Any black man that's humble is a fukkin idiot

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
It's more of a issue with single mothers raising black men though.

Brehs out here imitating females for attention.

Always felt black men seeks masculinity who is abnormal cyz men should be able to get automatically.


Sep 8, 2015
I wish that we got to see the full potential of Tupac Shakur:mjcry:

:ufdup:You should make a thread about this "Where do yall think 2pac would be now?" before someone else takes the idea.

Really though, it would be interesting to think how he would fit into the current trap era :jbhmm:


All Star
Jul 26, 2013
I'm on my lunch break chilling listening to my coworkers discuss their boring ass lives and I was thinking ....

The only thing humility get u in this society is a foot up the ass and a dry dikk, because the only ppl out here winning are ppl that believe in themselves and believe that they're the best.

The reason why so many black ppl, black men in particular struggle in this society is because our elders, these old nikkas taught us from day one to be humble, docile, submissive. Esp those old church nikkas, they basically teach u to be a bytch.

Go to school, get a job, show up on time, work hard, be polite to cacs in power, respect any WM in a suit, fear authority like police etc....
That's why we been here for 500 years and nikkas are still OK with the status quo. A bullshyt job, some over priced used car and some clothes. What type of life is that? U mean to that's the only thing I have to aspire to? That's it? Man fukk that, why don't nikkas want more? Why not fight to live the life u deserve, I mean our ancestors were hung from trees and how are we still in the conditions were in? We were suppose to learn from them and make sure we improved...

I blame these old nikkas, always telling kids to be humble, be polite, respect authority.. Teachers, managers etc....the only thing that get u... is a foot up your ass and if you're a female a dikk up it.

I hate these old nikkas so much, they got the nerves ask why young nikkas in Chicago are blowing each other heads off, its because of them. They didn't set nothing up, now look at this shyt, its all fukked up, its like the wild west out here. These kids have no direction.

That's why I respect jack Johnson, ALI, a black man u have to be cocky, it take a lot of belief to feel like u can rise up from hell in America, u have to feel like a god..

The only reason why ppl want u to be humble is to keep u on your knees. They use to hang BM for being too talented, being too smart, being too skilled, for walking with their head's held high. Any BM that's humble or embrace humility is a fakkit, idc what nobody say. Be humble if I want but you'll end up like these losers that i work with, 40 plus complaining about how they're tired of getting their ass kicked by the company. But they deserve it, because they never had the balls to want more.

To the young cats, always think you're the shyt and don't be ashamed. fukk humility, fukk anybody that tell u to humble yourself...
Yet, you at the same job they at. Stfu

Rollo Goodlove

Palestine Titty
Oct 25, 2014
California, America
I'm on my lunch break chilling listening to my coworkers discuss their boring ass lives and I was thinking ....

The only thing humility get u in this society is a foot up the ass and a dry dikk, because the only ppl out here winning are ppl that believe in themselves and believe that they're the best.

The reason why so many black ppl, black men in particular struggle in this society is because our elders, these old nikkas taught us from day one to be humble, docile, submissive. Esp those old church nikkas, they basically teach u to be a bytch.

Go to school, get a job, show up on time, work hard, be polite to cacs in power, respect any WM in a suit, fear authority like police etc....
That's why we been here for 500 years and nikkas are still OK with the status quo. A bullshyt job, some over priced used car and some clothes. What type of life is that? U mean to that's the only thing I have to aspire to? That's it? Man fukk that, why don't nikkas want more? Why not fight to live the life u deserve, I mean our ancestors were hung from trees and how are we still in the conditions were in? We were suppose to learn from them and make sure we improved...

I blame these old nikkas, always telling kids to be humble, be polite, respect authority.. Teachers, managers etc....the only thing that get u... is a foot up your ass and if you're a female a dikk up it.

I hate these old nikkas so much, they got the nerves ask why young nikkas in Chicago are blowing each other heads off, its because of them. They didn't set nothing up, now look at this shyt, its all fukked up, its like the wild west out here. These kids have no direction.

That's why I respect jack Johnson, ALI, a black man u have to be cocky, it take a lot of belief to feel like u can rise up from hell in America, u have to feel like a god..

The only reason why ppl want u to be humble is to keep u on your knees. They use to hang BM for being too talented, being too smart, being too skilled, for walking with their head's held high. Any BM that's humble or embrace humility is a fakkit, idc what nobody say. Be humble if I want but you'll end up like these losers that i work with, 40 plus complaining about how they're tired of getting their ass kicked by the company. But they deserve it, because they never had the balls to want more.

To the young cats, always think you're the shyt and don't be ashamed. fukk humility, fukk anybody that tell u to humble yourself...

Be like yeezus


Jan 9, 2016
fukk this shyt. I was raised by a single mother in the hood in NY. I always had confidence in my self, but I could never be overly prideful. You know why? Because I was realistic with myself. We didn't have shyt and we were living in some terrible conditions. I would have to be straight up delusional walking around overly prideful in the conditions I was growing up in. I learned to be humble since I was a youngin. Being humble got me through tough situations, through high school, and through college. shyt got me to the point where I'm at now. I will always take advice from any of my elders no matter their race or the circumstance. Even though my Father was never there for me I was able to do well because I actually listened to my elders. More of our youngins would be better off if they listened to the people who have wisdom and want to see them do well.

LV Koopa

Jester from Hell
Nov 18, 2014
On the contrary, black men are raised by their manic depressive/schizophrenic whore mothers to be loud mouth Menace To Society cast members who dress like gay stylists in a Bronner Bros. hair show. They also go their entire lives with undiagnosed psychological disorders from years of horrifically savage sexual and physical abuse at the hands of family members.

A lot of black people develop some degree of a disassociative identity disorder to cope with a completely illogical upbringing of violence and unhealthy sexual activity. This also leads to ridiculous overcompensating ass ideologies that anyone raised in a normal household can immediately recognize as some of the most chickenshyt smart dumb half-baked nonsense they've ever heard.

disassociate this neg fakkit


All Star
Nov 20, 2015
Dallas, TX
a breh makes a post about being more than average and immediately you got nikkas coming in here shytting on ANOTHER black man. No other race shyts on each other more than we do. He's telling you guys NOT to accept things as they are, but rather go create your own life. and i'm 10000000% for that.

While the real nikkas stay grinding the rest of you nikkas will be washing cars for 8 dollars an hour.

lazy ass bums.

Uncle Kingpin

No Relation
Jul 26, 2013
It took me a long time to realize that humility does have value. It's a thin line between confidence and arrogance, and most people dont know the difference. You have to be selectively humble at times or else you risk being seen as arrogant. When someone has more power than you or something you want from them, exuding supreme confidence will create enemies you arent even aware of. Be humble in your self praise, let others big you up.