According to Jason Black, black men are not building for these reasons...


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
To #1:

This is an overgeneralization and rather misguided viewpoint. Black people aren’t awaiting “white daddy’s” approval to build. Case-in-point, white people have been telling Blacks to “pull yourselves up by the bootstraps” for decades. They have been telling Black people to build their own infrastructure. Whilst these messages are often coded in racist undertones, the messaging has always been the same where it concerns white people, “stop trying to move into our neighborhoods; stop trying to take our jobs, and make your own opportunities”.

Blacks are looking for any way to survive in a system that has/is oppressed/oppressing us. Where it concerns actual building, there are plenty of Blacks building companies today, from tech to finance, so the businesses are there, the businesses just aren’t as large as white businesses. And very few people do build up a company or are successful entrepreneurs, and there are plenty of Blacks that weren’t successful entrepreneurs so they decided to work for a company. On top of that there are also talented Blacks that just don’t have the necessary connections to build whatever creative idea they have.

Saying, “Black men are looking for white daddy’s approval” is false and lacks insight into the real issue.

To #2:

Most higher-order species center their own personal self-worth on the validation of others or the recognition of others. If no one recognizes you’re dominant, you probably aren’t dominant no matter what you think of yourself. Saying you are great without the proof or work put in, and the acknowledgement of others to that greatness, is just another form of self-delusion. Black men being the strongest men on Earth is a bunch of nonsense talk bordering on lunacy (there is no empirical evidence suggesting that, or studies suggesting that). Aside from that, even if we were the strongest men on Earth, it depends on what you mean by strength. Mental? Physical? If it is the latter, then again, it is a misguided view of how the world or life works. Intelligence, and to some degree, group-think, decides a groups fate in the world, not necessarily physical strength. Physical strength is good but there are many other factors at play where it concerns if a group is dominant or not.

Black people in America have been downtrodden for so long that we do have some inherent self-hate issues. From our earliest beginnings, we are told (or it is implied through experience) we aren’t worth a damn. That can cause deep psychological fissures where only a few can break through the psychological barrier. A lot of the times we subconsciously believe in our own inferiority. One of the reasons why Blacks, in my opinion, need to talk to a counselors or therapists. Or simply talk with one another such as on here. But once you get into talk of, “we are the greatest to have ever lived” and other non-sense like that, you move away from actual self-growth and into delusional, fantastical thinking which is just as bad. A more realistic approach is the best approach.

To #3:

This is based on what? People in other communities do not have to demonstrate that they can build to get respect. Most people in other communities are promoted to higher positions through nepotism and connections. And a lot of CEOs making millions upon millions didn’t build a thing in their entire lives, but show competence in running a company which is why they get respect from other people. Knowing what you are doing garners respect, not necessarily building.

And, what have you built?

To #4:

Again, what have you built?

I don’t know what these Black people are thinking when they are building their companies. It could be that they want to break away from the chains of others, or to help other people. Saying they are doing it for the approval of whites is a viewpoint backed by little evidence. They probably want the power to decide their own fate.

To #5:

Men do not complain about their women in the first place. Men just act, and the women follow. So, this point being made as an excuse as to why Black men aren’t building is extremely feminine and weak. I’d never complain about a woman simply because I will just act, and my creations will speak for me. Black men that complain about their women are weak.

But there is a common thread to many of these types of guys. They talk a big game but never actually produce anything of substantive value outside of some lackluster DVDs or pseudo-intellectual books. The Black men that do build like Troy Carter for instance, are the ones these young kids should be listening to.

Let’s stop listening to these pseudo-intellectuals telling us what they think is the problem and listen to people that have built something like Troy Carter, like Bob Johnson, like Robert Smith.

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Booker T Garvey

Aug 17, 2014
:patrice: not sure i quite understand the "what have you built" argument though.

This dude Jason Black has been a well respected commentator on political/racial/social issues online for quite some time now.

yeah this is the 21st century and we have youtube now, he may not be using a quill pen and writing a book by candlelight, but a respected figure speaking on these issues with a pretty large audience actually is something.

all of our most famous leaders and activists were motivated by intellectuals, authors, and scholars by their own admission.


All Star
Nov 20, 2016
:patrice: not sure i quite understand the "what have you built" argument though.

This dude Jason Black has been a well respected commentator on political/racial/social issues online for quite some time now.

yeah this is the 21st century and we have youtube now, he may not be using a quill pen and writing a book by candlelight, but a respected figure speaking on these issues with a pretty large audience actually is something.

all of our most famous leaders and activists were motivated by intellectuals, authors, and scholars by their own admission.

Nothing he says is scholarly (from the broadcasts I listened to), or intellectual, or noteworthy. There are countless other scholars discussing Black issues and political commentators more researched and respected than he is.

The reason we ask, "what have you built?" is because he speaks a lot with nothing to show. If he wants to tell people what they should and should not be doing, he better be leading by example. The problem with Black society is that we have a tendency to listen to charlatans with little, if any, actual work put into making a better Black society (consider our Church as a case study). This whole "woke" nonsense is another hustle.

I always say, listen to those that have something to show like Robert Smith (the video in my previous post). He actually goes into why Blacks aren't doing well compared to whites. There are other Black men that have built companies, and worth millions like Troy Carter that speak on Black issues. They have a better and more accurate perspective than anything Jason has espoused. He has been doing his broadcast for almost 10 years, yet nothing to show for it except people thinking he's "scholarly". That is quite silly imo. Listen to those that can show you something as opposed to a guy on some blogspot giving his cockamamie ideas on his haphazard view on the world.


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
The corniest shyt ever tho is the radical pro black brothers who don't got any plans to build.... jus gonna work for white people until they die and complain about white supremacy.... those the real clowns


And i'm willing to bet that the same guys who got mad at this thread fit that description. Complaining about "the man" but argue against bros like me who are pro-entrepreneurship


Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
I don't feel like repeating what i said in another thread so i'm just pasting it in here:

Also, many of us rather spend money trying to look like we have wealth, rather than actually try to build wealth. As long as we've got that job in the white man's business and some trinkets to flex with, who cares about building? :francis:

And the empty symbolism we love so much. Examples of this empty, meaningless symbolism, wearing T-Shirts with hashtags on them and shyt. Retweeting pictures of somebody standing in the street pumping their fist. Celebrating because some rapper finally said something about vague about racism in a press conference or at an awards show.

I concluded this a long time ago, if a nikka is saying he's Pro Black, black empowerment, etc but he doesn't mention or better yet demonstrate ANYTHING about entrepreneurship, group economics, etc most of the time, the nikka is all talk, just another guy who just wants to work a little job for white ppl and buy trinkets to flex on IG.

Examples of more empty symbolism we love so much....and you can witness this whenever the topic of Blacks and Arabs or Blacks and Mexicans etc comes up.....a lot of Black American men think that because some Arab or Latino store owner is friendly to them when they come in their store/restaurant that some sort of "brown coalition" exists. Black american men are literally the only group of men in america who still buy into multiculturalism. It's plain to see that everybody else is practicing group economics, but we still think there's some sort of 'POC/minority brotherhood. nikkas are like, "What yall talking bout? :dahell:They cool as fukk. Whenever i go to the store or see them around, they always speak" Overly impressed by shyt like this. First of all, they're friendly when you go in their stores because you're BUYING shyt from them and it's good for business. Paying attention to actions instead of just words is something we should do more often. Because, how many Asians, Arabs, Latinos, etc do you see opening businesses with black men? How many of them do you see letting a black man manage their store? How many black men do you see even working in their stores?.....Yeah.

Some black men even let them call them "nikka".

If our concern was about building and becoming more prosperous economically, we wouldn't be so easily impressed by men of other races being "nice" to us and other dumb, meaningless bullshyt.

That pretty much sums up my opinion on our current state


Jul 30, 2015
I missed a lot of posts in here (i honestly thought the thread would be ignored and not even reach 2 pages), so i'm just catching up, but based on some of the stuff i saw in here, here's what i think

- In my first post, i said i agreed with 2 things on Jason's list. Why are nikkas acting like i said i agreed with everything he said? :heh:Hilarious.

- The funniest part is the guys who purposely ignore what the threadstarter has said. How many times do I have to mention that I already own my own business? I've even made threads talking about it in The Root. It's a modest clothing and sneaker store. But even if you didn't see any of my posts where i mentioned it, do you really think i'd be talking about building if i didn't think that's what we as black men should be doing? :troll:
It's the ones who are AGAINST building who have a problem with this thread, not me.

- So to the nikkas in here who kept asking me, "b-b-but what have you done Trigga, what have you done" Now it's time for me to ask you, what have YOU done? For the past 5 years, i've been doing this shyt (since i was 20). When I was saving up money to open my shyt, i had some days where i did stuff like ate cheap ass canned food or didn't splurge on kicks like i wanted to. I made sacrifices that a lot of you sarcastic nikkas would never make, to be able to start my own shyt and hire other black people. The reason my posts upset some of you so much is because you felt guilty for some reason. Then tried to deflect by asking me if i'm doing what i advocate, even though I've already said i do. So now time for you to answer the same question.

Ask yourself, are you just another black man who hates on other black men for advocating entrepreneurship? You're asking me what i've done, when i've already started a business and employ several black people, how many black people have YOU employed? Are you deflecting because you're a nikka who just wants to work for white men your whole life and want the same for other black people?
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Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
The funniest part is the guys who purposely ignore what the threadstarter has said. How many times do I have to mention that I already own my own business? I've even made threads talking about it in The Root. It's a modest clothing and sneaker store. But even if you didn't see any of my posts where i mentioned it, do you really think i'd be talking about building if i didn't think that's what we as black men should be doing? :troll:
It's the ones who are AGAINST building who have a problem with this thread, not me.

Brehs who want to see black men be able to employ our people usually don't get angry about the subject. It's always the dudes who just want to work for white people for the rest of their lives who take issue with it. Every nikka who got defensive & asked you what you are doing are against it. They want to cling to white daddy's job and they want all other black men to do the same thing. They get mad as fukk at the mere discussion of more black men breaking away and being more independent. They want black ppl to remain dependent on other races for employment. It was funny to see them ignore everything you already said about your business. They only pick and choose the stuff they want to see or respond to.
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Arab Money
Apr 4, 2015
So to the nikkas in here who kept asking me, "b-b-but what have you done Trigga, what have you done" Now it's time for me to ask you, what have YOU done? For the past 5 years, i've been doing this shyt (since i was 20). When I was saving up money to open my shyt, i had some days where i did stuff like ate cheap ass canned food or didn't splurge on kicks like i wanted to. As a young brother I've made sacrifices that a lot of you sarcastic nikkas would never make, to be able to start my own shyt and hire other black people. The reason my posts upset some of you so much is because you felt guilty for some reason. Then tried to deflect by asking me if i'm doing what i advocate, even though I've already said i do. So now time for you to answer the same question.

Ask yourself, are you just another black man who hates on other black men for advocating entrepreneurship? You're asking me what i've done, when i've already started a business and employ several black people, how many black people have YOU employed? Are you deflecting because you're a nikka who just wants to work for white men your whole life and want the same for other black people?



All Star
Nov 20, 2016
I'm also an advocate for building up your own business. Jason is psychologizing about issues he knows little of. I also doubt he practices what he preaches.

I always make it a point to listen to others that have done the work as opposed to a guy that will sell you a DVD with more talk. Guys like you should be out in the forefront talking about building because you are building.
But good on you for saving your money at a young age and opening up your own store. :salute:


Feb 2, 2016
meanwhile 73% of black children are born out of wedlock in america
chicago alone has had over 700 homicides this year, 500 of which are african american (there are only 365 days in a year)
then there's this. and this has been a problem for a few decades now:
Troubling Statistics For African-American Males In The Classroom

but nah, fukk that...the real crisis we are facing, are people expressing their opinions online.
yeah. let's put our focus on that. :coffee:

First off stop relying on Americas media to tell the current state of black. They always rely on negative imagery and very rarely speak to the positive ones.

Secondly wedlock is not a qualification for good parenting or necessarily a requirement for economic stability.

Thirdly Chicago has always been a violent can accentuate the the fact that the black race has higher murder rates...but you can't disassociate the fact that that city has always had an exceptional mortality rate..going back to the days of Al Capone...with that stated poor Irish and Italians were killing each other heavily back then...which means the obvious pattern is poverty....not race....a SMALL majority of blacks are extremely impoverished. And in largely live in these popular cities...Philly...Kansas City...Detroit..Compton....but the clear pattern in all of these places where violence is extremely economic distress. Poverty breeds the need to survive which breeds crime...crime breeds breeds envy...and envy breeds violence. In almost all predominantly black cities in America the same pattern has taken place....White flight...industry flight...police increasement and high spike in crime. And then of course gentrification...where they come in after years of abasdonment...displace the home owners free loaders and business owners for higher costly living for "more familiar" faces...moving all the income based residents to even more lower economic locations. Vallejo literally built a wall around one black neighborhood to cut off access from outside opportunity.

These people could do better..but so could the gov to provide the means to do so. But the gov won't because in order for capitalism to survive...poor people have to thrive....makes no sense to be ridiculously rich if you don't have the exact opposite working in your favor. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Plenty itof whites live in poverty to. Compared to ratio difference the white race is actually do worse then all of's just a lot of the Uber rich are on paper it makes it seem like the entire race is just balling....which a lot are don't get me wrong....but many many more are not...It's deeper then just skin color this chosen poverty thing. They will have you believe that every American has the opportunity to be exceptionally rich....but in reality they have been stacking the cards against all of us for decades...especially minorities....can't cherry pick's all cause and effect places of high violence...violence becomes the culture...but that violence is sparked by extreme poverty which they want...hell they even found a way to capitalize off of that...
Nov 21, 2016
Prince Georges County
Alright I got a lot of catching up to do on this thread but I'm gonna go ahead and get this through. If there is anyone in this forum that is down to start a business with minds like @Trigga , feel free to hit me up. I've been stacking bread for a while and continue to stack hard. I'm that young guy with no guidance on what to build. I got time and money to do it, just not able to move where I want. I want to see if someone can set me in the right direction. I'm all ears :feedme:I'm starving for some help.

Also, as far as Jason Blacks' reasons, I believe in some parts of 2-5, which I'll explain why once I read up.
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Feb 2, 2016
I missed a lot of posts in here (i honestly thought the thread would be ignored and not even reach 2 pages), so i'm just catching up, but based on some of the stuff i saw in here, here's what i think

- In my first post, i said i agreed with 2 things on Jason's list. Why are nikkas acting like i said i agreed with everything he said? :heh:Hilarious.

- The funniest part is the guys who purposely ignore what the threadstarter has said. How many times do I have to mention that I already own my own business? I've even made threads talking about it in The Root. It's a modest clothing and sneaker store. But even if you didn't see any of my posts where i mentioned it, do you really think i'd be talking about building if i didn't think that's what we as black men should be doing? :troll:
It's the ones who are AGAINST building who have a problem with this thread, not me.

- So to the nikkas in here who kept asking me, "b-b-but what have you done Trigga, what have you done" Now it's time for me to ask you, what have YOU done? For the past 5 years, i've been doing this shyt (since i was 20). When I was saving up money to open my shyt, i had some days where i did stuff like ate cheap ass canned food or didn't splurge on kicks like i wanted to. I made sacrifices that a lot of you sarcastic nikkas would never make, to be able to start my own shyt and hire other black people. The reason my posts upset some of you so much is because you felt guilty for some reason. Then tried to deflect by asking me if i'm doing what i advocate, even though I've already said i do. So now time for you to answer the same question.

Ask yourself, are you just another black man who hates on other black men for advocating entrepreneurship? You're asking me what i've done, when i've already started a business and employ several black people, how many black people have YOU employed? Are you deflecting because you're a nikka who just wants to work for white men your whole life and want the same for other black people?

How much are these employees making breh...compared to your take? Owning a business is not a community initiative breh. You help people get by...but you will always take the lions share. Now employing people is not a bad thing...people need jobs...but you have to stop acting like your giving them a hand up..especially if the pay ain't over 12....your business is your venture...your baby...the employees are nothing more then the willful slaves helping you get there. No different then any other CEO out here. We all have to work breh...don't act like you doing people a favor by simply tossing your hat in the ring for the same capitalistic dream these cacs have. The only difference is your black....but as I keep saying black don't always mean better....Now if the convo is simply starting a business because of your aspirational spirit...I can respect that....but this whole black man this black man that shyt is pointless doing it for you and your family...not us...your hiring people because you need them.your preference is to hire black ..but your not exactly changing anyone's have a service...and they are the means of filling it....That's just free market hustling need to make it bigger then that...
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All Star
Nov 20, 2016
How much are these employees making breh...compared to your take? Owning a business is not a community initiative breh. You help people get by...but you will always take the lions share. Now employing people is not a bad thing...people need jobs...but you have to stop acting like your giving them a hand up..especially if the pay ain't over 12....your business is your venture...your baby...the employees are nothing more then the willful slaves helping you get there. No different then any other CEO out here. We all have to work breh...don't act like you doing people a favor by simply tossing your hat in the ring for the same capitalistic dream these cacs have. The only difference is your black....but as I keep saying black don't always mean better....

He can speak for himself, but when it comes to crab in the barrel mentality, you are the exemplification of it.

Life is based on capitalism. Those that do tend to survive, those that don't tend to die off quickly.


Feb 2, 2016
He can speak for himself, but when it comes to crab in the barrel mentality, you are the exemplification of it.

Life is based on capitalism. Those that do tend to survive, those that don't tend to die off quickly.

Please that's an attack on his ego not his hustle:yeshrug:......And damn if it's not true.