1.nope...you have no idea what your talking about..each terrorist attack is unique..the methods used..the casulties..the physical damage..the political motivations...etcccc...a kid getting pertusis is a kid getting pertussis..you can't relate the two even math wise
Your right b/c the math in the vaccine story was extremely off.
2. kk now you bringing breast milk in this shyt..i never said you shouldn't breast feed your baby i support breast feeding..but as i said "HEALTHY PEOPLE WITH STRONG IMMUNITY SYSTEMS STILL GET DISEASES" ..sure a healthier body will increase your chance of survival but wouldn't it be better...stay with me here.. FOR YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM TO ALREADY IDENTIFY THE ANTI-GENS BEFORE THE DISEASE MAKES YOU VERY ILL???..and there is absolutely zero evidence to support that vaccines lower your immune system..thats antivaxer propaganda with zero scientific basis...*waits for kingsmen to bring out naturalnews website and be like WAIT IT SAYS HERETHAT...
I mentioned the babies immune system already weak and you are presenting a out-side agent not known to the baby's body will effect it. I don't need to bring in anything else...my evidence was made clear pages ago...and your math website had no credibility what so ever.
and i noticed it takes you longer to answer me back even though it says you're still lurking on this thread
You are lurking on my thread....notice you don't make yours...maybe because you don't have anything to talk about.