Are There Grown Men That Really Think Like This?

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
This shyt is becoming pathetic..... Why don't they just get off the computer and work on their social skills :dahell:

Practice makes perfect.... I don't give a fukk who you are, you ain't battin a 1.000 with females... Also sometimes you have to lower your standards early on..... nikkas probably tryin to holla at the finest females with no game and no experience then wonder why they get rejected... Gotta be realistic about shyt sometimes.... All females aren't going to want you just cuz you talk to them or show them attention..... When I see videos like this, I completely understand why females don't give these weirdos the time of day.... I can only how imagine just how creepy when trying to get a female..... They should practice on paid whores first and GET OFF THE INTERNET WITH THEIR SORRY ASS shyt..... Talking about the black community and black women LOL..... Stop using "Well black women......", no nikka it's your creepy ass that drives them away... Da fukk

Work on them social skills, yeah, just that you always aim high. Ironically, men get turned down more by average broads because everyone else is doing so.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Nah all you pussies lame whether male/female. I don't discriminate on this bytch ass whining you and you kind do regardless of what gender it is doing it. Wish y'all nikkas ask Santa to off you for Christmas.


People telling the truth, and you mad that your supply of hoes gonna get affected by people improving themselves. :mjlol:

You sound like a Trump supporter, who got everything your way and still mad. :russ:


Feb 12, 2015
Don't you agree that out hyper social nature as black folk, lead to false judgment and wrongful labels?
I do but the point I'm making is this doesn't paint the whole picture. And we're not hypersocial as that implies negativity. We are a communal people located in the context of a society that encourages loneliness with tools that discourage genuine social interaction with others.

As much as I enjoy writing, I actually hate texting. My friends constantly roll their eyes at me b/c until 4 yrs ago I didn't have a cellphone. Why? Because I actually like meeting people. A picture a text, that's not how u can judge chemistry. That ain't how u establish connections. A 10 point scale can't fully describe the nuances of a human being or attraction.

And if ur already socially awkward these issues just compound social issues. About 80% of relationships, meeting people is practice. Let's be real, for all the dudes and chicks complaining about this stuff, how many other people do they interact with on a daily basis? Along with social awkwardness, a huge chip on their shoulders, exaggerated expectations and preferences in the opposite sex, and perhaps but not always some minor physical issues that can be fixed, the biggest barrier many of these types have is not enough interaction with others offline.

And it bothers me because I know some really shytty people in relationships who aren't half as good as the people complaining about being overlooked. But the deciding factor is that the shytty people are more visible. It won't fall into ur lap. Even if ur a good person.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
No most women chase men based on what they can do, the hood mentality isn't with most black women, it's just butthurt logic by alot of youtube dudes, I don't listen to most of them. Its gloom and doom all day and all they do is bash bw and bm as a whole, women love money and chase menn who can provide it.

Marques in real life gets ALOT of women of all races, it's just nonsense used to push this agenda that all bw like thugs...

I think this dude had beef with tommy Soto at one point, they all got the same script "bw ain't shyt"

It's tiring and mostly untrue..

I'm old enough to remember the real thug loving days and those days are almost coming to a end, when I go out now, it's a completely different america than the late 90's when any bad boy could lay up under females, it's just nonsense and I think it's just a hustle.

:leon: this is true.


Jun 21, 2015
Work on them social skills, yeah, just that you always aim high. Ironically, men get turned down more by average broads because everyone else is doing so.

You a solid poster but you know damn well men turned down EVERY DAMN DAY...... Grow, learn, and understand.......Women can turn down men because they got what we want.... Stop acting like women should just lay up with any man just cuz..... They should and can be selective as much as they want bruh...... I don't know about you but the pursuit and if I get the puss makes it that much sweeter and GRANDER for me..... Why yall scared of the pursuit???? It's cat and dog...... Cat and mouse..... Not saying you always gotta chase the puss but yall act like pursuit isn't human nature....Probably get it and complain about women being dead fish in bed LOL

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
I know they do, why not make a thread on something I noticed? :mjgrin:

And I'm a Greek guy, you're putting a little too much stock in the Greek label being a personal aversion to lifestyle.

if you have SCHOOL DAZE on dvd/blu ray, go listen to the commentary by spike lee

he tells a story about how in real life a friend of his pledged a fraternity and overnight all the women were over him.

he said that women were REPULSED by him. that's the word he used, but after he got those letters he was fukking every other chick on the yard <<<thats' the "celebrity" shyt i'm talking about

he told a lot of stories about his HBCU experience that pretty much mirrored mine..and we went to college damn near 20 years apart from each other :francis:

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
fakkit how can I be mad when I said both you groups are pussies? You ain't making sense fakkit.


All that bitterness in you, what have you changed for the better? Have you changed anyone else life?

And don't get it twisted. People who simply question things seek to improve.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I do but the point I'm making is this doesn't paint the whole picture. And we're not hypersocial as that implies negativity. We are a communal people located in the context of a society that encourages loneliness with tools that discourage genuine social interaction with others.

As much as I enjoy writing, I actually hate texting. My friends constantly roll their eyes at me b/c until 4 yrs ago I didn't have a cellphone. Why? Because I actually like meeting people. A picture a text, that's not how u can judge chemistry. That ain't how u establish connections. A 10 point scale can't fully describe the nuances of a human being or attraction.

And if ur already socially awkward these issues just compound social issues. About 80% of relationships, meeting people is practice. Let's be real, for all the dudes and chicks complaining about this stuff, how many other people do they interact with on a daily basis? Along with social awkwardness, a huge chip on their shoulders, exaggerated expectations and preferences in the opposite sex, and perhaps but not always some minor physical issues that can be fixed, the biggest barrier many of these types have is not enough interaction with others offline.

And it bothers me because I know some really shytty people in relationships who aren't half as good as the people complaining about being overlooked. But the deciding factor is that the shytty people are more visible. It won't fall into ur lap. Even if ur a good person.

So give in to going out to clubs, fake convo, and other superficial things that doesn't benefit you physical health to get noticed? :ehh:

But as long as these Kent type dudes and Elliot Rodgers heads ARE GROWING in populace, we need to deal with them with humility. I mean the non violent ones that can get reformed.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215

All that bitterness in you, what have you changed for the better? Have you changed anyone else life?

And don't get it twisted. People who simply question things seek to improve.
I'm not bitter and if I was show proof of it. I just think y'all are crying pussies that get no females and like making fun of y'all pussies. What have you changed for the better or who have you made better? Nothing and no one you lying p*ssy but go ahead and lie to make,yourself feel better. Lastly lying dude spare that Instagram thot rhetoric of questioning things. You just bytching under the guise of looking to improve. Same nikkas kicking the same shyt year after year talking about improvement FOH clown.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Black people are in charge of our own image on a mainstream level? When did that happen? You must not pay attention in those Phonzi threads. Negative images of black men and women are promoted and glamorized, especially for people that don't get out much.

That's why you have young men lusting after ig models and young women lusting after tatted "thugs".

Plus you have to consider the environments people are raised in as well. If you grow up seeing the nerds getting bullied by other more aggressive black boys/men, and there were fewer nerds, and they weren't vocal or assertive about liking you..and you a young girl dealing with your own self esteem issues and insecurities and images from the media and discussions from your friends... How are those two supposed to link up? Why should she pay attention to you or you to her when y'all both have issues of your own to deal with?

If you like someone speak up. If you really like someone, go improve yourself, come back and then speak up. Or just date a white girl. Who cares?

A white girl? :mjlol:

But no community can build intergenerational wealth through muscle slone.


Feb 12, 2015
:ehh: perhaps...but those chicks were literally surrounded by men that were just a brief walk away, it was a college campus... they didn't even have to get "cute" or dressed up...but somehow that local thug nikka that hollered at the club/gas station/mall is shytting on hundreds of dudes in college....riiiiight :sas2:

but i stress that some of those women were AKA's/Deltas - because if you are a "regular" dude at an HBCU, you weren't smashing a GREEK chick - GREEKS are like celebrities on HBCU campus's

so the fact that local thug nikkas were smashing those broads is VERY telling.
I'm at a college campus and I don't see that dynamic but confirmation bias is at play here so imma let it slide. Instead I see people grouped up according to interests. With most sorority chicks dating their fraternity counterparts. Jocks have a bunch of groupies. Professionals like law students and poly sci tend to gravitate in similar circles. Meanwhile those with other interests like anime are barely visible. And blks who do hang in these circles aren't checking for each other in these circles. They seem to only be interested in non-blks.
Other blks who have nerdy interests but don't commit to the lifestyle just like what they like and find other blks.

But let's just pretend for a minute that this wasn't the case. That all those blk women on campus are waiting on Baby Boy to make them a single mom and ride him off into the sunset in her car... (SMH), you said it urself they are responding to dudes hollering at them. Or we can even take the reverse. Let's say that all the good blk men are only interested in the most rachet trifling bytches in the world.

My question is where were the good nerdy counterparts? Nobody is going to come and seek u out and there is something wrong with u if you think they should have to. I even tell women this. If ur not okay with who u attract or who approaches you, why not be more proactive? Or is that effort only reserved for non-blks?

Because I'm starting to see a really bad dynamic at play here. Where all these allegedly good nerdy Neds and Nancys just wait in the shadows complaining about how blks don't want them. But dear lord you should see the fire lit under their asses in pursuit of a non-blk mate! But I'm just skeptical based on my observations so don't mind me.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
I'm not bitter and if I was show proof of it. I just think y'all are crying pussies that get no females and like making fun of y'all pussies. What have you changed for the better or who have you made better? Nothing and no one you lying p*ssy but go ahead and lie to make,yourself feel better. Lastly lying dude spare that Instagram thot rhetoric of questioning things. You just bytching under the guise of looking to improve. Same nikkas kicking the same shyt year after year talking about improvement FOH clown.

Who Typing All them paragraphs, and making false statements? You need to smoke or go to therapy. That excess anger ain't healthy. :huhldup: