Anime Talk: Who wins in a battle,The Espada led by Aizen or the uchiha‘s led by Madara?


All Star
Oct 31, 2017
Yet we see how the difference in levels meant people without God Ki were shyt out of luck when it came to big body fights. Even if you remove the fact that Reiatsu was killing normal people and choking out people like Vader otherwise, it still doesn't address the fact that its a passive barrier.

And Chakra don't do that :ufdup: You comparing the Lantern Corps to Kryptonians
Kaguya with her Chakra can erase dimensions and create dimensions. So chakra isn't really inferior to Bleach's spiritual pressure.

That's base aizen he powered up after that to where he couldn't be sensed except from ichigo

Not only that if u notice he had to be stabbed just to know what if aizen decided not bother do that and have all the other people kill each other instead it's a moot.point if u dont know who ur true foe is also cuz u cant distinguished reality from illusion.

Commander was smart in doing that but it dont mean he could of beaten him either
I remember. That's why I asked the question. :sas1:

If sensing reiatsu is a 6th sense, then at the very least, you should be able to determine one reiatsu from another. Hinamori and Aizen should very different enough to distinguish even in Complete Hypnosis.

I wish Kubo would show what really happened with that switch. That shyt is still OG OP crazy to this day.
In order to get out of a genjutsu if someone stabilizes it chakra if memory is correct or use a stronger one

Aizen illusion is a lifetime thing only thing proven to remotely help is aizen let's u touch him and ur strong enough to sense his power but even then u cant tell what's real or fake if u dont touch him cuz u could be fighting ur comrades thinking its him which is y I say it's a moot point

I reiterate Madara's senses are far superior to Yamamoto's senses. He needed to get stabbed just to make sure it was Aizen while Madara would be able to sense Aizen from another dimension just like how Sasuke sensed Naruto's chakra from another dimension in the Boruto movie. So Madara's eyes, sixth sense, and Limbo are completely immune to Aizen's hypnosis. All of you brehs are forgetting that Madara can also trap Aizen in an illusion.

Aight man you got it :skip:
Your fav character is the strongest :ld:
Come on the winning team


Aug 25, 2015
Aizen wins this solo

The only way he loses is if he chooses to lose (doesn't use his shikai)


May 1, 2012
I get what ur saying cuz his senses are superior but u forget 1 thing that is important aizen doesnt stop getting stronger and he got way stronger in the last arc

I know for a fact aizen can get trap cuz he has before in bleach but he gets out in 2 ways either his intelligence way above madaras and his well non existent shika now can get him out of it

Having said that u keep glossing over 1 thing I said kaguya was stronger than madara we know that she created chakra
So if juha is the sole king who controls regular world and soul world and hollow world
Which both these people are stupid powerful right
Aizen had the soul king in a illusion in a chair strapped down still not a full power
What makes u think madara cant get the same issues.
I agree madara can get him but I also laid out 2 ways he could get out
Keep in mind aizen illusion problem is u cant tell who is foe or friend or what is real or fake cuz of how it gets u so anybody can get effected it by it
So someone trying to release u wont work at same time I dont know what the distance is for his illusion since he became stupid more powerful in final arc
Madara weakness is 1st hokage and aizen trolling ass will have madara thinking he fighting him which could be in reality could be if he had a ally anybody.


May 1, 2012
Are we really in here ignoring the gawd Itachi with the Tsukuyomi and the god damn Izanami :damn:

No its just that izanami only every 10 years and basically
Aizen illusion does it all the time no ending effect unless he says so basically and he u can be blind and still get stuck in it just takes 1 of the 5 senses basically and its game over which means its already game over with him


All Star
Oct 31, 2017
I get what ur saying cuz his senses are superior but u forget 1 thing that is important aizen doesnt stop getting stronger and he got way stronger in the last arc

I know for a fact aizen can get trap cuz he has before in bleach but he gets out in 2 ways either his intelligence way above madaras and his well non existent shika now can get him out of it

Having said that u keep glossing over 1 thing I said kaguya was stronger than madara we know that she created chakra
So if juha is the sole king who controls regular world and soul world and hollow world
Which both these people are stupid powerful right
Aizen had the soul king in a illusion in a chair strapped down still not a full power
What makes u think madara cant get the same issues.
I agree madara can get him but I also laid out 2 ways he could get out
Keep in mind aizen illusion problem is u cant tell who is foe or friend or what is real or fake cuz of how it gets u so anybody can get effected it by it
So someone trying to release u wont work at same time I dont know what the distance is for his illusion since he became stupid more powerful in final arc
Madara weakness is 1st hokage and aizen trolling ass will have madara thinking he fighting him which could be in reality could be if he had a ally anybody.
I did some research on Aizen in the final arc and he tricked a guy that had some powerful eyes, but note that Aizen tricked Juha Bach's eyes which is one of the 5 senses that Aizen can control.
Madara has two other ways he could escape Aizen's hypnosis which is his extremely powerful sixth sense which I discussed earlier and Limbo clones which are completely unaffected by the enemy's attacks.
Limbo is extremely hax. You can't see/ sense them nor affect them. This is a full proof counter to Aizen's hypnosis and the Limbos could damage Aizen while Aizen can't hit back.
One of Madara's Limbos will activate infinite Tsukuyomi which is far superior to Aizen's hypnosis and he won't be able to escape this illusion.
Madara will seal Aizen while he's under the powerful illusion with the planetary devastation just which could indefinitely hold Kaguya (a person that creates and destroys entire dimensions).

Madara is faster, stronger, has more hax, and can seal Aizen. Madara could probably destroy the Hogyoku too because TSBs erase entire dimensions. So how does Madara lose?

Winning team?

And like I said from the jump, consult the lease holder

Because Madara ain't Kaguya
We have been going in circles. Madara has Kaguya inside of him and he's not much weaker than her. Many people even believe that he could beat her in a fight.
Aizen's hypnosis wouldn't work on Madara for reasons I already mentioned. The only thing Aizen has above Madara is that he's slightly more intelligent. Madara is going to make Aizen cry just like Urahara did.


Brehs thinking that Madara can't counter Aizen's weak hypnosis. This is an easy win for Madara.

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May 2, 2012
Ohio, Iowa, & Minnesota
People don't talk about how some of the strongest techniques in Naruto-verse draw power from Shinigami ( Death Gods)


For example, Pein - one of the strongest characters uses a Shinigami's power to heal. His Shinigami looks like one of them fodders from Hueco Mundo.

Lord Aizen took out a whole society of the top tier Shinigami's and went into Hueco Mundo (Hell) and took that over without even lifting a finger.

Dude brought one of the top powers in hell down to his knees with spiritual power alone.

Made the King of hell kiss the ring without breaking a sweat in like 5 minutes.
