Are the Moors the cause of the intense hatred of Black People? (WITH IMAGES)

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
You are trying to hard to be provocative and funny. You are really coming off as an idiotic bore; aka a stupid moafukka. In America the slaver owners considered a Black person that could read and write (in Arabic) to be a Moor. That included Black people from West African tribes like the Madingo, Hausa, Fulani and Dioula people. The Black people that couldn't read and write were considered Negroes, which were the Yoruba, Akan, Tikar, Congo, Angola, Ewe, Fon, Igbo, etc.

Here is a slave law from Virginia in 1682 for your perusal.

Virginia, 1682

"Act I. It is enacted that all servants... which shall be imported into this country either by sea or by land, whether Negroes, Moors, mulattoes or Indians who and whose parentage and native countries are not Christian at the time of their first purchase by some Christian... and all Indians, which shall be sold by our neighboring Indians, or any other trafficking with us for slaves, are hereby adjudged, deemed and taken to be slaves to all intents and purposes any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding."

Slave codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it was White people that called their Muslim black slaves Moors who were from West Africa. Those White slave owners were from Europe; so they knew a Moor when they saw one or they assumed that if a Black person spoke and wrote in Arabic that the slave had to be a Moor. So what color most the Moors have been if the White people were calling their Black slaves Moors?
A lot of those Blacks could read in Arabic and other languages. Moors were seen as a higher class at that time. Hell, it was Morocco that made America an official country indebted to Moorish Morocco.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
A lot of those Blacks could read in Arabic and other languages. Moors were seen as a higher class at that time. Hell, it was Morocco that made America an official country indebted to Moorish Morocco.

People keep forgetting that up to 30% of all slaves that came into the Americas were Muslims from West Africa.

This is who the White slave owners referred to as a Moor.


Omar ibn Said

Omar ibn Said (1770–1864) was a writer and Islamic scholar, born and educated in what is now Senegal, who was enslaved and transported to the United States in 1807. There, while enslaved for the remainder of his life, he wrote a series of works of history and theology, including a posthumously famous autobiography.

Omar ibn Said was born in present-day Senegal in Futa Tooro,[1] a region along the Middle Senegal River in West Africa, to a wealthy family.[2] He was an Islamic scholar and a Fula who spent 25 years of his life studying with prominent Muslim scholars, learning subjects ranging from arithmetic to theology in Africa. In 1807, he was captured during a military conflict, enslaved and taken across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States. He escaped from a cruel master in Charleston, South Carolina, and journeyed to Fayetteville, North Carolina. There he was recaptured and later sold to James Owen. Said lived into his mid-nineties and was still a slave at the time of his death in 1864. He was buried in Bladen County, North Carolina. Omar ibn Said was also known as Uncle Moreau and Prince Omeroh.[1]

Although Omar converted to Christianity on December 3, 1820, many modern scholars believe he continued to be a practicing Muslim, based on dedications to Muhammad written in his Bible, and a card dated 1857 on which he wrote SuratAn-Nasr, a short sura which refers to the conversion of non-Muslims to Islam 'in multitudes.' The back of this card contains another person's handwriting in English misidentifying the sura as the Lord's Prayer and attesting to Omar's status as a good Christian.[3] Additionally, while others writing on Omar's behalf identified him as a Christian, his own autobiography and other writings offer more of an ambiguous position. In the autobiography, he still offers praise to Muhammad when describing his life in his own country; his references to "Jesus the Messiah" in fact parallel Quranic descriptions of Jesus (who is called المسيح 'the Messiah' a total of 11 times in the Quran), and descriptions of Jesus as 'our lord/master' (سيدنا) employ the typical Islamic honorific for prophets and is not to be confused with Lord (ربّ); and description of Jesus as 'bringing grace and truth' (a reference to John 1:14) is equally appropriate to the conception of Jesus in Islam. Given Omar's circumstances of enslavement "among the Christians" and the possibilities of lobbying for his freedom that only came with confessing Christianity, his conversion can be argued to have been made under duress. In 1991, a masjid in Fayetteville, North Carolina renamed itself Masjid Omar Ibn Said in his honor.[4]

Omar ibn Said is widely known for fourteen manuscripts that he wrote in Arabic. Out of all of his Arabic manuscripts, he is best known for his autobiographical essay written in 1831.[5] It describes some of the events of his life and includes reflections on his steadfast adherence to Islam and his openness towards other 'God fearing' people. On the surface the document may appear to be tolerant towards slavery, however Said begins it with Surat Al-Mulk, a chapter from the Qur'an, which states that only God has sovereignty over human beings.

Most of Said's other work consisted of Islamic manuscripts in Arabic, including a handwritten copy of some short chapters (surat) from the Qur'an that are now part of the North Carolina Collection in the Wilson Library at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His Bible, a translation into Arabic published by a missionary society, which has notations in Arabic by Omar, is part of the rare books collection at Davidson College.[6] Transcribing from memory, ibn Said made some mistakes in his work, notably at the start of Surat An-Nasr. Said was also the author of a letter dated 1819 and addressed to James Owen's brother, Major John Owen, written in Arabic and containing numerous Quranic references (including from the above-mentioned Surat Al-Mulk), which also includes several geometric symbols and shapes which point to its possible esoteric intentions.[7] This letter, currently housed in Andover Theological Seminary, is reprinted in Allen Austin's African Muslims in Antebellum America: A Sourcebook.

Omar ibn Said - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
You are trying to hard to be provocative and funny. You are really coming off as an idiotic bore; aka a stupid moafukka. In America the slaver owners considered a Black person that could read and write (in Arabic) to be a Moor. That included Black people from West African tribes like the Madingo, Hausa, Fulani and Dioula people. The Black people that couldn't read and write were considered Negroes, which were the Yoruba, Akan, Tikar, Congo, Angola, Ewe, Fon, Igbo, etc.

Here is a slave law from Virginia in 1682 for your perusal.

Virginia, 1682

"Act I. It is enacted that all servants... which shall be imported into this country either by sea or by land, whether Negroes, Moors, mulattoes or Indians who and whose parentage and native countries are not Christian at the time of their first purchase by some Christian... and all Indians, which shall be sold by our neighboring Indians, or any other trafficking with us for slaves, are hereby adjudged, deemed and taken to be slaves to all intents and purposes any law, usage, or custom to the contrary notwithstanding."

Slave codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it was White people that called their Muslim black slaves Moors who were from West Africa. Those White slave owners were from Europe; so they knew a Moor when they saw one or they assumed that if a Black person spoke and wrote in Arabic that the slave had to be a Moor. So what color most the Moors have been if the White people were calling their Black slaves Moors?

Are you nikkas retarded or what??

The Spaniards been calling all Muslims Moors years before there were slaves in America

Berber,Arab or African,if u spoke Arabic you were a fukking Moor to them

The slave masters used all kinds of tactics to divide and control slaves
The Muslims(Moors) who could read and write were treated a lil better than other negroes
But they still forced them to accept Christianity
Moors are from North Africa,not West Africa

Just cause Cacs called every Muslim a Moor,doesn't mean every Muslim in Africa during that period was a Moor

Go read a book fakkit

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Are you nikkas retarded or what??

The Spaniards been calling all Muslims Moors years before there were slaves in America

Berber,Arab or African,if u spoke Arabic you were a fukking Moor to them

The slave masters used all kinds of tactics to divide and control slaves
The Muslims(Moors) who could read and write were treated a lil better than other negroes
But they still forced them to accept Christianity
Moors are from North Africa,not West Africa

Just cause Cacs called every Muslim a Moor,doesn't mean every Muslim in Africa during that period was a Moor

Go read a book fakkit

Spainards are Cacs; you fakkit ass albino neanderthal. So you need to go and read a book, because Spainards were the main Cacs calling Black Muslim slaves in the America; Moors.

In conclusion you are just a dumb insecure Cac moafukka. Only a true bytch made Cac would even enter into a conversation about Moors and try to misdirect the shyt.

Your punk ass need to be trying to figure out why White Northern Europeans keep trying to pretend that they are Greeks and Romans. The Greeks and Romans are Mediterranean people, which means that they are mixed. Northern European Cacs ain't no damn Romans and Greeks; and they sure the fukk are not related to no damn Egyptians.


Sep 27, 2015
I really do believe in my heart that the slave trade was tied to the Moors.

The same countries that the Moors controlled (Spain and Portugal or the Iberian Penisula) were the same countries to kick off the slave trade. It's too close to be a coincidence.

Below is a lecture by Kaba Hiawatha Kamene, where he explains how the Moors going into the Europe lead to proceeding events, i.e. the crusades and slavery. It's over two hours, but it's worth watching.


#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Are you nikkas retarded or what??

The Spaniards been calling all Muslims Moors years before there were slaves in America

Berber,Arab or African,if u spoke Arabic you were a fukking Moor to them

The slave masters used all kinds of tactics to divide and control slaves
The Muslims(Moors) who could read and write were treated a lil better than other negroes
But they still forced them to accept Christianity
Moors are from North Africa,not West Africa

Just cause Cacs called every Muslim a Moor,doesn't mean every Muslim in Africa during that period was a Moor

Go read a book fakkit
This nikka is really trolling ya'll. I am officially reporting him for trolling this thread. Hopefully he is banned from this thread. It's not that he's lying but this is blatant white supremacist type of lies and he is consistent with it.

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Doing my research, this thread has been a pretty interesting read. I had no idea the black man once ruled the world :banderas:
Most of the million and millions of years on earth, Blacks have ran it. White rule is fairly new history wise and it always ends and they always try to put Black people in it to save their ass when it's about to fail. The Mediterranean people like the Greeks, Romans and the current system of white supremacy ran by the Anglos is going to end soon. Truthfully, the thing about Black rule is it rarely is ever based on race. They don't try to force their will on people. Not saying it's perfect or close to it but it's better than a system of oppression.
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I walk around a little edgy already
Jul 1, 2012
The H
Spainards are Cacs; you fakkit ass albino neanderthal. So you need to go and read a book, because Spainards were the main Cacs calling Black Muslim slaves in the America; Moors.

In conclusion you are just a dumb insecure Cac moafukka. Only a true bytch made Cac would even enter into a conversation about Moors and try to misdirect the shyt.

Your punk ass need to be trying to figure out why White Northern Europeans keep trying to pretend that they are Greeks and Romans. The Greeks and Romans are Mediterranean people, which means that they are mixed. Northern European Cacs ain't no damn Romans and Greeks; and they sure the fukk are not related to no damn Egyptians.

Good God you are stupid..

Your dumb argument got shut down and now I'm a cac??


nikka I have posted photos and I can do it again...can you? :usure:

By the way..all the Muslim slaves in America were Sunni.They're rolling in their graves now,seeing descendants of slaves practicing a distorted,fraudulent version of Islam

But that's how nikkas get down,ignore the truth,twist the facts and teach each other bullshyt to serve their own cause

No wonder most dumb nikkas get caught up in cults...

Lil nikka talking about Greeks and Romans
Go tell that bs to a cac

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Good God you are stupid..

Your dumb argument got shut down and now I'm a cac??


nikka I have posted photos and I can do it again...can you? :usure:

By the way..all the Muslim slaves in America were Sunni.They're rolling in their graves now,seeing descendants of slaves practicing a distorted,fraudulent version of Islam

But that's how nikkas get down,ignore the truth,twist the facts and teach each other bullshyt to serve their own cause

No wonder most dumb nikkas get caught up in cults...

Lil nikka talking about Greeks and Romans
Go tell that bs to a cac

I told it to a Cac.

And it didn't go unnoticed that you didn't even address the Slave Statute where they addressed "Moors." That statute was in Virginia. So after showing that you were fukking wrong and don't know what the fukk you are talking about; your simple ass came back some more stupid shyt.

You are fakkit ass fool.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
How can it be part of the glorious past when we are still experiencing the Kingdom of Mali's art due to the African Americans and Caribbean people having imported much of it to America? American and Caribbean music is literally Mali music. White people are even walking around claiming that the music belongs to them, when it is clearly from the Kingdom of Mali.

Think about it. One of the things that makes America distinct and carries it culture through out the World is music. Most of American music has it roots in the Kingdom of Mali. The Blues are from Mali; therefore Rock and Roll, R&B, Soul, Hip Hop, Pop. All of it is from Mali.

The Banjo is from Mali; therefore the Kingdom of Mali gave America its Country and Bluegrass music.

Rap music is from Mali: the Griots (Djelis) of Mali used it to tell the history of the Kingdom and family lineages.

Another thing from Mali are the athletes who are descended from the people of Mali. Are there any better athletes in the World than in the USA and the Caribbean? Those guys are not referred to as big Mandingos for nothing.

Mandingo Muslims even impacted how Black people worship in Churches. There is a pretty good book out there called "Servants of Allah African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas" which supposedly sheds light on religious practices that Black people observe in Christian churches in the Americas.


Even the fact that after slavery ended; Black people used their Churches to found Historic Black Colleges and Universities is in line with what was done in Mali when colleges and universities were all part of the Mosque.

You should read the "Mandinka legacy in the New World" before you keep writing stuff. Kingdom of Mali legacy is still going strong.
Project MUSE - Bound to Africa: the Mandinka Legacy in the New World
Contributions of Enslaved Africa

Wish I could rep. I learned all of what you said in AA studies class.