Yes, white kids from the 'burbs trade in their half-pipes for crack-pipes in high school. From Hot Topic to on the corna coppin'.

I grew up in the hood until high school and lived in the burbs from then on. I'm 32, when I was in high school, weed and liquor were the universal drugs of choice across all demographics. But white kids were insular where I lived. The average whiteboy only fukked with whiteboys. My homies was cool with a whiteboy who rapped and he had hella Abercrombie and Fitch white friends and they didn't like me. I was mindblown and how they did every drug under the sun like it was nothing.

They all drank Jack Daniels like it was Pepsi, popped E-pills like they were Skittles, snorted hella blow, and did Acid/mushrooms. But they're cliques were exclusive whiteboy cliques. The one token wigger that rapped was cool with my homies because he rapped and produced and was popular with whites and blacks without being an Uncle Tom.
But yeah, go to the average NA or AA meeting and it's mostly sheltered white people from the suburbs unless it's a meeting deep in the inner city backstreets. I'm an alcoholic, so I know, but alcohol is socially acceptable, so it's hard for folks to draw the line between hard partying and alcoholism.

When you stick a needle in your arm, you know that you're going to die an early death eventually. But I know old heads twice my age who drink as much as me. How many active heroin addicts are in their 40's, 50's and 60's? Hardly any. But there are many 50+ year old alcoholics. shyt, there are 90 something year old alcoholics out there drinking in seedy dive bars. Most dive bars are nothing but old men well over 50 getting drunk everyday.
But white kids from the 'burbs seek out hard drugs because they want to get a taste of something their parents tried so hard to shelter them from. The allure of the forbidden is always tantalizing (i.e. black men historically lusting after white women). It's a mind-fukk that suburban/rural middle class to wealthy white kids who were almost guaranteed near perfect lives are the ones dropping like flies over heroin. And this is nothing new:
Heroin Addiction Sweeps Small Towns
Heroin does not seem like a fun drug to be on. I don't even think using dope can be considered as partying forreal. Dope is a solitary antisocial drug from what I can see as an outsider. Dope fiends do nothing but nod out really. They don't get up and dance, start hollering at females, engage people in conversation or start fights like you have with the ac right. You aren't going to see someone shooting up at the bar. Heroin will not give you false confidence and sociability like alcohol or coke. But once again, the insular whiteboy drug culture gives them a semblance of a social life with same race drug addicts. Many heroin addicts bond over their addiction. Corny whiteboy dopefiends looking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings hooking up with nasty rotten toothed loose lipped dopewhores in rehabs across the land.