Exactly, you don't have any answers. Love to criticize and champion yourself as an independent thinker, but you can't think of an answer to how a world of order came to be from complete chaos. I ain't deflecting nothing. You are the one who champion yourself the superior thinking, so you would think you have the answer.
I CAN draw a parallel of a 'universe' being created by a conscious force... aka computer programmers who create video game worlds which the characters within explore. Oh wait, those video game characters can't see the programmers. I guess programmers don't exist right? What do programmers use to make programs? they use WORDS, aka computer language. Which is little different than the Bible saying the Word was with God.
Please show me a random generator that creates patterns and fixed values that can be studied. I'll wait for that. You know how this world can be studied through science? That's right, fixed values and patterns. Now show me a completely random source creating laws, patterns and other fixed values. Explain to me how a completely unintelligent universe can produce beings with intelligence that go way beyond their immediate environment if all we are are products of the immediate stimuli we are exposed to.