A young man has been lynched in Henderson, NC. R.I.P. Javion Magee


Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
I'll wait for further clarity. :manny:

News outlet (ABC) is saying cameras literally have him walking into the store, buying a rope, going back to a hotel, leaving out....

Him pulling into the area w/ his truck, getting out...and not returning. :martin:

Ofc it is NC :mjpls: but I'll wait for further information, before I jump to conclusions.

Problematic Pat

Dec 27, 2017
Racism / Race Baiting
R.I.P. young brother there should be Hell to pay for some shyt like that.
Should be but the Captain America FBADOS never seem to pop up in these situations but they damn sure will be in a Twitter Spaces for 30 hours beating their chests about imaginary victories.


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Trump and his Temu American Psycho VP are to blame for this.
:dahell: Why do ppl keep saying this? Do yall not remember the Tea Party full of klan members? Trayvon Martin? McCain was dealing with them during the election, before Obama was even voted in.

Yall have to understand American history. We were always gonna face this backlash for electing Obama. (SN: That's why so many of us are so deeply disappointed with him. As a Constitutional scholar, he knew this and, yet, still chose to leave us naked.)


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
If it went how we think it went, this is fukked up and I doubt the young brother will get justice. Kristen Clark, black woman and the current head of the Civil Rights division of Biden's DOJ, already let Carolyn Bryant off the hook.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I went to school with a dude from Henderson. We went to his house on break one year I remember that Dog food factory there.

Henderson was country but it had a signficant Black Population.

The town that they said you had to watch your back was Benson NC

I didn't get the pawg vibes in eastern NC. North Carolina is a lot like Alabama low key.
I'm not sure how close it is to Alabama, but the small towns do have a lpx of interracial shyt..

Far as Benson and Johnston County, you absolutely right. Terrible place, black locals there are basically in obedient mode and dont realize it...

Johnston, where Benson is located, is steeped in racism...
Last time Henderson NC made news on of The Coli it was because some dudes had a shootout with machine guns at a Gas station. I remember a poster saying "Stay away from Henderson NC" cause of the crime rate.

I thought Henderson was a grimey hood town so the headline in this thread shocked me. CACS are getting bold in Henderson!? Thought the high crime rate in that town would scare these racists shytless.

Reading about a lynching in Henderson is like reading about a lynching in Brownsville BK.

@murksiderock are you familiar with Henderson NC? Asking since you're a NC native.
Henderson's about an hour north of me, I've only been there once. It's a small mostly black town (63%), in a county that's plurality black (49%).

All I really know about the area is that its a violent, poor town. Lot of rough shyt there, its poor and broken down.
They're not really on shyt on the regular but they still out there in the wooded parts of vance co. (Henderson is considered the city to them:mjlol:)
Benson and johnston county as a whole has a history of kkk presence on an institutional level.

But again there are a decent amount of blacks and Hispanics in that town .

Iirc @murksiderock touched on this dynamic. Places that are ~ half white & half black/minority but damn near most of the cacs are on that :mjpls:
Johnston is one of the most racist places I've ever been.

This is an interesting case. I'll wait for further comment, I will say that it's plausible the young man killed himself and his family is in denial. The county he died in is 49% Black, 38% white, Henderson is 63% Black, 25% white. It would be a different level of bold to follow thru with a lynching in this setting, but it isn't impossible.

I hope he just hung himself. But if he was lynched I hope mf's quickly get to the people who did it...

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Unless the black sherrif, the WalMart, the hotel, and whoever owns that last security camera are all in cahoots in some massive conspiracy, then this is obviously a suicide. Young black men in his generation have shown skyrocketing suicide rates and need real help.

Young Black men are dying by suicide at alarming rates

I'll wait for further clarity. :manny:

News outlet (ABC) is saying cameras literally have him walking into the store, buying a rope, going back to a hotel, leaving out....

Him pulling into the area w/ his truck, getting out...and not returning. :martin:

This is the exact wording they used, and as has been said the sherrif is Black:

A search warrant showed that Magee was seen on video buying a rope at the Walmart on Cooper Drive in Henderson -- apparently the same rope found with his body.

In that video, Magee used the self-checkout and was wearing the same clothes he was later found in. Twelve minutes later, he was seen entering the Hampton Inn on Ruin Creek Road and then leaving a few minutes later. An associate at the hotel told ABC11 off-camera they didn't have any rooms available that night.

He then drove to Vanco Mill Road where surveillance video showed his truck pulling in and Magee walking away.

Just after 10 a.m. on Wednesday, a 911 call led deputies to Magee's body.

And yet you have coli posters saying guns should be banned. :francis:
Based on history going back to the colonial times, I side eye any black person who favors gun control. Every black person needs to own at least one for self defense if they legally can.

These statements are sad and ironic in this case because suicide is 300% higher in homes where a gun is present than in homes with no gun. He had to go through the work to buy the rope, find a location, and actually competently put up a rope to kill himself and be willing to struggle through the moments hanging on that rope. Whereas anyone who owns a gun knows they can just end themselves in a moment at any time which makes them subject the slightest bad impulse.

Homicide in 200% higher in homes with a gun present too. (In-family homicides more than double, stranger homicides don't go down at all.)


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Terrible place, black locals there are basically in obedient mode and dont realize it...
My people are in Kershaw County, SC, same shyt. Very politically naive too, I find. Like, based on conversations, don't even know their own interests well enough to advocate for themselves.

Ezekiel 25:17

Jul 17, 2018
Unless the black sherrif, the WalMart, the hotel, and whoever owns that last security camera are all in cahoots in some massive conspiracy, then this is obviously a suicide. Young black men in his generation have shown skyrocketing suicide rates and need real help.

Young Black men are dying by suicide at alarming rates

This is the exact wording they used, and as has been said the sherrif is Black:

A search warrant showed that Magee was seen on video buying a rope at the Walmart on Cooper Drive in Henderson -- apparently the same rope found with his body.

In that video, Magee used the self-checkout and was wearing the same clothes he was later found in. Twelve minutes later, he was seen entering the Hampton Inn on Ruin Creek Road and then leaving a few minutes later. An associate at the hotel told ABC11 off-camera they didn't have any rooms available that night.

He then drove to Vanco Mill Road where surveillance video showed his truck pulling in and Magee walking away.

Just after 10 a.m. on Wednesday, a 911 call led deputies to Magee's body.

These statements are sad and ironic in this case because suicide is 300% higher in homes where a gun is present than in homes with no gun. He had to go through the work to buy the rope, find a location, and actually competently put up a rope to kill himself and be willing to struggle through the moments hanging on that rope. Whereas anyone who owns a gun knows they can just end themselves in a moment at any time which makes them subject the slightest bad impulse.

Homicide in 200% higher in homes with a gun present too. (In-family homicides more than double, stranger homicides don't go down at all.)

Well that's sad. Still gotta protect yourself from racists though.