anybody ever think about quitting their job with nothing lined up?


Icon Poster
May 26, 2012
I've did it before my advice don't do it unless you have something lined up.
You might have to go back and ask for your job back and HR going to look at you like:ufdup:


May 9, 2012
1. Don't you have to submit a claim every week?
2. Don't you have to enter a job search every week?
3. How much are they paying you :usure:
Yeah every week I let them know three places that I've applied to online. I enter the info online and keep getting my check. Not much (300+/wk) but it'll keep from taking some bullshyt job during the time being. :yeshrug: Plus my last job was HELL. fukked up company, fukked up people, fukked up everything. I dreaded that shyt and dont regret it.


إن شاء الله
May 3, 2012
Yeah every week I let them know three places that I've applied to online. I enter the info online and keep getting my check. Not much (300+/wk) but it'll keep from taking some bullshyt job during the time being. :yeshrug: Plus my last job was HELL. fukked up company, fukked up people, fukked up everything. I dreaded that shyt and dont regret it.

That is not bad...for not doing shyt...:leon:

Thanks for sharing :obama:


Sep 5, 2012
I could, Im a good enough worker where they would welcome me back.

Im talking two weeks notice, not just up and leave.

the cool

May 1, 2012
I think about it a lot. I work at a chain fast food restaurant and been here for 5 years and I hate it. I dont know how to find a better job. Ima get my associates degree in this december though. I got only 2 more classes to take/pass until I get it though.
Damn son which fast food place?


Louisiana Made, DC PAID!
May 9, 2012
IT Cert-Gang Mafia, GMB and HOH
“Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail, and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some are given a chance to climb, but refuse. They cling to the realm, or love, or the gods…illusions. Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is. But they’ll never know this. Not until it’s too late.”
Petyr Baelish

Sometimes you have to put your own back against the wall to bring out the fighter in you. To bring out your true hungry and resilience. You have to pursue happiness at all cost. Sitting there getting old at a job or area you hate is a waste of life.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
I owned a small consulting firm before and was well off. No kids, no debt, absolutely no overhead whatsoever. I was a business finance major and honestly, just really good with money since I was a kid.

Long story short, only maybe a couple people from :hamster: may remember but I got locked up and lost alot. When I came home I, got involved in non profit organizations for substance abuse patients because my fiance was killed in a DUI and I caught my case on dude. I thought that if someone was there to really dedicate themselves to helping, perhaps he wouldnt have gotten behind the wheel and killed someone else and maybe I can save someone's family from having to lose a mother, wife, daughter etc.

Social work pays shyt, and i have been basically living off my savings from 2007 these past couple years making shyt money, for shyt organizations. This last one im affiliated with is the last straw. My boss, the executive director/owner, is only in it for money. Not to help, not to make a difference...just money. And thats a slap in my face because of all the money ive sacrificed making by being employed in this field and by him specifically. IMO, social services is not a field you get into to be financially successful. Gainfully employed, yes. But successful? No. Flies in the face of what youre trying to accomplish because then its about the business as opposed to the service you are providing and more so than any other field, its a violation of ethics in the very doctrines we have to certify with each year.

Anyway, i have mentally checked out already but just getting back into finance is so difficult now because I have a violent offense in my background of Voluntary Man, my ability to pursue my profession has been greatly, almost completely damaged as it pertains to ethics, reputation, and finance in consulting businesses. Almost everytime I speak on it in a personal setting, even with those i have business relationships with, Im understood or even applauded for what I did but the professional side of the nature of our field makes it almost impossible for us to have a business relationship.

With that being the case, my savings from years of success in my last job from 07 are dwindling to a point where now, the little im paid at my organization is not enough to stay the course. Coupled with the fact that my organization is so poorly managed on the administrative level and my boss and I at odds, always arguing because ive told him that my reason for being there is about something bigger than us both and that my career background actually puts me over him in the ability to run his own company. I routinely tell him that i would normally be hired by him to run his organization properly because of his lack of knowledge/precision. Its puts us in a weird dynamic because he knows he could never get anyone with my credentials to work for him at anywhere near what he pays me, and that he knows my resolve isnt about money so he'll take advantage of it.

So with nothing lined up, not too much more than nothing in my savings and a car from my days of success that now needs major servicing (that i no longer have the type of job to afford) coupled with having a very active social life with broads and the brehs...yes. I am considering quitting despite this all, without anything lined up. Ive done it in the past without all this stacked against me but i will apparently do it again knowing the weight that will befall me. Peace of mind after such an intense working environment is worth the risk.

My parents raised a strong man and I furthered what they nurtured as an adult. I trust my abilities and character, and will continue to take chances moving forward. Im both fortunate and unfortunate in knowing that sometimes you just have to take a chance at life. Even if you fail, its a fail you can live with and learn from because you didnt just stand on a ledge looking at the other side with want in your heart. Its life breh, and the only way to do it right is to live it. When I almost died some years ago (unrelated to this) i realized that the things that mattered to me when i honestly thought it was over, wasnt what i had actually accomplished or even what i failed in, but if i had done everything in my power to atleast TRY as hard as i could. It changed how I lived my life from that moment on with the most indurated conviction. You HAVE to try if weighs that heavy on your heart breh.
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Jesus Shuttlesworth

I Got Game
May 2, 2012
That is not bad...for not doing shyt...:leon:

Thanks for sharing :obama:

FYI, you can't get unemployment if you quit or get fired for doing something you weren't supposed to do. :ufdup:

nikkas can't be stealing out the register then try to file an unemployment claim when they let that ass go. :heh:


Pugs get lonely too...
May 24, 2012
Cincinnati, OH
I did that shyt last Sept. Took me till this past June to finally get another full-time job (did some temp shyt here and there but that don't really count lol)

Sometimes its worth it for your sanity alone.
And that's the main reason why I did it.

I used to do money processing (4 yrs.) for an armored company. Beginning of last year, my room's manager and a supervisor got fired over missing money. The hours skyrocketed with that shyt. We were used to getting some OT cause of the workload and you didn't leave till the job was done. At this point though, the company was still reeling from losing one of its biggest customers (we dealt with various banks) from back in Sept. 2011. Corporate made a deal to get the region a new customer starting that May. They made some new hires and the hours went back down...then May came. We got way more work than expected and the hours shot back up. Working 50-60 hrs. now from 40-42 hrs. ain't what's up. The shyt just wasn't getting any better. Corporate changed the hiring process making it super slow to bring people in. The whole damn region was all kinds of fukked up. Even had one of the higher-ups come down at one point and admit they fukked up. :smh: I worked with mostly women in our room as well so you could just imagine the bytching and moaning when shyt went south. :snoop:
September rolled around and I just said fukk it. Some peeps tried to get me to come back at times but I was always like "nah, I'm good". Hell, the main manager and some other authority figures at that branch got fired earlier this yr. over some more missing money. fukk that sinking ship. :laugh: If I had to do it again, I would've had something lined up or at least quit a week later to use my insurance to get new contacts. :laugh: