nikka looks like one of those dudes in their late 30's that still stay with their mother, have no job & stays on the block tryna holla at 18 yr olds...
whats wrong wit that
nikka looks like one of those dudes in their late 30's that still stay with their mother, have no job & stays on the block tryna holla at 18 yr olds...
he doesn't have to wear skinny jeans
just dress like you're aware that you're not in high school anymore
nikka looks like one of those dudes in their late 30's that still stay with their mother, have no job & stays on the block tryna holla at 18 yr olds...
of course he's just being himself... and he's never came off as mature... doesn't take away the fact that he looks ridiculous for his age...
So when rich white people rock sandals and t-shirts to business meetings, it's cool, hell, even celebrated. Mark Cuban literally dresses like a bum and nobody says shyt. But Allen Iverson rocks what he wants to rock, and it's a big fukking problem.
So Mark Zuckerberg can wear thisand its good huh? But A.I can't wear what he wants?
So Mark Zuckerberg can wear thisand its good huh? But A.I can't wear what he wants?
You're not making much sense. So someone who wears baggy pants has the maturity level of a high school student? The fukk?
He's an NBA legend and one of the greatest players ever. You guys want to invalidate his legacy all because he refuses to dress like this:
fukk you. You mother fukking conforming metrosexual p*ssy ass c00n.
Thanks for letting me know you're over 30 sagging baggy jeans...
Not necessarily but if does so whats the issue? What he eat dont make u shyt -jigga