ADVANCED Lucid Dreaming - Oneirology Expirement

Ninjaz In Paris

ehyeh ašer ehyeh
May 3, 2012
Seriously better be careful, breh.
End up catching the attention of some cross dressing demon that wants to inhabit your soul on some Insidious shyt.



"Insidious" made me stop APing for about 6 months... :skip:


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
Seriously better be careful, breh.
End up catching the attention of some cross dressing demon that wants to inhabit your soul on some Insidious shyt.



what's more terrifying is when a demon takes on the cloak of an angel,like Lucifer..these flimsy flamsy mini ghosts can be swatted away by your taqwa or kopavi,they prey on your insecurities,if you laught them away they shall dissipate..takes practice but must be done,that's why i scoff at a lot of new agers who always talk about angels,white light,stone protection,etc because they're in for a rude awakening..double entendre

nightmares are there for a reason,henceforth,you will encounter demons/ghosts/malevolent spirits floating about,you provide them life by feeding or avoiding your ego..

you won't be able to discern a true angel unless you've encountered a few demons on the dream/astral plane..

then what happens in the afterlife bardo when you're bombarded with a sea of illusion catered to your ego..? or how to escape the first 3 day body state like Yeshua when he rose from the dead
May 1, 2012
without reading.. I had lucid dreaming activity recently, and it was due to drinking a lot of strong ass cold medicine..

I never take medicine.. :heh:

on the same token.. I took DMT over a year ago.. 3 times, in one sitting actually.. I watched folks talk to people who weren't there.. I passed out, and woke up 10 min later..

May 1, 2012
Day one will start tomorrow. I'm going to have a teaspoon of the ground up root every night before bed, and the first thing in the morning. Just took some and I'm about to go to bed. Will be back.

Day 1- I had 3 separate vivid dreams. I do have vivid dreams here and there, so it probably wasn't from the root as today was my first night. I just woke up, and I'm about to take my morning dose. Will update tomorrow.

Day 2- I just woke up 15 minutes ago. I can't recall any dreams. That basically sums it up.

Day 3- I had many vivid dreams. I can't remember the exact amount. They were really strange dreams, almost nightmares, but they weren't scary. Just uncomfortable. I'm not giving the root any credit yet. Nothing that amazing has happened yet.

Day 4- i had 2 very uncomfortable weird dreams that lasted a long time. I'm surprised I haven't had a single good dream yet. Woke up this morning with huge headache. Not sure if it has anything to do with the root.

Day 5- headache was so bad I fell asleep early on my couch and never got a chance to take to the root. I had no dreams. I'm still continuing until I run out of the root.

day 6- dream was so vivid, all the faces were clear and the setting was clear. Even though that was pretty cool, i had a fukking nightmare. I very rarely get nightmares. weird.

Day 7- I know I dreamt, but u can not remember what it was about. Edit 2 of day 7: I just remembered more stuff. I had the saddest dream I've ever had in my whole life and I just remembered. It wasn't a nightmare, it was just extremely sad.

Day 8- Jesus Christ, another bad dream. I never had bad dreams so frequently. All of my nightmares are vivid. Most of my bad dreams are just stupid thing like, me losing my keys or driving my car and realizing my emergency break is on. This past week my bad dreams have turned into more intense nightmares. (Like people trying to kill me, shoot me etc.) and I always wake up feeling really disturbed.

day 9- sorry to disappoint, but i can't recall any dreams of last night.

Day 10- running low on the root, I bought more. Should be here In a few days. The dreams I had were vivid once again. I heard that silence capensis is suppose to make your dreams super colorful but I haven't had any colorful dreams yet, just really detailed and clear dreams. Anyways one of the the dreams I had was I was at a talent show and it was my turn to go up next. So I get on the stage and realize I have no idea what to do so I ran off stage humiliated. Haha weird.

Day 11- can't recall.

Day 12- so I just woke up and I had a dream that took place in Mexico. I was in this dark room and my friend offered me some shrooms and I took them. A few moments later in my dream I woke up in fear that I was about to trip balls. I wonder what would have happened if I just didn't wake up and let the dream take place. I felt strange like I knew I was dreaming but for some reason I didn't care to try to do anything like I wasn't aware that I could manipulate my dreams. I would definitely not call it a lucid dream though, but it was interesting. From here on out im going to have a rating on how vivid the dream was 10 being it felt like real life, 0 being I can't remember anything. Vividness: 7 out of 10. I could make out details in surrounding, but for some reason not much faces.

Day 13- I had 2 dreams I can recall and they were the most vivid yet. In one of the dreams i tried to wax my eyebrows but I accidentally took them both completely off. I looked in the mirror and I could see my face in detail with no eyebrows. It was fukking weird. Another dream I was riding a motorcycle and i narrowly escape an insane car crash. It was intence. Vividness: 9 out of 10.

day 14- i have the flu and i was so sick i couldn't sleep much at all. No dream recall.

Quick update: I just received more in the mail and this batch definitely seems stronger. It has a stronger taste and is way bitter.

Day 15- hoooolllyyyy shyt. I just had a dream that I could suck my own dikk. Vividness: 8 out of 10

day 16- cant recall

day 17- cant recall

I used this for a few months a couple years ago. I didn't ground it up and make the froth mixture like others suggested, I just chewed a piece and swallowed it before I went to sleep. I can't say anything noteworthy happened for awhile, until one night after quite awhile of using it I had one of the most, if not the most, intense LD experience I've ever had. The thing is, who knows if the root was the cause of this experience. I stopped using it and my frequency of LD's has remained the same, so I don't bother with it anymore.



May 6, 2012

Also for those unaware, what helped me concentrate on building landscapes was using Sacred Geometry & it also creates very powerful impressions. Like drawing the shapes of a drawing before erasing & completing the layers.

what book is this from?
May 1, 2012
This is Demonic
very.. nothing I would ever recommend promoting, or trying..

some folks don't come back.. shyt ain't cool..

Completely safe breh... a LOT of teas are made from plant roots & that's all this is... a plant root... :whoa:
it's actually what a lot of them cats (legally)weening off heroin lean toward..

that's why the kava bars stay jumping..

we should be warning brothas to stay away from this kinda stuff.. :whoa: all this kinda sh!t is not to be done recreationally, or sold over the interwebs..

some real life Science of Sleep sh!t.. :whoo:


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
I've tried various herbal mixtures containing things like Melatonin, Valerian Root, Ginko, etc...

Very good LD Enhancers but still nothing to what Silene Capensis did at least for me. I knew I was dreaming with those but my first experience with Silene Capensis when I was a disbeliever I could not tell I was dreaming & it was an utterly terrifying experience due to my ignorance of the plant but this will be a controlled experiment.
Natural is the way to go. You pervert the experience using drugs, breh. You can just learn techniques to make you more lucid. You sound like @Indica right now