We just had a black president, let it go. There are two types of black people in this economic environment:
Those who do, and those who don't. Those who don't or those who do at a marginal level complaining about not getting sh*t from those who didn't before them or those who did because they felt those who did owe them something. Nobody owes you anything in this world, not even your own parents. If things were left up to the forces of fate we will die broke and in debt. You make your own destiny. If you work with that attitude you will be alright. We have been having these conversations for the last 40 years, there are blacks dominating in sports, politics, finance, engineering, industry, and entertainment. At the end of the day it's up to YOU to stop posting and start DOING. I was in a thread the other day where people were complaining about the quality of the food in their hood, I suggested something as simple as food carts with hot healthy food, the conversation denigrated into " You must be rich", "You are mocking us", "That won't make a difference" etc etc. All these self-anointed internet pundits are bish azz dudes spreading bish azz mentalities. Have a black family, do whatever you got to raise some startup capital, even if it means washing white man's shoes, flip that into a small business, flip that into a bigger business, and keep it pushing from there. Wealth is generational, you may not live to be a millionaire but if your business is positioned right your kids will. If and when you can employ somebody, help out somebody from your hood, but if every black person had that mentality we would be alright. To summarize, stop complaining, start doing. Don't make threads about what is wrong with the black community, make a thread about what you are doing to CHANGE it.