African Immigirants Most educated groups in the US.


Aug 12, 2012
A nigerian dude helped me cheat on my Calculus final :salute: :blessed:

i have become close friends this semester with a dude from Gambia....

if our Calculus 2 teacher wasn't such a pain in the ass with the seats every other row.....and spending each of the three tests walking back and forth and staring at any and everyone every second....unlike my calculus 1 teacher who it was easy as hell to cheat.......

Then i am sure the guy(Gambia) friend would have helped me out... are lucky as hell

i must say it does give me a sense of pride(and im sure vice versa for him) since we are the only blacks in the whole class

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
Why do immigrants think this is unique? My grandfathers worked double shifts for like 30 years in dirty ass US my parents got great grand parents were sharecroppers

This thread and the celebratory cosigns underscore the fact that many africans have a true disdain for black americans that built this land and fought :ufdup: for THEIR rights, and you all claim our culture and people, and sell it out when convenient.

Middle passage material >>>>>>>>

Get that chip off your shoulder you clue less clown... Your catching feelings because you already have a bias. Africans ain't sitting around mad @ ya'll. While your playing into divisions your missing the point. This was a celebratory feel good thread. I don't think Op intended to highlight the success of Africans in order to undermine others.

It is really telling that u can't just be happy for them. Had this thread been about African Americans I wouldn't feel any more or less pride but apparently that means I am taking credit for YOUR success. :snoop:

Your doing CAC work by playing into these divisions,


Jul 15, 2012
Get that chip off your shoulder you clue less clown... Your catching feelings because you already have a bias. Africans ain't sitting around mad @ ya'll. While your playing into divisions your missing the point. This was a celebratory feel good thread. I don't think Op intended to highlight the success of Africans in order to undermine others.

It is really telling that u can't just be happy for them. Had this thread been about African Americans I wouldn't feel any more or less pride but apparently that means I am taking credit for YOUR success. :snoop:

Your doing CAC work by playing into these divisions,

You do realize it was the son of an African that started making snide remarks about AAs? That is how this debate started. It didn't have to turn into this if an African hadn't felt the need to try a talk down about AAs. I think you should check him.


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
All the research shows that immigrants (regardless of race...Asian, Europeans, and etc.) are relatively more advantaged financially or education wise than those that are left back in the homeland. It's about relative advantage, including having a two parent household. You also have to realize that the research speaks to overall trends not individual experiences. According to your standards of living life, I know a lot of AAs who have lived life (the struggle is real for most of the people I know).

I think what bothers me most in these debates is that many times Africans will go out of the way to say things about AAs that are either untrue or unnecessary. Quite a few Africans won't even associate with educated AAs, let alone low-income AAs, but will be the first to say what jobs they won't work, what they don't believe, and etc.

My boyfriend is second generation. His dad drove a taxi to support the family. He eventually earned his PhD and his mom is a pharmacist. The thing I like most about him is that he doesn't feel the need to try to shyt on African Americans, their culture, or try to diminish their struggle. I can't say the same for most of the second generation Africans I know.

Edit: despite his dad having to drive a taxi in the US, back home is grandfather was a chief.

Lets be honest You have successful and hardworking African-americans but unfortunately those with very misaligned priorities are constantly making airwaves.

I would imagine the reason been that a good segment of the African-American community is simply missing lots of positive male role models to put their family units together. Family is what Africans have in abundance.

Some (not all) African Americans here do not value education, or the importance of good work ethic the way they should.


Aug 5, 2012
My parents are a testament to this. My mom and dad, both Nigerian, came into this country with nothing except the clothes on their back. My mom was collecting bottles, and my dad was working as a waiter at Pizza Hut. My Mom is now a Lawyer in Environmental Law making about 90k and my Dad is a Business Man making 400-500K selling medicine in Africa.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
On the one hand I love reading shyt like this but the bloom comes off pretty quick because the immediate response from Africans is to shyt on AAs. Why? The article was comparing groups of immigrants but you still go out of your way to shyt on native blacks? :rudy:

People seem to understate the fact that it's not cheap nor easy to immigrate to America. So whether rich or poor the average immigrant is going to have a hustler's mentality. Then when they get here they have programs set up to help them adjust. Not only that, there are usually communities of families and like minded individuals already here to ease the transition. Since the average African Hoodrat or bum ass neega can't make the trip you have most of the detrimental elements locked out and the homeland is represented by the best and the brightest.

Of course one only needs to look back towards the homeland and see what a shyt hole it is. The continent is full of corrupt, poverty stricken, disease ravaged, war torn nations. If the detrimental elements of African society had easy access to the American border like Mexicans do those statistics would tell a different story.

I don't know any Africans besides Chris B. that goes hard against AA's so I feel like ya'll are exaggerating the hate. Second it does help that the immigrants moving here have a hustler go get it mentality but you would be mistaken to think that this is far from your average persons mentality where they come from. It is not because they are elite or whatever else excuse it is just the culture in Africa. People floss education like jewels... Parents use their kids achievements like bragging rights and that's how Africans style on each other. Most elite don't even have the smartest kids its the poor folks. Elites can pay their way thru the kids bad grades in most these countries.

Most countries there u have to pay for even grade school education out of pocket... This alone drastically changes the game. It would really flip shyt if parents had to do that in places with public schooling. Not saying that it is the good thing but if u paying tuition from kindergarten up per semester then you best believe more parents would give a shyt. They could view it less as some free drop off day care service that doesn't cost them shyt and they would want to see a return for their money. This goes into my other point which is having strong parent involvement in education. Truly if I wasn't pushed I would have slacked and been lazy :manny:


Still hiding
Apr 4, 2013
My parents are a testament to this. My mom and dad, both Nigerian, came into this country with nothing except the clothes on their back. My mom was collecting bottles, and my dad was working as a waiter at Pizza Hut. My Mom is now a Lawyer in Environmental Law making about 90k and my Dad is a Business Man making 400-500K selling medicine in Africa.

The salt is dripping off your fingers
I have alot of family in america...amd I used to live in america.. So go sit down somrwhere
My parents came here with nothing and made shyt happen... Mothers a doctor and father an engineer
Both made around 100k a year
My people go hard.. The president of your country is part African.. So I'm sure u already know we go hard..
But u just wanted to shyt on me :ehh:

Neither of my parents had money/were 'elite' when they came to America. My dad drove taxis and worked in restaurants to pay for his graduate school education. I understand what you're saying about the comparing apples to apple though. It would be interesting to compare 1st generation Africans to 1st generation Asians and see how the numbers compare. However, I think it's presumptuous of you to assume that wealth is what is driving these high rates of education among Africans. From my experience, the thing that a lot of 1st generation Africans in America have in common with each other is the amount of struggle our parents had to go through when they first came here to give us (their children) the opportunity to take advantage of what this country has to offer, namely a quality education.



Jul 15, 2012
Lets be honest You have successful and hardworking African-americans but unfortunately those with very misaligned priorities are constantly making airwaves.

I would imagine the reason been that a good segment of the African-American community is simply missing lots of positive male role models to put their family units together. Family is what Africans have in abundance.

Some (not all) African Americans here do not value education, or the importance of good work ethic the way they should.

I feel that it is a number of factors including what you said (the lack of fathers). Also, many low-income African American do not have role models in general who can show them various paths in life. The following stories are only speaking to my personal experiences and are not generalizable to the entire African American community.

My high school
Speaking as someone who went to a low-income high school, the only students the counselors and teachers helped in regard to applying to college and applying for financial aid were the top 15 students. I say that as someone who received all the help I needed while some of my classmate sat around clueless about the entire process. There were plenty of classmate that I personally felt were smart and had potential, but they didn't receive the support they needed at home or in schools. We are talking about potential first generation college students with no one to help them. I don't care what anyone says, people need help or someone to show them the way. A 16/17 can't figure it all out along especially if they have no context. I graduate from high school in 2004 and I'm sure the way things worked haven't changed and lots of young men and women have been lost not because they are stupid and lazy as many like to assume.

My experience as a teacher in a low-income school
Based on my experience as a teacher in a low-income school, I would never send my children to one. The students at my school did not have the same resources, in school learning opportunities, or out of school learning opportunities. Because of corporate sponsored scripted programs that were placed in the school, the student rarely even learned science or any subject outside of reading and mathematics. Because of discipline issues, time issues, and various academic issues with other students, I wasn't able to help move some of my brightest students to the next level (we are talking about gifted and potentially gifted black students). We teachers in the building were many of their only educated role models. Many of their parents were young, single and high school educated (if that). The major accomplishment for many of these families for their children was to graduate from high school (that was the goal post). The discipline and fathers in the household were lacking (the ones with fathers were generally well behaved).

As a researcher, I've learned that the outcomes for most third generation black immigrants is similar to that of AAs. That has more to do with segmented assimilation than it does third gen'ers being stupid and lazy.

Honestly this is a multifaceted issue. There are structural/institutional factors that play a role AND individual factor that play a role (one of them is internal locus of control which I mentioned in an earlier post).

I've been rambling...sorry. Again, I am just tired of these conversations being field with stereotypes and condescension (that is why I posted actual research). It's not good to be smart and ignorant at the same time.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
I don't know any Africans besides Chris B. that goes hard against AA's so I feel like ya'll are exaggerating the hate. Second it does help that the immigrants moving here have a hustler go get it mentality but you would be mistaken to think that this is far from your average persons mentality where they come from. It is not because they are elite or whatever else excuse it is just the culture in Africa. People floss education like jewels... Parents use their kids achievements like bragging rights and that's how Africans style on each other. Most elite don't even have the smartest kids its the poor folks. Elites can pay their way thru the kids bad grades in most these countries.

Most countries there u have to pay for even grade school education out of pocket... This alone drastically changes the game. It would really flip shyt if parents had to do that in places with public schooling. Not saying that it is the good thing but if u paying tuition from kindergarten up per semester then you best believe more parents would give a shyt. They could view it less as some free drop off day care service that doesn't cost them shyt and they would want to see a return for their money. This goes into my other point which is having strong parent involvement in education. Truly if I wasn't pushed I would have slacked and been lazy :manny:

You do realize it was the son of an African that started making snide remarks about AAs? That is how this debate started. It didn't have to turn into this if an African hadn't felt the need to try a talk down about AAs. I think you should check him.


I'm not going for this us versus them shyt if you have anything worthwhile to add then cool but don't try to direct me into petty squables... I don't care who or what started this spiral of ignorance I just wanted to address the points worth discussion. It's getting hard to separate trolls from real posters so I try to address posters I recognize.


May 10, 2012
can the admins just ban Chris B. fool brings nothing to these forums at all


Jul 15, 2012

I'm not going for this us versus them shyt if you have anything worthwhile to add then cool but don't try to direct me into petty squables... I don't care who or what started this spiral of ignorance I just wanted to address the points worth discussion. It's getting hard to separate trolls from real posters so I try to address posters I recognize.

I added a lot to this thread including actual research regarding immigration, difference between native born and immigrant blacks, and a few other topics when other people were sprouting ignorant stereotypes and anecdotal evidence.

Also, I am not trying to direct you into petty squabbles, you were already participating in one but attacked the wrong person for starting the divisiveness in this thread. I just believe in fairness and truthfulness so I had to call out the inaccuracy.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
can the admins just ban Chris B. fool brings nothing to these forums at all

We should ban every c00n...

Chris B. And The Nigerian are well known idiots and to engage them in a serious discussion or actually take what they say as representative of how most Africans feel about other Black people is ridiculous. There was a collective fail in this thread the minute their nonsense was entertained... It set off some deep seeded feelings of resentment on both sides.

Avoid trolls