Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
They're assuming that "nerds" are the intelligentsia of the Black community, and that in turn makes them "better" than the "lowly class of hoodrat women."
Its a ridiculous distinction.
This overall has turned what was supposed to be a panning of the anti-Black woman rhetoric popular by that section of Youtube, into a low-key "bash Black women" thread, using "hoodrat" as a substitute for "Black women in general."

Seems like they buy into all the negative stereotypes of lower income/hood black people,and feel that we need saving:jbhmm:...many of them are black men who have basically adopted a white savior/white supremacy complex:scust:

These women should fall to your feet and allow you to save them from this phantom "thug" known as Dejericho right.....yeah i be seein the slick shyt yall do with the names like Shantisha,Bonisha etc:ufdup:.

some of yall are some sick puppies:mjpls:

They are also insulting blk men who ARE successful with blk women by intimating that these dudes are mainly thugs since that's all we want. (Insert eye roll here)

Anybody who capes for the Prince of All Saiyans or enjoys playing Fallout 4 is a special snowflake that will be ignored by the majority of people in his race. Why? Because they are nerds.
(Not because they are lacking in connection, chemistry, comfort, attraction, never visible, not interacting with anyone, or any other major factor in a romantic relationship.) Nope b/c they nerds.:troll:

"Bu bu but its been determined were the good ones,why wont these lesser negroes let us save them,and by save i mean fukk them"

Hood mentalitys can change with time and exposure,but this "massa mentality" some of you have adopted,is really damaged and aint no coming back from it.

Youve been assimilated,bitten by the white supremacist zombie:mjcry:
May 11, 2012
Don't you dare suggest the nerdy guy goes for a nerdy girl though :shaq2:

That's not the way the reward system works, tho.

Nerds/men in general have been taught resources= access to beautiful women.

Let them niccaz reach for the stars.They'll learn a few lessons and eventually find their own lane.

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
@Thomas what were you looking to gain making this thread, especially in TLR? Why inadvertently contribute to TLR's ongoing bm vs. black men gender war by posting this? Why give dude in the youtube video in OP more attention (and views)? :what:

And there are just as many, if not more, youtube videos of black women dissing black men. Why have you never made mention of this or disparage those women the same way that you are disparaging that dude?
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Feb 12, 2015
That's not the way the reward system works, tho.

Nerds/men in general have been taught resources= access to beautiful women.

Let them niccaz reach for the stars.They'll learn a few lessons and eventually find their own lane.
At least u acknowledge this dynamic. Thank u man. People acting like this isn't the case. Like some so-called nerds don't have chips on their shoulders in regards to their preferences while simultaneously resenting women for their preferences.
May 11, 2012
At least u acknowledge this dynamic. Thank u man. People acting like this isn't the case. Like some so-called nerds don't have chips on their shoulders in regards to their preferences while simultaneously resenting women for their preferences.

In the immortal words of Tupac "We was given this world, we didn't make it"

As impossible as it may seem, you have to learn to keep your compassion.

Especially for the opposite gender.

I went through the whole bitter thing, but now that I've detached myself from that toxic shyt, women go :lupe::wub::whew: when they're around me now.

If you can learn the lessons(making you sucker free), get past the pain, and reconnect your heart to some compassion....SHEEEEEIIIITTTT.

That's a lethal combination, sis

JQ Legend

Dec 9, 2013
I heard it a few times in college. I just chalked it up to jealousy. I didn't know men over 25 years of age still thought this way.

That's u in your avatar?

Far as the thread goes, I haven't heard this anywhere outside the coli

I attributed struggles with dating to social media making shyt difficult and people awkward. The whole u gotta be a thug to get women is some shyt.
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Oct 30, 2015
the belly of the empire
@Thomas what we're you looking to gain making this thread, especially in TLR? Why inadvertently contribute to TLR's ongoing bm vs. black men gender war by posting this? Why give dude in the youtube video in OP more attention (and views)? :what:

And there are just as many, if not more, youtube videos of black women dissing black men. Why have you never made mention of this or disparage those women the same way that you are disparaging that dude?

@Thomas is simply a panderer, that's all.

You should see the threads on the internet about black professional men not wanting to settle down.

Do those women deserve marriage and a house with a white picket fence?

smh... Double Standards.



Nov 19, 2015
The fact that it took like 200 posts to address the obvious, which is that this man is unattractive and that is likely the source of most of his issues, says everything to me. No way you get that far with a video of a very unattractive woman complaining about Black men and no one pointing out the obvious source of her problems.

We kid glove these things for men sometimes, and it actually hurts instead of helps so I think people should stop. Women need to stop telling men as long as they are 'nice' or intelligent that they will have access to whichever quality of women they deem suitable. It doesn't work that way. if you are lacking in some areas you will have to compromise on some of your desires or you will have to improve where you lack or go even further in other areas. Its life, and women have to do it too.

Also, men need to accept that women factoring in physical qualities is not a valid thing to hold against women or resent us for. I actually read men on here who have accepted looks matter to women, but it has just made them more bitter. Thats insane, because factoring in physical attraction is a normal human behavioral pattern. These same men would readily acknowledge they are aiming to get a woman they find attractive themselves, so its doubly crazy. You should have physical standards that are unmoveable but women are evil and poor decision makers because we have physical standards? Especially since women can be way more lenient in that department if you make up for it in other departments.

And I know what's coming, the same bitter posters are going to pretend looks only matter to Black women, and other races of women are tripping over themselves to get the guy in the video. But we know that's not true, because if he was getting the 6-7s in other races, he wouldn't be obsessed with who Black women are choosing. He, and all the Black men like him and agreeing with him, aren't getting love from women period. But they are scapegoating Black women for their problems with women across the board one because we're easy targets and two because they respect our right to have standards far less than other races of women.

Point is, you can wish and hope that looks shouldn't matter to women or should factor very little. But its just a reality you need to deal with. Get in the gym, which should naturally improve your confidence. Get some type of therapy or find some other way to work through and get past your bitterness so it doesn't exude from you and drive people away. Work hard in your school or career so you can prove yourself a provider to potential mates. And put yourself out there, even if that just means online dating if you're an introvert. That goes for men but also many points can apply to women too. Anyone who isn't getting the results they want in the dating world.
What do you think about colorism in attraction?
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yung Herbie Hancock

Funkadelic Parliament
Dec 27, 2014
The fact that it took like 200 posts to address the obvious, which is that this man is unattractive and that is likely the source of most of his issues, says everything to me. No way you get that far with a video of a very unattractive woman complaining about Black men and no one pointing out the obvious source of her problems.

We kid glove these things for men sometimes, and it actually hurts instead of helps so I think people should stop. Women need to stop telling men as long as they are 'nice' or intelligent that they will have access to whichever quality of women they deem suitable. It doesn't work that way. if you are lacking in some areas you will have to compromise on some of your desires or you will have to improve where you lack or go even further in other areas. Its life, and women have to do it too.

Also, men need to accept that women factoring in physical qualities is not a valid thing to hold against women or resent us for. I actually read men on here who have accepted looks matter to women, but it has just made them more bitter. Thats insane, because factoring in physical attraction is a normal human behavioral pattern. These same men would readily acknowledge they are aiming to get a woman they find attractive themselves, so its doubly crazy. You should have physical standards that are unmoveable but women are evil and poor decision makers because we have physical standards? Especially since women can be way more lenient in that department if you make up for it in other departments.

And I know what's coming, the same bitter posters are going to pretend looks only matter to Black women, and other races of women are tripping over themselves to get the guy in the video. But we know that's not true, because if he was getting the 6-7s in other races, he wouldn't be obsessed with who Black women are choosing. He, and all the Black men like him and agreeing with him, aren't getting love from women period. But they are scapegoating Black women for their problems with women across the board one because we're easy targets and two because they respect our right to have standards far less than other races of women.

Point is, you can wish and hope that looks shouldn't matter to women or should factor very little. But its just a reality you need to deal with. Get in the gym, which should naturally improve your confidence. Get some type of therapy or find some other way to work through and get past your bitterness so it doesn't exude from you and drive people away. Work hard in your school or career so you can prove yourself a provider to potential mates. And put yourself out there, even if that just means online dating if you're an introvert. That goes for men but also many points can apply to women too. Anyone who isn't getting the results they want in the dating world.
I completely agree. The thing about women though is that they will shoot for a man better looking than them during their prime years. Women don't like dating/fukking at their own level(physically) until their late 20s and 30s. Hell just look at fat women, they love men who are skinny as sh*t :upsetfavre: they rarely like fat men. But yea the guy in the video needs to reevaluate his life after making that video:mjlol:.


In need of assistance.
Oct 29, 2013
No and Hell No
Damn. I wouldn't go that far. I just think their mentality is holding them back. Also taking an "autistic" approach to human relations is an impediment.

That whole 10 point scale of judging women reeks of that. There's no way that anybody who has experience interacting with the opposite sex can quantify a whole entire fukking human being and the complexity of attraction to them in 10 points. That shyt is cute for online polls but real life doesn't go that way.

You could meet someone who initially don't think much of but after spending time with them, they become attractive to u. U could meet someone who is fine that you have no chemistry with. U could meet someone u have fire connection with that sucks in bed. Or someone whose face irritates u that u can't help but wanna fukk. And so on.

Meanwhile you don't pick up on these little nuances unless you get out there.
Speak on it queen!

I just reconnected with a dude who was "nerdy" as hell to me in elementary school. And even the first few times I met him outside Facebook i was like....nah. But now, he's out the bushes. Hopefully he still likes me though. :sadcam:


In need of assistance.
Oct 29, 2013
No and Hell No
And why yall drag Marques name into this bullshyt? :why:
That nikka channel is piff :wow:
The dude in the video did it. Don't you see the screen cap is of Marques, he also brings him up a few times saying black women would turn a man like him down (:stopitslime:).

Like in what world. And even if they did...who hasn't been turned down before? Gotta believe in yourself and educate yourself about how to recognize the difference between a dusty swamp toad and a prince/princess in disguise.

The dude in the video is behaving himself like a dusty swamp toad. Heaven help him. :francis:

William F. Russell

11x Champion; 5x MVP; 1st Black Coach
Oct 5, 2014
@Thomas what were you looking to gain making this thread, especially in TLR? Why inadvertently contribute to TLR's ongoing bm vs. black men gender war by posting this? Why give dude in the youtube video in OP more attention (and views)? :what:

And there are just as many, if not more, youtube videos of black women dissing black men. Why have you never made mention of this or disparage those women the same way that you are disparaging that dude?

@Thomas you gonna answer my question or you gonna keep ducking me?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
nikkas salty because they have trash game and trash self esteem, blame video game for your shortcoming with women brehs :stopitslime:

Instead of working on their skills a lot of nerds like to sit back and blame video games for it, getting women is a skill just like anything else, put that same work you put into your tentacle porn and anime porn that you put into women

It's fair game that if I have to compromise and fake everything that I have, just for female attention, I have the right to treat her the way I wamt. :ehh:

One thing to stop being socially awkward, but to be on some Don Juan shyt....I can do that and anything I put my mind into, just that to do accomplish that, they don't deserve the best. Only the humble, understanding women get the best.


May 6, 2012
Black woken aren't really into nerdy men until those same black women hit their 30s 40s and realize that nerd is getting paid. That nerd is already shacked up with a white or Asian woman.

Think about it though...too many women raised without a father. How would they even know what qualities to look for in a man?