race,religion,beliefs,views etc.. becomes irrelevant.
And :facepalm: at him bringing up Marques tha gawd in this. Marques is a good looking guy, he has a well proportioned face and i'm quite sure women aren't rejecting him because he is a "nerd".

Imagine this "nerdy" chick approaching a classy guy and him responding "no thanks, i'm not into nerdy chicks" :heh:

Now imagine this chick approaching him

Looks > everything else in reality :manny:

I get your point but it doesn't necessarily work this way. A moderately attractive female "nerd" is going to get tons of play from men at her level (lookswise), regardless of her personality. This is not the case with men.

Most men wouldn't care if a chick was socially awkward as long as she met his physical requirements, whereas a woman would turn down a man that met her physical requirements if she views him as "lame". Women have more dating options in general and don't have to jump on the first physically appealing person that offers. Whereas most men do.

Typical dating scenarios for (most) men and women of equal attractiveness -

A. Woman has several men at her level pursuing her, and chooses the one with she likes the most based on personality, intelligence, confidence, and level of comfort
B. Man pursues several women at his level, and the one he progresses the most with is the one he ends up with. Things like personality, intelligence, confidence don't matter as long as she is not absolutely terrible in those areas

So you can't really compare an attractive female nerd's options to an attractive male nerd's options, because by default the woman is going to have more options and will be able to use more stringent criteria than the man.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Close thread because that's all this is about. That's why I hate discussions like these! Nobody is ever honest! Some of ya'll act like we didn't go to high school either. Everybody knows and has interacted with nerds before. And unless they were willing to find their kindred spirit in a female, they had the craziest expectations in the opposite sex.
I'm talking bout harboring secret resentment for the homecoming queen for dating the head of the football squad. Talking about wanting a girlfriend that looks like Lara Croft or Tifa Lockhart. Ironically a lot nerdy blk men have very narrow views of acceptable females they desire even as they accuse blk women of having the same. Unless a blk chick is 8 or above or non-blk they are invisible to these types. We used to try and help dudes like this in our social circles. "Oh she's a cute blk chick. She likes Bleach!" "Ew! I only like straight hair."
"Oh what about her! She's cute, likes COD!" "Nah, boobs aren't big enuff."
Lol @ this generalisation

I respect your experiences but what you are talking about isn't the norm.

If what you said was the norm people calling nerds virgins (aka dude who can't get any women) would be rare yet it's common and even being done on this site

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
Lol @ this generalisation

I respect your experiences but what you are talking about isn't the norm.

If what you said was the norm people calling nerds virgins (aka dude who can't get any women) would be rare yet it's common and even being done on this site

Exactly, she doesn't see the glaring flaws in her arguments. She just saw this thread's premise, projected her beliefs/experiences, and went ALL THE WAY LEFT.

She obviously has issues to work on.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Exactly, she doesn't see the glaring flaws in her arguments. She just saw this thread's premise, projected her beliefs/experiences, and went ALL THE WAY LEFT.

She obviously has issues to work on.

This only can go down in America. :heh:

When some of these simps wake up, it's gonna be :ohlawd:

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
OP is a pandering fakkit.

And fat bytches need to shut the fukk up and take whatever man shows interest in them. Fat bytches in this thread talking like they can shame men without consequence.
And what about #SadBoyz like yourself? Why shouldn't you shut the fukk up and take whatever woman shows interest in you? It sounds like you and those "fat bytches" need to link up :steviej: