According to Jason Black, black men are not building for these reasons...


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
We just had a black president, let it go. There are two types of black people in this economic environment:

Those who do, and those who don't. Those who don't or those who do at a marginal level complaining about not getting sh*t from those who didn't before them or those who did because they felt those who did owe them something. Nobody owes you anything in this world, not even your own parents. If things were left up to the forces of fate we will die broke and in debt. You make your own destiny. If you work with that attitude you will be alright. We have been having these conversations for the last 40 years, there are blacks dominating in sports, politics, finance, engineering, industry, and entertainment. At the end of the day it's up to YOU to stop posting and start DOING. I was in a thread the other day where people were complaining about the quality of the food in their hood, I suggested something as simple as food carts with hot healthy food, the conversation denigrated into " You must be rich", "You are mocking us", "That won't make a difference" etc etc. All these self-anointed internet pundits are bish azz dudes spreading bish azz mentalities. Have a black family, do whatever you got to raise some startup capital, even if it means washing white man's shoes, flip that into a small business, flip that into a bigger business, and keep it pushing from there. Wealth is generational, you may not live to be a millionaire but if your business is positioned right your kids will. If and when you can employ somebody, help out somebody from your hood, but if every black person had that mentality we would be alright. To summarize, stop complaining, start doing. Don't make threads about what is wrong with the black community, make a thread about what you are doing to CHANGE it.
Bold is truth but you its easier for cats to get on here and complain under the guise of "helping". It's so much info online its really no excuse for not building in this day and age but people will still have excuse on why shyt ain't possible. Even if you looking for like minded people the Internet can help if you aren't currently surrounded by those people but cats will still keep complaining smfh. Someone I know started an online site just off info from YouTube and it makes about 2k a month. That's not a lot but the fact it took virtually no money ( less than 100), little to no maintenance, and makes money whether you working or not isn't shabby for just free YouTube lessons. That's why when I hear all this whinning from cats I'm like FOH.


May 1, 2014
What the hell are you talkin about :why:

Y'all nikkaz love to bash your own :mindblown:

nikkaz making all these generalizations and at the same time shyt on your entire race :mindblown:

Question: what skill set are YOU passing down to future generations?

What are YOU doing in efforts to black progression?

What organizations are you leading or donating to?

i aint generalize shyt... im talkin bout the baby boomers..

cuz i dont identify wit c00ns... they aint my own..

i saw a generation of black children sacrificed by those old c00ns...

black youth in harsh ghettos wit no prospective future other than the streets..

black youth feelin lucky if they made it to 21 still alive :mjcry:

cuz after integration alotta the high schools in black districts took out the trade programs..

if u want advice just startin out all u gotta do is teach ur son how to fix a leaking pipe or change the oil in ur car

thats still more than alotta ur civil rights c00ns ever taught their children...

they set the bar so low for the rest of us..

if u want a BLACK organization to donate to... imma point u to the Claud Anderson's Harvest Institute...

The Harvest Institute



May 24, 2012
Tha Land
nikka, for-profit colleges are scams. Community colleges have programs that work with all kinda work schedules.

Folks go to for-profit schools for a worthless 50k+ degree that'll cost 5k at their local community college. It does nothing but prey on the poor who don't take the time to properly research. Those schools are nothing but loan sharks. When ITT tech shut down there were nursing students at their shoddy ass program who lost all their credits because no school respects the credits from those places. I know a guy who did one year and is now forced to start over...


And start over as in doing the prerequisites just to apply for another program. ITT let him in with no prerequisites...just sign into their debt and you're in!!


They don't have to do prerequisites to get in those programs like regular colleges. Folks paying 40-50k to be an LPN :mjgrin: talk about hustling backwards

You trying to push a narrative that's just not there.

ITT had entrance exams. And a lot of those for profit LPN schools actually do pretty good by their students.

You talked about black going into the correct fields, well medical is a great field to be in.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
i aint generalize shyt... im talkin bout the baby boomers..

cuz i dont identify wit c00ns... they aint my own..

i saw a generation of black children sacrificed by those old c00ns...

black youth in harsh ghettos wit no prospective future other than the streets..

black youth feelin lucky if they made it to 21 still alive :mjcry:

cuz after integration alotta the high schools in black districts took out the trade programs..

if u want advice just startin out all u gotta do is teach ur son how to fix a leaking pipe or change the oil in ur car

thats still more than alotta ur civil rights c00ns ever taught their children...

they set the bar so low for the rest of us..

if u want a BLACK organization to donate to... imma point u to the Claud Anderson's Harvest Institute...

The Harvest Institute

Whether you like it or not, those are your people. Black people have been attacked by the federal government yet you wana bash them for being victims :snoop:


Jun 8, 2012
nikka, for-profit colleges are scams. Community colleges have programs that work with all kinda work schedules.

Folks go to for-profit schools for a worthless 50k+ degree that'll cost 5k at their local community college. It does nothing but prey on the poor who don't take the time to properly research. Those schools are nothing but loan sharks. When ITT tech shut down there were nursing students at their shoddy ass program who lost all their credits because no school respects the credits from those places. I know a guy who did one year and is now forced to start over...


And start over as in doing the prerequisites just to apply for another program. ITT let him in with no prerequisites...just sign into their debt and you're in!!

you aint telling me nothing bruh. I'm just stating the facts why people choose for profits. a few years back they were easier to deal with when working and going to school. lastly, it was easier to pass those classes too. and they might just cut out some GE's to make it faster. so they say "you can get your degree in 2 years. fast tracking you. making the classes easier with a bunch of group project,etc. and bam it seems more attractive even if the amt they cost is a horrible investment.

no where did I for profits are a good idea. they aint. lol


May 1, 2014
Whether you like it or not, those are your people. Black people have been attacked by the federal government yet you wana bash them for being victims :snoop:

yea i dont wanna sound too harsh cuz im not attacking the real black folks... only the c00ns..

unfortunately we had alotta c00ns back then...

what integration did was deputize the old nikkas as a buffer class between other races n the black youths..

cept now wit the rise of donald trump they dont need that buffer class anymore..

cuz they have successfully destroyed the black identity in america... the unfinished work of slavery...

integration damn sure wasnt bout equal opportunities... yall remember that washington post article a couple years back...

talkin bout how black students are MORE segregated today than 40 years ago..

Report: Public schools more segregated now than 40 years ago


Jun 8, 2012
They don't have to do prerequisites to get in those programs like regular colleges. Folks paying 40-50k to be an LPN :mjgrin: talk about hustling backwards
that's not an entrance exam like was said earlier. and you are right I mentioned this in my last reply. less prereqs or less GE's. means you can hit those upper division courses quicker and finish quicker. which is what people want. even Obama mr law degree said law school should be shorter. and that's your super smart president. 4 year degrees need to be 2 years max. all those GE's are completely unnecessary. especially giving actual grades. the classes should be read only classes. meaning no grades given. just you have to show up and participate. that's it. its not graded. which gives students the info so if they choose to go to a certain major based on going thru some GE's fine. but they wont flunk out of school before real classes kick in. which is pretty much what happens to everyone. GE classes should be much shorter. 5 to 6 weeks MAX. no need for full semester Intro to sociology course, or full semesters of US history. You just took US history in HIgh school. WHy are you having me take that yet again and I'm not going to be a history major? it's a money grab, that's why.


Jun 22, 2014
that's not an entrance exam like was said earlier. and you are right I mentioned this in my last reply. less prereqs or less GE's. means you can hit those upper division courses quicker and finish quicker. which is what people want. even Obama mr law degree said law school should be shorter. and that's your super smart president. 4 year degrees need to be 2 years max. all those GE's are completely unnecessary. especially giving actual grades. the classes should be read only classes. meaning no grades given. just you have to show up and participate. that's it. its not graded. which gives students the info so if they choose to go to a certain major based on going thru some GE's fine. but they wont flunk out of school before real classes kick in. which is pretty much what happens to everyone. GE classes should be much shorter. 5 to 6 weeks MAX. no need for full semester Intro to sociology course, or full semesters of US history. You just took US history in HIgh school. WHy are you having me take that yet again and I'm not going to be a history major? it's a money grab, that's why.
General Education classes are just that, for general education.
College is for education, and a push toward a career sits alongside that.
Law school is not equivalent to an undergraduate education, and I think most agree that it should be shorter.
If you want a a shorter undergrad degree, you can have one, I have friends that have graduated in two or three years.
Everyone needs to take a Sociology course, everyone needs to take a hard science course, everyone needs an English course or two, everyone needs a Government course, etc.
You want to avoid all of those prerequisites to graduate? Enroll in college while in high school, or get all 5s on your AP exam. If you're not smart enough to do either, then you need to retake the course in college until you have a solid understanding of the subject.


Feb 2, 2016
Government housing policies of post 1960s civil rights beg to differ.....

I don't care much for your shaming tactics ..whether it's hoe sh!t or not... it's historically accurate

If I get outta #GMB I'll get a submissive woman ...akin to my black mother submitting to my dominant father

You can have a strong independent woman all you want :hitunes:

Weve been down this road breh..and ya pops couldnt be all that dominant if couldnt control a dominant female:usure:......a boss in the boardroom but dlg in mines....cant be intimidated by a strong woman breh. Unless you a weak male....


Feb 2, 2016
There's truth in all of these points, some moreso than others

but the part he hit a homerun on was #3. I've been saying this for half my life now.
we're the only community that rewards, or are completely indifferent toward abhorrent sociopathic behaviors

got 100 kids by 70 different women? - so what. don't judge.
sell dope? - eh, you were pushed into it
laugh at being educated/intelligent? - you good.
stay fresh but can barely read/write/function like a normal adult? - *kneels before God*

this is the hub of our problem. there are no consequences to being a "nikka". the problem naturally though, is outside of the hood, these nikkas are worthless. this is why so many of us lean on sports, entertainment, or some sort of fukking "hustle" :manny:

So all your examples are black things..or nikka things huh? And every black man who does these things are examples of our entire race huh? Do yoi see how ridiculous you sound with this. You cant even hide your embarassment of your skin color. Associating black stereotypes with every black man.Its sad you so brainwashed that you cant even separate the exaggerated fiction from reality.
May 10, 2012

Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
So all your examples are black things..or nikka things huh? And every black man who does these things are examples of our entire race huh? Do yoi see how ridiculous you sound with this. You cant even hide your embarassment of your skin color. Associating black stereotypes with every black man.Its sad you so brainwashed that you cant even separate the exaggerated fiction from reality.

meanwhile 73% of black children are born out of wedlock in america
chicago alone has had over 700 homicides this year, 500 of which are african american (there are only 365 days in a year)
then there's this. and this has been a problem for a few decades now:
Troubling Statistics For African-American Males In The Classroom

but nah, fukk that...the real crisis we are facing, are people expressing their opinions online.
yeah. let's put our focus on that. :coffee:

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
He's on point. Mostly matriarchal issues is the reason black men show out so much to impress men usually don't have to impress when they can provide a service.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
meanwhile 73% of black children are born out of wedlock in america
chicago alone has had over 700 homicides this year, 500 of which are african american (there are only 365 days in a year)
then there's this. and this has been a problem for a few decades now:
Troubling Statistics For African-American Males In The Classroom

but nah, fukk that...the real crisis we are facing, are people expressing their opinions online.
yeah. let's put our focus on that. :coffee:

Chicago has 2.8 million people less than 2%.


Sep 30, 2015
:deadhorse: Same old same old but yeah there is no incentive for building in the black community in America,

being smart intelligent or planning for the future doesn't give you the spoils of going to war everyday building.

Women, awards, recognition etc.