I must have been lucky because I've never experienced any discrimination from Africans or Caribbeans. Now are there African/Caribbean c00ns? Absolutely and I view them the same way I view American c00ns and just wait for them to receive their wake up call
The bolded is 100% true, but that's not exclusive to black people from other countries. Most black people in this country really don't know the history of our oppression. They know about the civil rights movement and slavery, but ask them about the black codes, redlining, or meritorious manumission and they'll be like
Most black Americans don't know that the Caribbean had some of the most inhumane form of slavery of that time period, that 5 times as many African slaves were sent to South America than the US, or that the King Leopold slaughtered 10's of millions of Africans in the Congo for his rubber empire.