I voted for Hilary.
I voted for that decrepit warlord.
I donated and voted to Kamala.
I’ve been voting for bad and mid Dem candidates for a decade now. I just want to vote for someone I believe in and I will continue criticizing these moderate Dems as long as we have a shytty two party system.
Until Progressives get a candidate that has national appeal (and by national appeal, i mean he needs to be a handsome charismatic muthafukka with a family that looks and acts like either Obama or Gavin Newsome while having Bernie Sanders policies)......until THEN yall aren't winning the general election.
So in the mean time, your people should be supporting the Democratic candidates that can get there.
Then you can help elect Progressive candidates to the Senate, to the House, to Local seats who will push your agendas because you have Dem in power at the top that works with you. It's like your people can't grasp this concept. Republicans grasp it. The Christians, the Neo-cons, the MAGAs, the Corporatists all realize they're going to get something from Trump but, Progressives can't grasp that they'll get something from a Dem. Maybe you're cool but, as a whole, as an entire group, I have little faith in Progressives.