African chick who has lived in the US for 10 years asks whether she can speak on black issues that affect her in the US. FBA say no!

Secure Da Bag

Dec 20, 2017
:skip: But she literally said, "I'm not black, I'm African." She's excluding HERSELF.
Same way you see Aframs say, "I'm not African, I'm Black". Using Black as a euphemism for Afram/ADOS/FBA.

I don't think it's that serious honestly. Since people are gonna treat her like an Afram anyway. Especially given that Aframs have made it a point to say they're not African.


Jul 25, 2018
130+ posts over what should be the most common sense shyt ever :why:

No you can't speak on our issues when you just got here. Just like how I'd take a back seat, be respectful and stay out the way if I moved over there. Not a difficult concept

How is colorism and featurism towads young black women a fukking "American" issue dipshyt? The fukk?

If you were "over there" youd sit back, do nothing, and watch a young African girl who looks just like someone in your family be denigrated and abused for just her skin tone, nose, ears, lips, or some shyt because, "well, she's African."

Is that how much of a weak inherent coward scared to stand up for ANYTHING other than yourself you are? That you need rules and permissions to step in and stand against something that is hurtful, damaging and wrong?


It's like everyone who still identifies with these hasshtag are becoming more and more of a sociopath each year. Yall really don't like black people or give two shyts about black people.

Here's an even more simple concept. You ready? fukk you nigvas. fukk your hashtag. fukk your made up rules. A black man and a black woman has a right to speak out and stand against racism, any time, any where. fukk right off and stay mad on the internet.


Jul 25, 2018
respect for posting Malcolm video
‘but with that said … it doesn’t support your point because he is speaking on PanAfricanism and the whole diaspore as far as getting together and improving. This topic is not about that.
This topic is about whether or not an outsider could speak for another group of people and this pertains to non-ADOS/FBA speaking for us & you believing that we do that to others…. Malcolm in this video didn’t do that.

Oh for fukks sake, yall and this revisionist history of Malcolm X to support your "thank god massa took me out the jungle" psuedo intellect.

Malcolm X made it very very VERY clear what he feels about international black power and unity, and how he feels about black folks who rather identify as "Americans."

Very clear. He would have nothing to do with you losers or your rhetoric and he would regard Tariq Nasheed no differently than he regarded any black man who chooses to be "blavk American" rather than black African, a useful house negro pet.


Aug 23, 2019
How is colorism and featurism towads young black women a fukking "American" issue dipshyt? The fukk?

If you were "over there" youd sit back, do nothing, and watch a young African girl who looks just like someone in your family be denigrated and abused for just her skin tone, nose, ears, lips, or some shyt because, "well, she's African."

Is that how much of a weak inherent coward scared to stand up for ANYTHING other than yourself you are? That you need rules and permissions to step in and stand against something that is hurtful, damaging and wrong?


It's like everyone who still identifies with these hasshtag are becoming more and more of a sociopath each year. Yall really don't like black people or give two shyts about black people.

Here's an even more simple concept. You ready? fukk you nigvas. fukk your hashtag. fukk your made up rules. A black man and a black woman has a right to speak out and stand against racism, any time, any where. fukk right off and stay mad on the internet.
You read this

"130+ posts over what should be the most common sense shyt ever :why:

No you can't speak on our issues when you just got here. Just like how I'd take a back seat, be respectful and stay out the way if I moved over there. Not a difficult concept

And somehow got this from it:

"If you were "over there" youd sit back, do nothing, and watch a young African girl who looks just like someone in your family be denigrated and abused for just her skin tone, nose, ears, lips, or some shyt because, "well, she's African.""

I keep telling y'all this is a legitimately stupid person. Like you're definitely going to have to prove that your reading comprehension skills are beyond the 3rd grade level before I go back and forth with you. I promise you all this dude's posts makes sense when you understand that you are dealing with stupid when you communicate with him.:mjlol:


AKA RehReh 😇
Mar 10, 2017
Oh for fukks sake, yall and this revisionist history of Malcolm X to support your "thank god massa took me out the jungle" psuedo intellect.

Malcolm X made it very very VERY clear what he feels about international black power and unity, and how he feels about black folks who rather identify as "Americans."

Very clear. He would have nothing to do with you losers or your rhetoric and he would regard Tariq Nasheed no differently than he regarded any black man who chooses to be "blavk American" rather than black African, a useful house negro pet.

Bro just laugh and keep it pushing

You know the age old saying
Don't spend too long arguing with fools because from a distance it looks like two fools arguing.

First time I was called a N!gger ever in my life was in Rockford Illinois 2021

But some how 🤔
'Whitez cAn TelL u NoT LYke Us'


Whore D'oeuvres

Still Trippin
Sep 23, 2015
Anywho. I wanna see what her body looks like cause her face is :noah:

Her eyes, lips, face shape, everything.


Jul 25, 2018
Cacs don't know the difference, yall all black :mjlol:

Nah bro Tariq Nasheed tole me truth. A cop who hates black people pulls a breh over speeding. He leaves his vehicle, places his hands on his holster, knocks on the window, and turns on his flashlight. He sees his dark skin, beard on his face, wearing a cap. Looks about 30. He shouts "dont move. Put your hands on the dashboard. Now."...But...when he smelled the sweet aroma of freshly baked beef patties to the tune of Beres Hammond, he knew he was safe. His slightly receded hairline sealed the deal.

He shot him anyway.


Nov 12, 2014
she is not black :what: ?

begging for acceptance :picard:

poor girl. the american education system has done a number on her.


Jan 3, 2018

We can't have a conversation until some of yall get your head out your asses and stop projecting your self-loathing need to feel important on the entire black community. Being black and acknowledging your history and national identity outside of the United States doesn't mean they are distancing themselves from their African ancestry and shared identity with all African descendants.

That's what YALL are trying to accomplish for black Americans. YALL value a sub-European national identity you share with cacs through enslavement more than a united black-African community and nation. YALL are hyper focused on denigrating and dehumanizing Africans out of some sensationalized generalized nonsense about them "not liking you" as an excuse to start acting like bigots and distancing yourself from your African ancestry. Nowadays yall are dipping into straight up race-psuedo science about hairlines, European admixtures, and "black Americans" in fact being here before slavery. And then there's the endless mocking of poverty in Africa, the "go back to your country"-style insults over Africans "fleeing their homeland", the messed up AI thumbnails of bug eyed grinning "Africans" on some st0rmfr0nt shyt. As if "African Americans" are also intellectually and physically superior to other black people. These aren't usually the views of someone who has the nerve to demand other black people prove their unity.

There is no one working harder to put being "black" last and being "American" first like the constantly projecting hashtag nikkas. Yall care more about being closer to a first world cac identify ypu can claim birth and a family history to than to be black.

And then yall got the nerve to speak of Malcolm X as if he was a poster child of your beliefs. Yall only love Malcolm X for a couple quotes about Democrats and liberals in the 1960s. He would spit on this whole fukking "movement" yall about if he were alive.

There seem to be multiple different discourses that are being all conflated together (not by you, but by people who engage in this topic in general).

The first discourse seems to be coming from the "Nashideans" and "Calhounians" that you seem to referencing for most of your post as "hashtaggers". These are the people posting anti-immigrant content and saying they were in the Americas before anybody else, distancing from Africa type of content. And I understand you are not saying all Black americans think this way and that your post was specifically referencing them and their rhetoric. These people are a loud and amplified by the nature of social media. As you know, they are not mainstream opinion. For example, if you had some famous mainstream Black american person, say Michelle Obama, start posting Nashidean and Calhounian rhetoric, it would cause a community meltdown from the absurdity. It is understandable if people are chronically online, like many on Twitter and Tiktok seem to be, that they may think otherwise.

The second discourse is just saying Black Americans need their own ethnic identifier that can't be conflated with other groups. The Black population in America has become so diverse, that Black and African-American are not specific enough by name. It has nothing to do with not claiming black or claiming exclusive ownership of blackness. Just that on the forms where you mark your race, underneath the "Black or African-American" section, just have a designated ethnic identifier, similar to already present ability of immigrant descended populations being able to identify their country of origin with the use of 'X-American'.

I also agree with your first paragraph in the quote that referenced that people who claim their nationality outside of the United States are not distancing themselves from shared African ancestry. So, I am then confused about the notion with claiming a nationality as "wanting to be with white people"? This rhetoric is not given to other black populations throughout the Americans who are also minority populations within their countries that have various levels of antiblackness. If an Afro-Colombian claims Colombia, are they distancing themselves from Africa? Its not as if "new world" black populations are first generation immigrants who are suddenly choosing to completely cut ties with the countries they originate from. Their ancestral roots are from Africa, but their contemporary ethnoculture was literally formed in those American countries. If they were to suddenly claim/speak on Africa with a position of actual belonging, and not just being of African descent (though sometimes even this is enough, with questioning the legitimacy/usage of the term "African-American"), the gatekeeepers would come out and remind them that they are American. Descendents of immigrants who grow up outside of Africa are well aware of this interaction, so why would it be any different for Black Amerians or other populations. Their nationality and claim to such is not in question.

Since Black Americans have been a race-focused people, due to their race-focused environment, their resulting Pan-African philosophy has always been that black people are global population. Some live in Africa, some in Americans and Caribbean, some in middle east, etc. This philosophy has sometimes gotten pushback of "lumping people together" and "projecting their idea of blackness onto other peoples", for various reasons. But they have also been proud Americans who take pride in what their ancestors fought for. That has nothing to do with wanting to "live with white people" any more than it does for other minority black populations in other countries that are proud of their nationalities.

This was just a casual post.
Feel free to correct me if I am misinterpreting. But as far as the hashtag people, I feel we are in agreeance.
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Jul 25, 2018
Nope. They’re very aware of the difference. There’s a reason Obama and Kamala Harris don’t have a black American lineage.

Yall are legit insane.

Clarence Thomas. A man with FAR more direct power over our rights, opportunities, and legislative "demands" than any "commander in chief" regardless of party or "non-FBA tether" will ever have over your life and status here in this lifetime.

A black man who, with a bunch of word salad and the stroke of a pen got affirmative action abolished, got abortion rights abolished, made our government more authoritarian and freely corrupt on behalf of a white supremacist felon overnight, would surely have reparations legally blocked, and is working out his arguments against that Civil Rights Act as we speak.

And he's 100% "BlAcK aMurIcaN ADOS FBA w lInEaGe tRaCinG BacK tO Gorgia!"

Does his ethnic background play into this grand conspiracy to send black rights back to 18th century states rights by as soon as next year?

Or maybe yall are just a bunch of nutjob bigots?
Jul 24, 2018
There seem to be multiple different discourses that are being all conflated together (not by you, but by people who engage in this topic in general).

The first discourse seems to be coming from the "Nashideans" and "Calhounians" that you seem to referencing for most of your post as "hashtaggers". These are the people posting anti-immigrant content and saying they were in the Americas before anybody else, distancing from Africa type of content. And I understand you are not saying all black americans think this way and that your post was specifically referencing them and their rhetoric. These people are a loud and amplified by the nature of social media. As you know, they are not mainstream opinion. For example, if you had some famous mainstream Black american person, say Michelle Obama, start posting Nashidean and Calhounian rhetoric, it would cause a community meltdown from the absurdity. It is understandable if people are chronically online, like many on Twitter and Tiktok seem to be, that they may think otherwise.

The second discourse is just saying Black Americans need their own ethnic identifier that can't be conflated with other groups. The Black population in America has become so diverse, that Black and African-American are not specific enough by name. It has nothing to do with not claiming black or claiming exclusive ownership of blackness. Just that on the forms where you mark your race, underneath the "Black or African-American" section, just have a designated ethnic identifier, simlar to already present ability of immigrant descendend populations being able to identify their country of origin with the use of 'X-American'.

I also am confused about the notion with claiming a nationality as "wanting to be with white people"? This rhetoric is not given to other black populations throughout the Americans who are also minority populations within their countries that have various levels of antiblackness. If an Afro-Colombian claims Colombia, are they distancing themselves from Africa? Its not as if "new world" black populations are first generation immigrants who are suddenly choosing to completely cut ties with the countries they originate from. Their ancestral roots are from Africa, but their contemporary ethnoculture was literally formed in those American countries.

Since Black Americans have been a race-focused people, due to their race-focused environment, their resulting Pan-African philosophy has always been that black people are global population. Some live in Africa, some in Americans and Caribbean, some in middle east, etc. This philosohpy has sometimes gotten pushback of "lumping people together" and "projecting their idea of blackness onto other peoples", for various reasons. But they have also been proud Americans who take pride in what their ancestors fought for. That has nothing to do with wanting to "live with white people" any more than it does for other minority black populations in other countries that are proud of their nationalities.

This was just a casual post.
Feel free to correct me if I am misinterpreting. But as far as the hashtag people, I feel we are in agreeance.
A brilliant post that sums up my views on this topic. Black = a person that is predominately of Sub-Saharan African ancestry. Nothing more. It isn't a culture, or nationality, etc. Hell, race as a concept is fallacious.


Aug 23, 2019
Can someone explain why this @SupaDupaCool weirdo literally spent his entire Wednesday night/Thursday Morning trolling ADOS folks on thecoli


That's some real serial killer energy right there. Some of y'all battling all kinda demons on here. shyt's weird.:scust: