This country has always been racists, xenophobic and suspectible to disinformation. So why did the electorate vote Trump out in 2020? Only to vote him back in 4 years later? Did they become less racist in those 4 years? Why did all these other minority groups vote in higher numbers for Trump the 2nd time? Why are the Democrat poll numbers still terrible despite Trump imploding right now? This is about people believing Democrats are completely useless.Arguments like this are misguided too, because they give too much credibility to the "economic anxiety" lie. Yes, Democrats catering to big donors contributed to voter disillusionment, but that alone doesn't explain Trump's rise. His movement was fueled by white resentment, right-wing propaganda, and a media ecosystem that legitimized his white-grievance politics. Acting like this was just a reaction to Democrats ignoring the working class erases how openly he ran on racism, xenophobia, and authoritarianism. I'm tired of certain people refusing to acknowledge this and refusing to face the reality of this country and the millions of "fellow" citizens who embrace it.
You can't be serious about understanding voter backlash w/o recognizing both the material failures that push people away from politics and the deliberate efforts to weaponize racial resentment. Pretending it was just about Democratic neglect oversimplifies the problem. Any analysis that glosses over this isn't worth much.