The demise of America is becoming more and more apparent by each passing the day
I mean the American media has been a complete joke for decades now, the government has been openly controlled by private corporations, and everybody knows it, but does nothing about it
The dollar is literally collapsing right before our eyes, I mean a bag cheetos is 5 dollars and people wanna blame gas prices on Russia like we live in Europe
Everything is more expensive because the dollar is worth less, and the US constantly threatening another countries with dollar has backfired, and this Ukraine situation is merely speeding up a process that was going to happen anyway when the dollar will no longer be the world's reserve currency because it cannot be trusted, because whenever they feel like the United States can freeze you dollars and sieze them.
Everything sold in the United States in made in China damn near, America is a nation of consumers who produce nothing, the pandemic showed that 90 percent of jobs in America are useless, and merely serve to fuel an economy that does not exist merely an illusion
Americans are broke except for the 1 percent, the purchasing power of Americans came from cheap credit, not productivity
Retailers will move on from American consumers, because Americans just do not have the money to spend anymore, as business it only make to cater to customers who getting richer not poorer so they will search for who the new consumers will be over seas