Anybody into occultism?


All Star
Apr 30, 2012
fukk this thread. Where is that group at? I need to read up. Why nikkas got secret groups on knowledge though :francis: that's cac shyt. I'll expect that invite asap.

I'll bring beers


All Star
Jul 24, 2015
Start out meditating on pure love. Sit cross-legged in a dark room, eyes closed. Repeat the phrase "I am all". At first you will become overwhelmed. Thoughts will flood ur mind. Carefully catalogue each one and put them away. Slowly continue repeating "I am all". After a while u might start crying. I would feel a sense of great love and gratitude as well as awe. At some point it may become hard to breathe as u let go of boundaries. The goal is to open ur consciousness to the point where you can relate to every single living creature, being, every thing. It will help u see the perspective of a fukking rock...lmao!

The love and the empathy comes from this connection to the divine. That out of billions of possibilities where there was nothing or infinite amounts of other, something looked into nothing and celebrated another manifestation of the eternal, transcend divine: you.

Paradoxically unique and individual while being interconnected to everything in existence. You. It's an humbling experience and to know that this is constantly happening...words can't describe it...

Try it and tell me how it goes!

Thank you so much! I wanted to write you but I didn't know what to ask you! <3 Last time I tried meditating I got dizzy! my friend actually gets visions from this. I want to go as far as I can mentally. How long should I do this? How do you meditate on "pure love"? I think of a relationship or just love of everything? Sorry for the questions! I needed to start over with meditating! Thanks! ^.^ I'm so excited for this!


Feb 12, 2015
Thank you so much! I wanted to write you but I didn't know what to ask you! <3 Last time I tried meditating I got dizzy! my friend actually gets visions from this. I want to go as far as I can mentally. How long should I do this? How do you meditate on "pure love"? I think of a relationship or just love of everything? Sorry for the questions! I needed to start over with meditating! Thanks! ^.^ I'm so excited for this!
Try to clear ur mind and focus only on the phrase I am all. The feeling of pure love will come overtime. It comes from a deeper understanding of urself. Making sure u breathe will help with any dizziness. No problem! You'll feel amazing afterwards


Feb 12, 2015
@Booksnrain how do i tap into this energy to realize true divinity within myself
I think some people are born with a deeper connection to their divinity than others. Basically they are able to do amazing things or break barriers or even seem to have powers. My grandmother used to describe someone called a fire talker. He could speak fire or burns away. My great aunt had an affinity for animals. Like foxes used to literally follow her, racc00ns would leave fruit on her doorstep, cats, dogs...

The rest of us need a bit of instruction. That's where religion comes in. Various religious paths are merely spiritual instruction meant to teach us how to get back to where we once were. Whether it's overcoming sin, desire, illusions of separation, being out of sync with the great spirits...whatever language u wish to use, there is a path or a journey you can take to get back there.

In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the purpose of life itself, to continually actualize and come back to the divine state we call God.

Personally, I chose Christianity as my path because I was inspired by the story of God's sacrifice. That God would become fully human to show us that love makes us divine and gives us power over death...

Regardless of that choice, I have a strong love for Hinduism as well. The idea that ur eternal soul is actually God is amazing to me. You have to research and choose a path that resonates strongly with u.
What do u value strongly in life? Finding out that answer is usually a good place to start.


Avatāra. Annihilator. Gone To The 5th Dimension.
Nov 1, 2015
Nirvāṇa (निर्वाण ) / Mokṣa (मोक्ष)
@Nelomaxwell @Tony_Bromo @Young Bruce Lean. Can I get a invite to the ORS group please. I've had the gift at one point when I was younger, but I lost it. My brother was also intothe occult in his 20's. I've been reading the past few years about ancient societies, religions, etc and I had personal experiences. I would like to learn more about this subject, because I believe a vast amount of info has been withheld from our people for millennia.

fukk this thread. Where is that group at? I need to read up. Why nikkas got secret groups on knowledge though :francis: that's cac shyt. I'll expect that invite asap.

I'll bring beers

@Nelomaxwell @Young Bruce Lean Hey can i get in the ORS group

The group has migrated because its original owner may be leaving the coli. There's a new arrangement but I am not a moderator there as of now, you'll have to ask @Gaffgarian about that.

@Booksnrain you make some interesting points. But have you ever considered that the conception you (and billions of other people) hold of "God" is also an illusion, and possibly a trap chaining you to samsara? Returning to unity may force one to keep some of their essence in this plane, or even reincarnate here. As we all know, despite the good in this world, there is a great deal of evil, misery, and suffering incarnate on earth. To believe that "God" is not complicit in allowing the most extreme forms of evil to happen, or to somehow assume that the most extreme suffering is a source of divine love or some lesson for advancement (even when this suffering often influences the tormented to become evil themselves, as in the case of serial killers), is, in my opinion, a sign of naivete.

That's not directed at you personally, it's just my line of thought. I've followed both "God" and "Lucifer" before and I now consider them to be sides of the same coin. There is a purpose there but my personal focus is on detaching completely while still maintaining grace in this world.