Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?


May 2, 2012
Houston to LA like I'm Robert Horry.
If it's that rough, date women of other races no one's stopping you. I mean that shouldn't be a problem if the only thing holding you back is the fact that you're a "nerd" right?:manny:

But it works both ways. Something that a lot of people on both sides don't want to admit. A lot of these dudes issues are they are generally unattractive people. But let's not pretend a lot of black women don't be aiming at the lowest common denominator in our communities either.

I don't care what women say online, Coli, LSA, Twitter, etc. But I guarantee you that if not them themselves they have a friend or family member who decided to bypass a nikka with maybe some different hobbies but a good head on their shoulders for a thrill who wasn't going anywhere.

OBVIOUSLY this isn't all black women, but y'all pretend this doesn't happen in our community quite a bit. :martin:

This is anecdotal, I wouldn't consider myself nearly as awkward or unattractive as the dudes complaining, but I like to do other things, than just stereotypical hood shyt. Recreational things. A lot of black women are cool and go along with this. Those are the types I'd date and wife in a heartbeat. A lot didn't and usually came with the retort that it was white people "shyt". Same ones I see hugged up on some dude whose smoking a blunt on a public IG account. But I digress. :manny:

Not mad about it, but women on here gotta stop acting like these dudes just making this shyt up. And nikkas gotta look in the mirror and get a reality check of why they ain't pulling women like that :dame:.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
You a solid poster but you know damn well men turned down EVERY DAMN DAY...... Grow, learn, and understand.......Women can turn down men because they got what we want.... Stop acting like women should just lay up with any man just cuz..... They should and can be selective as much as they want bruh...... I don't know about you but the pursuit and if I get the puss makes it that much sweeter and GRANDER for me..... Why yall scared of the pursuit???? It's cat and dog...... Cat and mouse..... Not saying you always gotta chase the puss but yall act like pursuit isn't human nature....Probably get it and complain about women being dead fish in bed LOL

Even so, dudes who choose alternative avenues to hook up with women (libraries, pro black clubs, non bars/ night clubs in general) ad get success with them, is it wrong?

Just that women who are superficial, always end up in fukked up relationships.


Jun 22, 2014
if you have SCHOOL DAZE on dvd/blu ray, go listen to the commentary by spike lee

he tells a story about how in real life a friend of his pledged a fraternity and overnight all the women were over him.

he said that women were REPULSED by him. that's the word he used, but after he got those letters he was fukking every other chick on the yard <<<thats' the "celebrity" shyt i'm talking about

he told a lot of stories about his HBCU experience that pretty much mirrored mine..and we went to college damn near 20 years apart from each other :francis:
On HBCUs its a bit different than at PWIs, perhaps its more akin to being in a White fraternity at UPenn, than anything.


Feb 12, 2015
So give in to going out to clubs, fake convo, and other superficial things that doesn't benefit you physical health to get noticed? :ehh:

But as long as these Kent type dudes and Elliot Rodgers heads ARE GROWING in populace, we need to deal with them with humility. I mean the non violent ones that can get reformed.
Why do u assume it has to be these avenues tho? Just that assumption alone tells me u aren't familar with other venues that might be more palatable. Also look at how u even describe convo? Why is it fake? How about hosting a get together with ur friends at ur crib?
Going to trivia at the bar with the crew? Local arcades? Movie marathons? Paintball? Book discussions.
This is precisely what I'm talking about. Before worrying about finding somebody in the opposite sex, let's get living down first. Genuinely enjoy meeting and talking to people. Interacting with em. Reading them. People's stories are interesting.


Jun 22, 2014
I do but the point I'm making is this doesn't paint the whole picture. And we're not hypersocial as that implies negativity. We are a communal people located in the context of a society that encourages loneliness with tools that discourage genuine social interaction with others.

As much as I enjoy writing, I actually hate texting. My friends constantly roll their eyes at me b/c until 4 yrs ago I didn't have a cellphone. Why? Because I actually like meeting people. A picture a text, that's not how u can judge chemistry. That ain't how u establish connections. A 10 point scale can't fully describe the nuances of a human being or attraction.

And if ur already socially awkward these issues just compound social issues. About 80% of relationships, meeting people is practice. Let's be real, for all the dudes and chicks complaining about this stuff, how many other people do they interact with on a daily basis? Along with social awkwardness, a huge chip on their shoulders, exaggerated expectations and preferences in the opposite sex, and perhaps but not always some minor physical issues that can be fixed, the biggest barrier many of these types have is not enough interaction with others offline.

And it bothers me because I know some really shytty people in relationships who aren't half as good as the people complaining about being overlooked. But the deciding factor is that the shytty people are more visible. It won't fall into ur lap. Even if ur a good person.
This, this , this.
I almost fell into the "I'm sad and angry at women because I'm ignored" paradigm, until I realised that a lot of people didn't know me.
When I was talking to women my age, and they would always say "I didn't know you were so funny" I realised I was boxing myself into a friend/social group, and that outside of tutoring, people were unaware of me.
I branched out, and found that regardless of my dorkiness, attention breeds more attention.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Yes, you are. Because you're interested in nerd shyt, I'm not negating your life experiences, but I went to an urban magnet public school, and we had kids who sold drugs, had been shot, had been to jail, and were in Model UN, and Robotics club, winning awards.
I'm using "nerd" erring toward the interests and lifestyle of a person, you do tech, you're interested in tech, anime, etc, you're a nerd.
You can weightlift and be a nerd, rap and be a nerd, be a coke dealer and be a nerd. :yeshrug:
Adding in social awkwardness, like an Oscar Wao-like character, makes an entirely different point :dame:
Oh I don't debate it. I think I'm a nerd. My girl thinks I'm a nerd. Luckily I can flip that into a positive

But if we are having an honest convo. Taking money completely out of it

The "cool" guy, the basketball player, the flashy dude with the table, the underground rapper are all getting more women period than the robotics nerd. And black women are no different than all the other women on earth


Sep 11, 2013
I think what would help some of these "nerds" get some play is to be more well rounded. unless your talking to a girl who is into the stuff your into just as much as you. you need to be able to carry a conversation into different avenues.

I was at work and I heard this black guy having a convo with his friends for like 15 minutes. the whole thing revolved around anime (dbz, pokemon)

getting into a relationship long or short term with a girl and anime and games is the only thing you can have an in depth convo about... I dont blame them for being:usure:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Why do u assume it has to be these avenues tho? Just that assumption alone tells me u aren't familar with other venues that might be more palatable. Also look at how u even describe convo? Why is it fake? How about hosting a get together with ur friends at ur crib?
Going to trivia at the bar with the crew? Local arcades? Movie marathons? Paintball? Book discussions.
This is precisely what I'm talking about. Before worrying about finding somebody in the opposite sex, let's get living down first. Genuinely enjoy meeting and talking to people. Interacting with em. Reading them. People's stories are interesting.

I been to 4 different continents already. America is by far the least organic way to build genuine friendship post college. It may be a different experience for you, just that leaving my comfort zone was the best thing I ever done. Again, my opinion may not be popular, but it got me peace of mind.


Feb 12, 2015
Frankly...I could care less what you think about me. You're not someone I would ever talk to in real life. You're like a "3". I mean, the way you talk on here, it's like you think you're cute or something. Like nobody ever sat you down and told you, you was fat and overweight.

No dry dikk over here. I've had a pretty good dating life. Don't care what black women like or don't like. I haven't talked to a black woman in any capacity for what....6 or 7 years now. Don't care what they're doing. Maybe off having babies or something, who knows :yeshrug: Just because you hate a statistic doesn't make it false or untrue, anymore than me not liking certain statistics about black men. Several respected publications and outlets have vetted and verified the whole "70% of black children are born to single mothers" figure, many of them being BLACK media outlets. You sound like a moron right now. Unless you can post a link that says otherwise from a respected media outlet, shut the fukk up :heh:

Most American black women are trash to me. Outside of my moms, sisters and my female family members, I have no need to talk to most young black women. But the good thing is, there's enough thugs out here that the black community only needs 1 or 2 thugs to impregnate 10 different women, so guys like us can step away unnoticed for the most part.
You stupid. 70% of children don't have to be born to 70% of women. And u too arrogant to stop painting urself into a corner. So every single mom outchea is only having one child?

Everybody pls pay attention to what this buffoon said. "Every media outlet..." because the media so graciously tells the truth about our community.
I've posted numerous links from the U.S. Census bureau but the satisfaction of ur goofy ass having an aha moment ain't worth me wasting time it would take to enlighten u.

If there are 10 women, and 10 children and 7 of them were born to OOW families, does it mean that 7 of those women had to have 7 of the children?

But what if 3 of 10 women had an average of 2 kids each OOW?
The teacher in me doesn't wanna give up but ur too far gone and obnoxious in ur idiocy too. Outchea hiding ur moistness behind some nebulous concept of nerdiness when u can't understand basic concepts. Maaaannn GTFOH. Lol! Racist whites count on sorry people like u who can't think critically.

"Yass sir massa sir! Yoose said dem Jezebels be havin all dem chilluns and dat beez da truff!"
I hear Bojangles chains rattlin every time u post.

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
Stil lying to yourself my dude. You are engaging in it fam. You that silly you can't see it? You are only discussing the responses from only one pov so therefore you clearly have a dog in the race but keep lying to yourself.
lol who's pov do I have to argue from to be truthful to myself? a thugs? :skip: A woman's? You arent this considerate when you form a opinion, stop pretending this matters. the whole point of me saying that is cause I'm only arguing MY pov.

I just wanted to call out the bs convenient lies ppl posting for daps. If you think I shoulda called out more/different people...well who cares