It’ll be interesting to see how many of our current athletes and entertainers will have generational wealth years from now.
Magic Johnson's family, if EJ suprises us and has kids.

It’ll be interesting to see how many of our current athletes and entertainers will have generational wealth years from now.
But Jay Z peddled poison to his own people for a profit. That is the definition of a sell-out. That type of c00nery is acceptable though to mainstream black America, so he gets a pass
Is Jay-Z your go-to negro answer for the ills of black society?? You need to back down from your pedestal. Valerie Jarret was the Chief Executive of The Habitat Company, which managed a number of public housing complexes in Chicago as part of an "urban renewal project".. a project which was eventually seized by the federal government due to various financial problems and maintenance issues.
"Reports emerged of uninhabitable units with collapsed roofs, fire damage, mice infestations, and sewage backups. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale, a score so bad the buildings were demolished in 2011."
But that's not the definition of a sell-out tho either??? profiting off poor blacks, leaving a section of the city homeless and substandard housing conditions?
"Reports emerged of uninhabitable units with collapsed roofs, fire damage, mice infestations, and sewage backups. In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale, a score so bad the buildings were demolished in 2011."
oh.. let's not overlook the fact that there were a total of approx. 23,000 public housing apartments under her "direction".
She was known for being a slum lord
This isn't true. Not sure where you're pulling this information from. The Habitat Company does not manage over 23.000 public housing apartments. Public housing is under the direction of the Chicago Housing Authority.
This is the boule’.
They are all intergrationist bougie negroes happy to be getting pats on the head. They have only the power massa gives them.
housing is under the direction of the Chicago Housing Authority
This isn't true. Not sure where you're pulling this information from. The Habitat Company does not manage over 23.000 public housing apartments. Public housing is under the direction of the Chicago Housing Authority.
ummmm.. Valerie Jarrett made the statement directly herself... ""Government is just not as good at owning and managing as the private sector because the incentives are not there," said Jarrett, whose company manages more than 23,000 apartments. "I would argue that someone living in a poor neighborhood that isn't 100 percent public housing is by definition better off." and the government seized the property, which is why it is under the division of Chicago Housing Authority, to date. If I'm wrong, then prove it... unlike you, I can accept when I'm wrong or right about something.
Maybe you should FACT CHECK, before you make a direct statement. At this point, I'm off this thread... not debating or getting into discussions with someone who can't even substantiate their claims. Pointless.
Slum lord is putting it mildly... you think??..and yet you failed to mention this in your post or in your comparison to the negative effects of selling out and c00ning in order to make a profit.
and thanks for proving my point about how educational attainment and wealth accumulation does not set the standard for "black excellence"..
There are individuals in black society throughout history who have made substantial contributions through leadership, sacrifice, and solidarity (without resorting to manipulating and exploiting their own communities); without catering to corporate interests or controls, or appealing to a white standard of power. Do your own historical research beyond this "google facts" attempt at enlightenment. My suggestion is to expand your entire thought process beyond white mainstream's definition of excellence and stop using the white acceptability standards of power and influence. Then instead of repeatedly telling "us" angry blacks (as you state), what to post or contribute to YOUR thread, you provide an update.
said Jarrett, whose company manages more than 23,000 apartments
These families will be white in a 100 years