Anybody into occultism?


Let's add some Alizarin Crimson & Van Dyke Brown
Jun 17, 2012
Philly (BYRD GANG)
Is that a signal or something?

You having a shrine is demonic:whoa:

That shyt not demonic man. Yall need to smarten up. Asians have shrines for their ancestors I also put butterscotch candy on my shrine for my grandmother. Makes no sense
Sep 23, 2015
one of my co-workers sold his soul to the devil
told me thats why his life has turned into shyt at the moment. probably why hes a pill addict too
he went to some famous mountain thats known for housing a demon/devil
started drinking chicken blood, eating raw chicken hearts with his pals

a dark entity came and granted him his desires (money women etc)
funny cuz he has women but he tells me they are all sluts and he cant keep one either
he has money but thats only because he works 2 jobs lol
kids all grown and lazy, daughter pregnant , karma struck him hard

the devil seems to have a way of giving you bottom of the barrel requests

play with it; cautiously
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Feb 12, 2015
People usually seek out the occult because they are running from their divinity. Or have seen glimpses of it but are too frustrated with stifling practices of current religions.

Occultism is just settling for less than who and what u truly are. It's mistaking the symptoms for the source.

One of my professors is a Hindu guru on the bhaktic yogi path. He would often discuss how one would gain powers the further they went beyond illusion. But the powers themselves are illusions and distractions as well. Moreso the beings associated with those powers are merely distractions as well. They have a purpose to keep u from the divine because u would rule over them if u reached Atman within and identified Atman with nameless Being itself.

I think we're all given to spiritual procrastination because on some level we realize just what an enormous responsibility our power would entail if we realized our true potential to "partake in the divine unity".

U get hints at it in most religions but you don't truly see it unless ur totally dedicated. Be ye perfect, Atman is Brahma, on earth as it is in heaven...

If u tap into the divine in djinn, spirit, entity or otherwise would be able to stop u. Lucifer the lightgiver's job was to test u. Blind u and distract u from this destiny. But even his knee would bow if u take up the mantle of ur power...


Feb 12, 2015
The Christianity u get on Sunday's is a pale comparison to the tradition it once was. What we get is a b*stardized version given by infiltrators, false prophets and demon-worshippers.
If u notice the focus of Christianity is overwhelmingly about hell these days. It's been perverted from its original power.

Christ was merely one example sent down to show how a human might transcend himself. Buddha and becoming boddhistava was another, Lord Krishna...another, Lao Tzu.

Religion is nothing more than instruction. There are some who realize their divine on their own. In Christianity, these individuals are called "laws into themselves", with the law written on their hearts.

shyt u won't hear in church.

The M.I.C.

The King In The West 👑
Dec 2, 2015
Charlotte - Washington D.C.
People usually seek out the occult because they are running from their divinity. Or have seen glimpses of it but are too frustrated with stifling practices of current religions.

Occultism is just settling for less than who and what u truly are. It's mistaking the symptoms for the source.

One of my professors is a Hindu guru on the bhaktic yogi path. He would often discuss how one would gain powers the further they went beyond illusion. But the powers themselves are illusions and distractions as well. Moreso the beings associated with those powers are merely distractions as well. They have a purpose to keep u from the divine because u would rule over them if u reached Atman within and identified Atman with nameless Being itself.

I think we're all given to spiritual procrastination because on some level we realize just what an enormous responsibility our power would entail if we realized our true potential to "partake in the divine unity".

U get hints at it in most religions but you don't truly see it unless ur totally dedicated. Be ye perfect, Atman is Brahma, on earth as it is in heaven...

If u tap into the divine in djinn, spirit, entity or otherwise would be able to stop u. Lucifer the lightgiver's job was to test u. Blind u and distract u from this destiny. But even his knee would bow if u take up the mantle of ur power...

You think an ordinary man could stop Lucifer?



All Star
May 29, 2013
The school of Modern Science is still catching up to what indiginous people already knew/know. Your subconscious mind doesnt work like the concious mind does with words and languages. It communicates in experiences and images. Like dreams, are messages of the subconscious. The conscious/left brain would send a message in a thought (inside voice). But the unconscious/right brain sends a message through dreams that can be interpreted throught the images and how they make you feel.

So rituals and spellcasting work with your subconcious, the same way changing your body language can change your mood. There's so much that is not understood or explained by modern science. I believe your subconscious, which works with your involuntary nervous system, is what tunes your energy levels. So once you learn to master your subconcious, you can master those "involuntary" systems such as pain, heart rate, hormone releases, etc. These are the things that give people "powers" and also it's more than physical you'll also be able to control your energy.

Energy is everywhere. So any change in your energy also affects everyone else like a ripple in water. The more focused you are in directing your energy, the more control you have over it. Things like crystals are aids in aligning and directing your energy. Meditation is like a work out for mind/energy control. It's a muscle you have to grow.

But that's just my thoughts and how I understand it. :ehh:.
:whoo:powerful. Honestly thank u for this response its so concise


May 1, 2012
People usually seek out the occult because they are running from their divinity. Or have seen glimpses of it but are too frustrated with stifling practices of current religions.

Occultism is just settling for less than who and what u truly are. It's mistaking the symptoms for the source.

One of my professors is a Hindu guru on the bhaktic yogi path. He would often discuss how one would gain powers the further they went beyond illusion. But the powers themselves are illusions and distractions as well. Moreso the beings associated with those powers are merely distractions as well. They have a purpose to keep u from the divine because u would rule over them if u reached Atman within and identified Atman with nameless Being itself.

I think we're all given to spiritual procrastination because on some level we realize just what an enormous responsibility our power would entail if we realized our true potential to "partake in the divine unity".

U get hints at it in most religions but you don't truly see it unless ur totally dedicated. Be ye perfect, Atman is Brahma, on earth as it is in heaven...

If u tap into the divine in djinn, spirit, entity or otherwise would be able to stop u. Lucifer the lightgiver's job was to test u. Blind u and distract u from this destiny. But even his knee would bow if u take up the mantle of ur power...

What is this gurus name? Im just curious.

Bhakti yoga is centered around strictly devotion, it is far from occultism. I would be wary of characters who try to mix eastern philosophy with dogma from abrahamic religions. They don't mix.


Feb 12, 2015
What is this gurus name? Im just curious.

Bhakti yoga is centered around strictly devotion, it is far from occultism. I would be wary of characters who try to mix eastern philosophy with dogma from abrahamic religions. They don't mix.
Professor Aseem was his last name. He was the one that mentioned Christianity was a bhakti yogic path to the divine when made me look at Christianity a bit differently as I started studying Christian mysticism. Very interesting stuff.


All Star
Jul 24, 2015
Folks on the Coli into mysticism and spell work? :ohhh:

I love this site even more now! :blessed:

I wish I could hug you all :mjcry:

I've been spiritually confused forever! I feel as though I'm in chains but I'm mentally trying to break free of SOMETHING! I don't know who or what to pray to or anything. One of my best friends is my spiritual advisor (tarot and other things....) told me to start praying to Isis and I did but I fell off. The month of February was progressive but I keep falling off the spiritual bandwagon. I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to see manifestations in my life. :mjcry:I even struggle with the whole Law of Attraction thing.

I need a hug. :damn:


Feb 12, 2015
Folks on the Coli into mysticism and spell work? :ohhh:

I love this site even more now! :blessed:

I wish I could hug you all :mjcry:

I've been spiritually confused forever! I feel as though I'm in chains but I'm mentally trying to break free of SOMETHING! I don't know who or what to pray to or anything. One of my best friends is my spiritual advisor (tarot and other things....) told me to start praying to Isis and I did but I fell off. The month of February was progressive but I keep falling off the spiritual bandwagon. I don't know what's wrong with me. I want to see manifestations in my life. :mjcry:I even struggle with the whole Law of Attraction thing.

I need a hug. :damn:
Start out meditating on pure love. Sit cross-legged in a dark room, eyes closed. Repeat the phrase "I am all". At first you will become overwhelmed. Thoughts will flood ur mind. Carefully catalogue each one and put them away. Slowly continue repeating "I am all". After a while u might start crying. I would feel a sense of great love and gratitude as well as awe. At some point it may become hard to breathe as u let go of boundaries. The goal is to open ur consciousness to the point where you can relate to every single living creature, being, every thing. It will help u see the perspective of a fukking rock...lmao!

The love and the empathy comes from this connection to the divine. That out of billions of possibilities where there was nothing or infinite amounts of other, something looked into nothing and celebrated another manifestation of the eternal, transcend divine: you.

Paradoxically unique and individual while being interconnected to everything in existence. You. It's an humbling experience and to know that this is constantly happening...words can't describe it...

Try it and tell me how it goes!