Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
@Thomas is simply a panderer, that's all.

You should see the threads on the internet about black professional men not wanting to settle down.

Do those women deserve marriage and a house with a white picket fence?

smh... Double Standards.


In 2015, it was pro-black pandering for daps. 2016 might be the year of the simps.

nikka needs to take a couple visits to Lipstick Alley.

Hoes over there saying to abort all black male children. Something like that would get you perma-banned over here with nikkas finding your info and exposing you too :mjgrin:

He doesn't care about that though. He's #TeamBlackGirlsRock

The funny shyt about this whole topic is black women started this battle of the sexes first. It was them going on tv, movies, talk shows and newspapers telling the world black men weren't shyt. Black men never said anything back. Black women kept dumping on black men publicly all throughout the 80s, 90s and the 2000s. Then the internet hit. And black men began airing out black women's dirty laundry. Now all of sudden, you're a c00n and you hate your momma for talking about these chicks when it was men responding to them talking shyt first. They can make movies about black men being worthless and put it on 4,000 screens across America but, any fire thrown back their way is bashing and c00ning.
Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
Only thing sadder than a man who blames women for his insecurities is a man who cries about double standards :russ:

Another ad-hominem from the undergrad.

Child where did l say l was insecure?

If you can't see the double standard then go back to your humanities classes for the definition.

Women aren't entitled to Professional Black Men just as nerds aren't entitled IG Thots.

Everyone will eventually find their own lane.



Jun 22, 2014
In 2015, it was pro-black pandering for daps. 2016 might be the year of the simps.

nikka needs to take a couple visits to Lipstick Alley.

Hoes over there saying to abort all black male children. Something like that would get you perma-banned over here with nikkas finding your info and exposing you too :mjgrin:

He doesn't care about that though. He's #TeamBlackGirlsRock

The funny shyt about this whole topic is black women started this battle of the sexes first. It was them going on tv, movies, talk shows and newspapers telling the world black men weren't shyt. Black men never said anything back. Black women kept dumping on black men publicly all throughout the 80s, 90s and the 2000s. Then the internet hit. And black men began airing out black women's dirty laundry. Now all of sudden, you're a c00n and you hate your momma for talking about these chicks when it was men responding to them talking shyt first. They can make movies about black men being worthless and put it on 4,000 screens across America but, any fire thrown back their way is bashing and c00ning.

Another ad-hominem from the undergrad.

Child where did l say l was insecure?

If you can't see the double standard then go back to your humanities classes for the definition.

Women aren't entitled to Professional Black Men just as nerds aren't entitled IG Thots.

Everyone will eventually find their own lane.



Jun 22, 2014
When you are prevented from posting a witty pseudo-intellectual comeback this is what your reduced to.

I'm disappointed l ever took you serious...

I have no idea who you are :mjlol:
But yeah, the characterizations that Black women are these degenerate, thug-loving, intelligence-hating, she-beasts is someone the most pathetic rhetoric I've ever seen.
I don't even pay attention to double-standards long enough to cry about them.
Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
I have no idea who you are :mjlol:
But yeah, the characterizations that Black women are these degenerate, thug-loving, intelligence-hating, she-beasts is someone the most pathetic rhetoric I've ever seen.
I don't even pay attention to double-standards long enough to cry about them.

As long as people are on the side that benefits then this point of view will continue.

Enjoy your daps.


In need of assistance.
Oct 29, 2013
No and Hell No
I always improve myself, brehette :pachaha:. If the woman overlook my real qualities for the superficial, she deserves karma.

Wishing ill upon me? That's Kent level of LAME!
You're right. I shouldn't wish ill on you.

The sun shines on the wicked and the just alike.

I just don't see how improving yourself gives you the right to mistreat someone.


Sep 10, 2015
But it is. That's always what comes out. "All we like are thugs" "That's why all of em single mommas" "women in other races like nerdy guys"
"Dey superficial"

Too many issues to have an honest conversation without people getting moist.
Meanwhile, I still maintain that nerdiness as defined by intelligence and a moderate interest in a particular hobby, isn't the damning factor in why many of these gentlemen aren't getting play. That's the convenient excuse they hide behind because they don't want to address deeper personality issues.

Namely the following problems are more likely factors and this is for male AND females with similar complaints.
1.) Entitlement-This idea that relationships are easy and are the right of everyone. Meanwhile even the rich and sexy have trouble making connections with others.
2.) Unrealistic expectations in the opposite sex from lack of interaction- just weird strange ideas about the motivations of the opposite sex. An inability to understand them within the context of flawed humanity.
3.) Minor appearance issues- I say minor because in a lot of these cases these guys aren't that physically unattractive. It's not looks that's holding a lot of them back.
4.) lack of communication skills- How often do u speak to the opposite sex outside of a forum? Who u communicate with the most is who ur develop comfort with.
5.) frustration-This seeps into interactions with the opposite sex and it drives people away because it's not their job to cure u of bitterness
6.) social awkwardness-There is something about u that just makes people uncomfortable. You may have a general disposition that puts people at ill ease. Or u may speak over others. Stand too close. Push for relations too soon. Overcompensating with rudeness to exude a sense of being a badass but it just looks weird and pretentious...
7.)exaggerated preferences in the opposite sex-nuff said
8.) defeatist attitude-when people show you examples of other intelligent couples you excuse away their romantic success. "Oh he probably had money!"
9.) racial self-hate-nuff said
10.) lack of effort-A lot of people who complain don't have a lot of actual experience under their belt. They are anticipating rejection based off other's experiences or online anecdotes and arguing from this stance. Meanwhile if u ask them about the last time they actually had interaction with someone offline, they can't tell u.
11.) Lack of social circle- Many of these types don't have many friends period, but somehow women are to blame for their social failures with the opposite sex?

My problem with these discussions is it's automatically assumed that some nebulous concept of nerdiness is the female repellant that is keeping them from success with women. Like sure, it couldn't POSSIBLY those socially crippling factors at play. Nope...gotta be that people hate nerds.:comeon:

Not to mention many hiding behind nerdy hobbies are slowly losing their pity party haven. Now a days who hasn't seen Dragonball Z. Plenty of people are into video games. People have a wide array of hobbies.

Everybody is branching out. So now that a lot of people are into a lot of things, what will socially inept people use as an excuse now?
I say these things not to be mean-spirited but to encourage self-reflection. Get out, meet people, avoid a$$holes, and cultivate a genuine enjoyment of life while building urself up. Wallowing in excuses won't help in the long run.
huh? :skip:

Quote me posts in this thread that shame black women for not liking nerds.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
did this dude ask to use MBL image for his video? For all you know the dude could have a black girl friend.


Gentleman at Dawn, Pornstar at Dusk
Jan 30, 2016
If chicks looked at him and said "no thanks, you're a nerd" then what they really meant is "i'm not attracted to you" in the least offensive way.
Fact of matter is if you're an attractive human, your culture,race,religion,beliefs,views etc.. becomes irrelevant.
And :facepalm: at him bringing up Marques tha gawd in this. Marques is a good looking guy, he has a well proportioned face and i'm quite sure women aren't rejecting him because he is a "nerd".

Imagine this "nerdy" chick approaching a classy guy and him responding "no thanks, i'm not into nerdy chicks" :heh:

Now imagine this chick approaching him

Looks > everything else in reality :manny:


All Star
Jun 21, 2012
What do you think about colorism in attraction?

I think I know where you're going with that question...but nah colorism isn't justifiable as a preference in attraction in my opinion. In order for it to be legitimate, racism would have to be too.

That said, it is going to happen anyway. Plenty of Black men will complain about being looked at some type of way for being Black, while being unapologetic about disliking darker skinned Black women. Plenty of Black women will complain about being looked at some type of way for being Black, while being unapologetic about making jokes and disparaging light skin Black men. That too, is life. People need to adjust and either improve other qualities that the group they want will appreciate, or go elsewhere if the option is available. Problem is, despite all the claims, most of the people doing the loudest complaining about the opposite sex in their race, don't really have outside options like they claim. That's why they spend all their time mired in misery about Black women/Black men's inherent dysfunction.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
I could, but you have to understand that the bolded is giving credence to the dude in the OP's stance that black women aren't attracted to guys like him vs thugs or whatever. So yall go 10 pages dragging him (not u personally) just to lowkey co-sign him the whole time.

This is why I said this thread was hella disingenuous.

Expanding his preferences means what exactly? A dude in his position isn't turning down large swaths of women based on his preferences, doing that requires having options. So before they were too lame and black women aren't attracted to men like him and now he's turning down hoards of non dime black women due to high standards? :heh: How many "nerdy" dudes you know are turning down suitors left and right at ANY attractiveness levels?

You're again lowkey implying that they should go for substantially below average women to keep it black when they don't have to compromise otherwise. What's worse is you're assuming these "invisible black women" would be attracted to them instead of the men all the other women are attracted to which couldn't be further from the truth.

Her projection has been god-awful throughout this thread. Moreover she's being disingenuous. No use arguing with her. And I'd bet good money that she has nothing to say about black women who cry all day about not being able to find a good man.

Typical male-shaming drivel.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
What's false about 70% of black children being born to single mothers. This has been proven ad-nauseum. You can also look around our community and see it in effect. Telling the truth isn't being racist. Most black kids don't have active fathers living in the same households as them. (I.e. Single mother). Besides you a fat ugly bytch anyway. I wouldn't even look your way in real life. I have no clue why you on here talking big shyt acting like your opinion matters. Every chick I ever smashed looks better than you. If I wanted the opinions of a fat ugly bytch I'd go out here and ask one :mjlol:

How dare you bring up facts and stats that highlight the questionable habits of black women! How dare you hold women accountable for their piss-poor decisions!