Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
The way certain people express themselves offline is a facade and they are truly themselves on the net, not the other way around

That's why it's silly when people say stuff like, "I don't know anybody that thinks like this in the real world", as if we know how someone is really thinking just because they put on a certain face or say the "right" things.
this is the truth tho.... you know a person their whole life... then get on their facebook and discover a whole new other person


Sep 6, 2016
FBA hairline
nikkas salty because they have trash game and trash self esteem, blame video game for your shortcoming with women brehs :stopitslime:

Instead of working on their skills a lot of nerds like to sit back and blame video games for it, getting women is a skill just like anything else, put that same work you put into your tentacle porn and anime porn that you put into women

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
nikkas salty because they have trash game and trash self esteem, blame video game for your shortcoming with women brehs :stopitslime:

Instead of working on their skills a lot of nerds like to sit back and blame video games for it, getting women is a skill just like anything else, put that same work you put into your tentacle porn and anime porn that you put into women
there is no gif or smiley on the internet that can display how hard i'm laughing right now



All Star
Jun 21, 2012
The fact that it took like 200 posts to address the obvious, which is that this man is unattractive and that is likely the source of most of his issues, says everything to me. No way you get that far with a video of a very unattractive woman complaining about Black men and no one pointing out the obvious source of her problems.

We kid glove these things for men sometimes, and it actually hurts instead of helps so I think people should stop. Women need to stop telling men as long as they are 'nice' or intelligent that they will have access to whichever quality of women they deem suitable. It doesn't work that way. if you are lacking in some areas you will have to compromise on some of your desires or you will have to improve where you lack or go even further in other areas. Its life, and women have to do it too.

Also, men need to accept that women factoring in physical qualities is not a valid thing to hold against women or resent us for. I actually read men on here who have accepted looks matter to women, but it has just made them more bitter. Thats insane, because factoring in physical attraction is a normal human behavioral pattern. These same men would readily acknowledge they are aiming to get a woman they find attractive themselves, so its doubly crazy. You should have physical standards that are unmoveable but women are evil and poor decision makers because we have physical standards? Especially since women can be way more lenient in that department if you make up for it in other departments.

And I know what's coming, the same bitter posters are going to pretend looks only matter to Black women, and other races of women are tripping over themselves to get the guy in the video. But we know that's not true, because if he was getting the 6-7s in other races, he wouldn't be obsessed with who Black women are choosing. He, and all the Black men like him and agreeing with him, aren't getting love from women period. But they are scapegoating Black women for their problems with women across the board one because we're easy targets and two because they respect our right to have standards far less than other races of women.

Point is, you can wish and hope that looks shouldn't matter to women or should factor very little. But its just a reality you need to deal with. Get in the gym, which should naturally improve your confidence. Get some type of therapy or find some other way to work through and get past your bitterness so it doesn't exude from you and drive people away. Work hard in your school or career so you can prove yourself a provider to potential mates. And put yourself out there, even if that just means online dating if you're an introvert. That goes for men but also many points can apply to women too. Anyone who isn't getting the results they want in the dating world.


En Causa Sui
May 9, 2012
Breh, "Black women love thugs and hate nerds" isn't a "controversial opinion," its a comforting lie to socially awkward grown men.
aren't most so called nerdy dudes "socially awkward"
stereotypes have a certain amount of underlying truth to them
the nygga is corny but I am a subscriber to his channel and watch his videos
certain type of women would not fukk with him off top because of his personality and thats the truth

Will Ross

May 5, 2012
She's very pretty. I'm not sure how you reached that last conclusion though.

I mean if she's a "6" or a "7" at least then isn't it reasonable for her to want to date a man that is also a 6 or a 7? She seems pretty down to earth just from the picture...I don't see her desiring a Kobe type. Although if she does get a Kobe, minus the controversy, then God bless her.

My argument is that black women don't like nerdy black men. And the dude that made the video does not claim he cant get black women he actually claims to get p*ssy even though he is ugly

Jimi Swagger

I say whatever I think should be said
Jan 25, 2015
Turtle Island to DXB
I couldn't sit through the first 2 minutes, I am too visual. His pacing is off, he needs to let go of his hair and go bald and he looks like a ghetto monk - I didn't bother to listen to his guy crying. Dude didnt know that Maques dates Black chicks who are not IG thots?


The Fly (1836)
Jun 1, 2012
@Booksnrain, @Thomas, and a few others have already said what need to be said.

In regards to the video in the OP, Marques and I have mutual friends. Breh's outgoing, confident, in shape, about 6'3, a RIDICULOUSLY good athlete, a "nerd", and from what I've witnessed, has no problem attracting black women or women of any race.

He's pretty much the antithesis of the guy in the video's ramblings.


Feb 12, 2015
That qoute also says that "70% of black children are born to single mothers"......I never once said that "70% of black women are single mothers".

You can't read well.

When black women have babies, 70% of those babies are born into single parent households. I choose my words very carefully. You have very poor reading comprehension.

You obviously upset.
You got mad and started bytching at me first when I called out the hoe in ur heart on the other issue. As I said in numerous other threads until u answer the question, stay ur goofy ass out of the conversation. How many blk women are single mothers?

You've intimated several times that lots of blk women are single mothers which prompted me to ask you how many blk women are single mothers. YOU can't answer the question because ur a c00n ass puppet too stupid to analyze media stats falsely reported in our community. And I outlined all of this in the other thread ur coward ass ran from, so eat a dyck and go read the analysis I kindly provided hoe. And as for disrespectful language, u started that shyt first because these topics hit too close to ur socially inept hoe ass heart.

You even got other people calling ur dumb ass out and I'm actually more embarrassed for u than anything. If what I say hurts ur feelings that much, put me on ignore.

Even ur posting history paints a picture of the very same reasons why ur anathema to women. You're awkward, easily flustered, bitter and unintelligent. If this is what it's like interacting with u in the real life, I can see why women avoid the hell outta you, blk and otherwise.

Street Knowledge

May 2, 2012
Nerds are people who are attracted to things outside the mainstream of society. In the 1980's the big stereotype was the guys with the computers. The thing is everyone has a computer now, heck I'm posting on this website from my phone which is a computer. So that's not nerd shyt anymore


Feb 12, 2015
The fact that it took like 200 posts to address the obvious, which is that this man is unattractive and that is likely the source of most of his issues, says everything to me. No way you get that far with a video of a very unattractive woman complaining about Black men and no one pointing out the obvious source of her problems.

We kid glove these things for men sometimes, and it actually hurts instead of helps so I think people should stop. Women need to stop telling men as long as they are 'nice' or intelligent that they will have access to whichever quality of women they deem suitable. It doesn't work that way. if you are lacking in some areas you will have to compromise on some of your desires or you will have to improve where you lack or go even further in other areas. Its life, and women have to do it too.

Also, men need to accept that women factoring in physical qualities is not a valid thing to hold against women or resent us for. I actually read men on here who have accepted looks matter to women, but it has just made them more bitter. Thats insane, because factoring in physical attraction is a normal human behavioral pattern. These same men would readily acknowledge they are aiming to get a woman they find attractive themselves, so its doubly crazy. You should have physical standards that are unmoveable but women are evil and poor decision makers because we have physical standards? Especially since women can be way more lenient in that department if you make up for it in other departments.

And I know what's coming, the same bitter posters are going to pretend looks only matter to Black women, and other races of women are tripping over themselves to get the guy in the video. But we know that's not true, because if he was getting the 6-7s in other races, he wouldn't be obsessed with who Black women are choosing. He, and all the Black men like him and agreeing with him, aren't getting love from women period. But they are scapegoating Black women for their problems with women across the board one because we're easy targets and two because they respect our right to have standards far less than other races of women.

Point is, you can wish and hope that looks shouldn't matter to women or should factor very little. But its just a reality you need to deal with. Get in the gym, which should naturally improve your confidence. Get some type of therapy or find some other way to work through and get past your bitterness so it doesn't exude from you and drive people away. Work hard in your school or career so you can prove yourself a provider to potential mates. And put yourself out there, even if that just means online dating if you're an introvert. That goes for men but also many points can apply to women too. Anyone who isn't getting the results they want in the dating world.
All of this! Especially the bolded. I still try to understand how some men resent women and vice versa for having preferences based on looks, but will look at u like ur evil if u suggest that they go outside of their own preferences.

Each gender feels entitled to their own desires while resenting the opposite sex for theirs.


Dec 24, 2015
Worldwide Entertainment
You got mad and started bytching at me first when I called out the hoe in ur heart on the other issue. As I said in numerous other threads until u answer the question, stay ur goofy ass out of the conversation. How many blk women are single mothers?

You've intimated several times that lots of blk women are single mothers which prompted me to ask you how many blk women are single mothers. YOU can't answer the question because ur a c00n ass puppet too stupid to analyze media stats falsely reported in our community. And I outlined all of this in the other thread ur coward ass ran from, so eat a dyck and go read the analysis I kindly provided hoe. And as for disrespectful language, u started that shyt first because these topics hit too close to ur socially inept hoe ass heart.

You even got other people calling ur dumb ass out and I'm actually more embarrassed for u than anything. If what I say hurts ur feelings that much, put me on ignore.

Even ur posting history paints a picture of the very same reasons why ur anathema to women. You're awkward, easily flustered, bitter and unintelligent. If this is what it's like interacting with u in the real life, I can see why women avoid the hell outta you, blk and otherwise.

I was trying to be nice. I'm done. Because I'm gonna say some evil shyt to you in a few minutes and everybody gonna act like I'm in the wrong when you talking mad reckless right now. You got it. Ugly fat bytch :mjlol: Let me stop.


Feb 12, 2015
I was trying to be nice. I'm done. Because I'm gonna say some evil shyt to you in a few minutes and everybody gonna act like I'm in the wrong when you talking mad reckless right now. You got it. Ugly fat bytch :mjlol: Let me stop.
You're the one who started this shyt. I didn't.
But let's keep it short hoe.
Post a pic and answer the damn question or ignore me.
So tired of fukking keyboard commandos. You painted urself into a bytchmade corner as soon as you got nasty several posts ago. Until ur able to answer the question ur obsolete.
And if this causes u that much stress you can always put me on ignore. Thanks!