This is what I'm talking about
You a smug ass nikka. When do you offer anything buy a snarky ass comment?
This is what I'm talking about
Yes exactly, its a transfer of consent from the parent to the child.
And it doesn't touch on testing. That's not what this bill is about (although kingsmen would have you think that). Its a consent bill. You read it yourself. The only power established is that of a minor over their health decisions.
Vaccines/Immunization requirements are clearly written in each states laws. In NYS, the rule for schools only deals with acute communicable diseases. (as should be the case)
Now for collegiate institutions, you can make the argument that STD testing should be a requirement (barring expulsion for positive results). That is an entirely different thread.
polio still exist breh
Well, whichever vaccines are given for diseases that aren't common anymore.
Well, whichever vaccines are given for diseases that aren't common anymore.
@thekingsmen, you're putting me in an awkward spot with you posting up misleading stuff. This is grounds for getting your thread-making privileges limited, you don't know I don't like telling people what to do, but you have to do better. I'd have PMed you if I wasn't on my phone.
so from a health perspective this is great. From a liberty type position and on a personal level FUK THAT. It sets a crappy precedent. TOday it's hep b next week it's sterilization. It's hyperbole right now but how long till they're giving your kids ritilin or some shyt?
did anybody actually read this shyt
you dumb fukks
@BarNone ban this guy @thekingsmen for straight up fraudulent information
breh you do know humans migrate right? the last thing you would want is to catch polio in nigeria
breh you do know humans migrate right? the last thing you would want is to catch polio in nigeria
Treat the effect and not the root cause= Modern Medicine. shytty water cause water-borne diseases...vaccination won't change the fact you are drinking water with shyt in it.
Do they give the vaccine worldwide?
are you fukking retarded??? not all vaccine treatable diseases are waterborne.. and you just don't get polio from drinking water...please get your boko harem mentality out of here
wtf are you talking about stay listening to these trolls....I question your mod ability b. Misleading stuff...b/c you didn't read the link? I would understand if I made this thread and didn't have a link to it or made that statement without any proof....but I see troll influence has taken over H.L. and it's getting worse and I see why no one really making good threads anymore.
not in my knowledge but alot of islamic fundamentalist in nigeria are attacking vaccine clinics