A white boys life with drugs and why the system doesn't work


ayo! - BEZ
May 2, 2012
No Father To MY Style.. A Son Unique
Update on court situation.

I got a conditional discharge cause i have a cleanrecord. The kid who lured me out to pick him up was the informant says my lawyer. fukkin dope fiends man.

btw, the snitch was black since we on some racial "only white poeple do dope" shyt
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May 2, 2012
Mother Russia & Greater Israel
I hate to break it to you, but the American legal system when it comes to drugs is unbelievably racist. The average prison in a state with a sizable black population is disproportionately black in demographics. Mandatory minimum sentences for crack are much higher than cocaine because blacks are more likely to sell and smoke crack. The mandatory minimum sentence for possessing a few grams of crack is five years in the pen. I know hella old heads who have done 20+ years in prison for a few crack possession charges. You need an exponentially larger amount of cocaine to get the same sentence. But coke is a rich man's drug compared to crack.

Whites are statistically more likely to use and sell drugs, but blacks are more likely to be imprisoned for the same shyt.

White people are more likely to deal drugs, but black people are more likely to get arrested for it

White people do far more drugs than any other race. White people do drugs that no other race would touch unless they are whitewashed tokens (i.e. acid, mushrooms, meth etc.). White people from the suburbs are the only type of people who will gladly tell you that they've "done everything" in terms of drugs like it's a bullet point achievement on a resume. As it stands, 90% of new heroin addicts in the past ten years are white people from suburban and rural areas. If you go to the average NA meeting in any major metro area, all of the newcomers are young white kids in their late teens to early thirties and all of the old timers with 10+ years sobriety are old head black folks from the depths of the ghetto. The only old timer white people at NA meetings are Teena Marie style reformed old school crackwhore white bytches who lived in the hood and only fukked with black dudes.

Heroin is a white-people problem: Bad medicine, economic rot and the enterprising Mexican town that turned the Heartland on to black tar

I think white people from the suburbs are more likely to be drug addicts because they didn't grow up seeing dopefiends dead behind dumpsters. I grew up on one of the most active dope tracks in the Bay Area in the late 80's and early 90's. My "This is your brain on drugs" PSA was seeing crackheads get beat up by d-boys and having bullets come through my bedroom window. I knew dope, coke and crack were bad news before I knew how to ride a bike.

But white people in the suburbs get the message that all drugs are bad through their 5th grade D.A.R.E. program. They smoke a little bud by the time they're 12 or 13 and find out that weed won't make you go crazy and see pink elephants and make you shoot up school buses full of retarded kids. Suburban white kid logic then assumes that all drugs must not be "that bad". Also, suburban white kids are indoctrinated into popping pills from elementary school thanks to the "everybody has ADD" or "social anxiety" pharmaceutical movement. Little kids are popping potential harmful designer drugs like Ritalin, Adderal and Paxil before they are old enough to get a learner's permit. These same little Jimmy's and Becky's start popping their parent's pain meds stashed conveniently in the bathroom mirror cabinet. Before they know it, they are full on opiate addicts running to the nearest ghetto to get their fix everyday. Not to mention rich white kids are some of the only people who can actually afford something as expensive as an opiate addiction. :umad:

White privilege also keeps the corniest of suburban Zachary's and Taylor's safe when trekking the streets of the ghetto because everyone know that they are only their to cop dope, crack ect. :lawd: New age white dopefiends are the worst kind of douchebags. They think they are in tune with the black experience just because they are dopefiends despite the fact that they are rich white kids from exclusive suburbs with parents who gross $500K+ annually.

And the white kids who don't die of overdoses and climb the steep wall to recovery often end up making more money than the average person of any race because they are still white kids from well-off well-connected families at the end of the day.

Heroin addiction sent me to prison. White privilege got me out and to the Ivy League.

Many black men who sell dope in their younger years are more likely to degenerate into neighborhood dopefiends and winos in their older age as being a convicted felon as a black man is the kiss of the death in American society unless you're a celebrity or a millionaire. Black people who end up fukking with dope or crack end up homeless with their teeth missing and often never bounce back. But many a white man making six figures and up has swam in oceans of alcohol, snorted mountains of coke and injected opium fields of heroin.

Ultimately, white privilege makes white people think that they will be shielded from the worst outcomes in life. This is why white people are known for engaging in crackerishly risky behavior. White people believe that everything will be alright. Aside from hundreds to thousands of white kid heroin overdoses annually, white kids usually straighten up and fly right while blacks are permanently scarred by their dealings with illegal drugs.

Very well written. You're dead on about the white experience. I'm white. I moved from a city to a suburb in middle school and it was mind blowing how open these rich kids were about their drug use. My group of friends tried a bunch of different drugs in high school. I tried Oxy in 10th grade. Ecstasy in 11th. Coke in 12th. Started smoking pot in 9th grade. I'm glad I did all the harder shyt back then. I was just experimenting and luckily I got it out of my system real quick. Only thing I do now is smoke pot and once or twice a year I'll blow some rails. It is sort of a badge of pride or whatever you said. It was sort of "who can get away with doing this or that". Hippie rebels basically. We didn't have real worries about the world so we turned to drugs for our boredom. Anyway, I gotta say that Im glad I did all the harder drugs back then and got it out of my system. I've watched so many kids from my town turn from straight edge into heroin addicts. They never got a taste when they were younger so they didn't know what to do with it when they grew up. Same old story. Started on legal pills and then needed to get higher so they get Oxys and then heroin once the money runs out. Its really sad to watch kids that have had a silver spoon all their lives just turn to shyt and not be able to manage anymore.
May 14, 2013
Very well written. You're dead on about the white experience. I'm white. I moved from a city to a suburb in middle school and it was mind blowing how open these rich kids were about their drug use. My group of friends tried a bunch of different drugs in high school. I tried Oxy in 10th grade. Ecstasy in 11th. Coke in 12th. Started smoking pot in 9th grade. I'm glad I did all the harder shyt back then. I was just experimenting and luckily I got it out of my system real quick. Only thing I do now is smoke pot and once or twice a year I'll blow some rails. It is sort of a badge of pride or whatever you said. It was sort of "who can get away with doing this or that". Hippie rebels basically. We didn't have real worries about the world so we turned to drugs for our boredom. Anyway, I gotta say that Im glad I did all the harder drugs back then and got it out of my system. I've watched so many kids from my town turn from straight edge into heroin addicts. They never got a taste when they were younger so they didn't know what to do with it when they grew up. Same old story. Started on legal pills and then needed to get higher so they get Oxys and then heroin once the money runs out. Its really sad to watch kids that have had a silver spoon all their lives just turn to shyt and not be able to manage anymore.

Yes, white kids from the 'burbs trade in their half-pipes for crack-pipes in high school. From Hot Topic to on the corna coppin'. :mjlol: I grew up in the hood until high school and lived in the burbs from then on. I'm 32, when I was in high school, weed and liquor were the universal drugs of choice across all demographics. But white kids were insular where I lived. The average whiteboy only fukked with whiteboys. My homies was cool with a whiteboy who rapped and he had hella Abercrombie and Fitch white friends and they didn't like me. I was mindblown and how they did every drug under the sun like it was nothing. :ohhh:They all drank Jack Daniels like it was Pepsi, popped E-pills like they were Skittles, snorted hella blow, and did Acid/mushrooms. But they're cliques were exclusive whiteboy cliques. The one token wigger that rapped was cool with my homies because he rapped and produced and was popular with whites and blacks without being an Uncle Tom.

But yeah, go to the average NA or AA meeting and it's mostly sheltered white people from the suburbs unless it's a meeting deep in the inner city backstreets. I'm an alcoholic, so I know, but alcohol is socially acceptable, so it's hard for folks to draw the line between hard partying and alcoholism. :yeshrug: When you stick a needle in your arm, you know that you're going to die an early death eventually. But I know old heads twice my age who drink as much as me. How many active heroin addicts are in their 40's, 50's and 60's? Hardly any. But there are many 50+ year old alcoholics. shyt, there are 90 something year old alcoholics out there drinking in seedy dive bars. Most dive bars are nothing but old men well over 50 getting drunk everyday.

But white kids from the 'burbs seek out hard drugs because they want to get a taste of something their parents tried so hard to shelter them from. The allure of the forbidden is always tantalizing (i.e. black men historically lusting after white women). It's a mind-fukk that suburban/rural middle class to wealthy white kids who were almost guaranteed near perfect lives are the ones dropping like flies over heroin. And this is nothing new:

Heroin Addiction Sweeps Small Towns

Heroin does not seem like a fun drug to be on. I don't even think using dope can be considered as partying forreal. Dope is a solitary antisocial drug from what I can see as an outsider. Dope fiends do nothing but nod out really. They don't get up and dance, start hollering at females, engage people in conversation or start fights like you have with the ac right. You aren't going to see someone shooting up at the bar. Heroin will not give you false confidence and sociability like alcohol or coke. But once again, the insular whiteboy drug culture gives them a semblance of a social life with same race drug addicts. Many heroin addicts bond over their addiction. Corny whiteboy dopefiends looking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings hooking up with nasty rotten toothed loose lipped dopewhores in rehabs across the land.
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All Star
Oct 14, 2014
Back in Florida
Great post. As a white guy whos lived in the hood just to be close to drugs I will say that on the whole yes the experience is different for whites but so are the drugs.

You're saying whites do drugs cause they have too much money basically. I grew up poor and did drugs cause I had a shyt family life and sold dope to do it. That's the story for 90% of the ppl I know that get high and are white. Now that we're older its different but we weren't spending allowance money to get faded. I think you really discount the class side of drug use and define class as race in this conversation which isn't true at all.
Yes, white kids from the 'burbs trade in their half-pipes for crack-pipes in high school. From Hot Topic to on the corna coppin'. :mjlol: I grew up in the hood until high school and lived in the burbs from then on. I'm 32, when I was in high school, weed and liquor were the universal drugs of choice across all demographics. But white kids were insular where I lived. The average whiteboy only fukked with whiteboys. My homies was cool with a whiteboy who rapped and he had hella Abercrombie and Fitch white friends and they didn't like me. I was mindblown and how they did every drug under the sun like it was nothing. :ohhh:They all drank Jack Daniels like it was Pepsi, popped E-pills like they were Skittles, snorted hella blow, and did Acid/mushrooms. But they're cliques were exclusive whiteboy cliques. The one token wigger that rapped was cool with my homies because he rapped and produced and was popular with whites and blacks without being an Uncle Tom.

But yeah, go to the average NA or AA meeting and it's mostly sheltered white people from the suburbs unless it's a meeting deep in the inner city backstreets. I'm an alcoholic, so I know, but alcohol is socially acceptable, so it's hard for folks to draw the line between hard partying and alcoholism. :yeshrug: When you stick a needle in your arm, you know that you're going to die an early death eventually. But I know old heads twice my age who drink as much as me. How many active heroin addicts are in their 40's, 50's and 60's? Hardly any. But there are many 50+ year old alcoholics. shyt, there are 90 something year old alcoholics out there drinking in seedy dive bars. Most dive bars are nothing but old men well over 50 getting drunk everyday.

But white kids from the 'burbs seek out hard drugs because they want to get a taste of something their parents tried so hard to shelter them from. The allure of the forbidden is always tantalizing (i.e. black men historically lusting after white women). It's a mind-fukk that suburban/rural middle class to wealthy white kids who were almost guaranteed near perfect lives are the ones dropping like flies over heroin. And this is nothing new:

Heroin Addiction Sweeps Small Towns

Heroin does not seem like a fun drug to be on. I don't even think using dope can be considered as partying forreal. Dope is a solitary antisocial drug from what I can see as an outsider. Dope fiends do nothing but nod out really. They don't get up and dance, start hollering at females, engage people in conversation or start fights like you have with the ac right. You aren't going to see someone shooting up at the bar. Heroin will not give you false confidence and sociability like alcohol or coke. But once again, the insular whiteboy drug culture gives them a semblance of a social life with same race drug addicts. Many heroin addicts bond over their addiction. Corny whiteboy dopefiends looking like Gollum from Lord of the Rings hooking up with nasty rotten toothed loose lipped dopewhores in rehabs across the land.
May 14, 2013
Great post. As a white guy whos lived in the hood just to be close to drugs I will say that on the whole yes the experience is different for whites but so are the drugs.

You're saying whites do drugs cause they have too much money basically. I grew up poor and did drugs cause I had a shyt family life and sold dope to do it. That's the story for 90% of the ppl I know that get high and are white. Now that we're older its different but we weren't spending allowance money to get faded. I think you really discount the class side of drug use and define class as race in this conversation which isn't true at all.

True, only to a degree though. I've lived in two places: the Bay Area and Maryland. In Baltimore, there are hella white ghetto areas inside and outside of the city (i.e. Lansdowne, Brooklyn, Pigtown, Dundalk, Hampden). The white ghetto areas of Baltimore are pretty much just as dangerous as the black areas from a statistical standpoint. Despite Park Heights being 90%+ black and Hampden being 90%+ white, their overall crime risks are about the same.

Hampden Demographics & Statistics — Employment, Education, Income Averages, Crime in Hampden — Point2 Homes


Central Park Heights Demographics & Statistics — Employment, Education, Income Averages, Crime in Central Park Heights — Point2 Homes


And then you have the integrated white/black neighborhoods in South Baltimore where there is little racial tension:

Washington Village / Pigtown Demographics & Statistics — Employment, Education, Income Averages, Crime in Washington Village / Pigtown — Point2 Homes


But here's where it gets interesting. Even though whites are just as poor as blacks in Baltimore and just a little less likely to live in the ghetto, blacks are murdered and imprisoned at a far higher rate in Baltimore. Nearly 90% of murders that occur in Baltimore annually are black victims. In 2012, 204 of the 217 murder victims were black while only 10 were white.

Demographics of 2012 Baltimore homicides

The Maryland prison system is so disproportionately black that the now national white prison gang, Dead Man Inc. or "DMI", was founded in the Maryland State prison system in the 90's out of great necessity for protection for white inmates. Whites in Baltimore are a minority compared to blacks so DMI even gets imported to the streets of these white ghetto areas.

Dead Man Incorporated - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Similarly, in the Bay Area, Asians are more likely to be poor and live in the hood. Areas like the Tenderloin in San Francisco and my old neighborhood or Lakeview have always had high Asian populations with the Asians living there engaging in the same criminal lifestyle of dope dealing and killing as the blacks they live around:


SF Gang Evicted From Troubled Tenderloin Apartment Building « CBS San Francisco

San Francisco police find cache of firearms at home of suspect in murder of SFSU student

Suspect Arrested In Killing Of SFSU Student Stepping Off Muni Train

Despite the fact that a sizable percentage of Asians are with the shyt in the City and Asians far outnumber blacks in San Francisco, the vast majority of homicide victims in SF are black every single year. Despite SF being less than 10% black, as much as over 50% of SF's homicide victims are black every year. :whoo:


Similarly, although blacks only make up 4% of San Francisco's population, on any given day, blacks make up more than 56% of the infamous 850 Bryant St Jail population:

Community Groups to Rally and Mobilize Against New SF Jail –

It's even more pronounced in Oakland in neighborhoods like Funktown where Asians represent majority status on many blocks. Asians living in Funktown are culturally no different from ghetto black people.

However, the majority of homicide victims in Oakland are black every year. Oakland is roughly 25% black, yet 70% of the Town's homicide victims are black every year. Only 2% of homicides in Oakland over a five year average were Asians despite Asians making up nearly a fifth of Oakland's population. Ironically, the murder of Nguyen Ngo sparked the funk between Ice City North Side Oakland and South Berkeley in 2009.

Crime in Oakland, California - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The moral of the story is that every body wanna be a nikka, but don't nobody wanna be a nikka. :sas1: Everybody is black until the police comes. :sas2: Even though whiteboys in Baltimore are knee deep in the game, it is still better to be a poor whiteboy in Baltimore than be a poor nikka. Even though Asians are with the shyt in the Bay, it's overall better to be a poor Asian than a poor nikka. Let's see an argument against all this data. Case closed. :skip:
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May 14, 2013
This thread is preposterous. The prison industrial complex targets young poor black men and Latino men to a slightly lesser extent. Prior to the 80's, black men were much less represented in the U.S. prison system. Ever since Reagan's war on drugs, the U.S. prison system is disproportionately black. There is a reason why crack sentencing is much harsher than powder cocaine sentencing. Blacks are statistically much more likely to go to jail for drugs than whites. Sorry whiteboy, you are not oppressed. A white man who is a convicted felon has the same chances of getting a job as a black man with a clean record, stupid:

Study: Black man and white felon – same chances for hire

Although whites may do and sell hella drugs no matter what their socioeconomic class, they are much less likely to go to jail than blacks. Yes, we all know poor white trash do hard drugs too. Poor white trash smoke crack, pop pills, do dope and meth as well.

The prison industrial complex is the new slavery. There are more black men incarcerated today than there were black men in slavery in 1850:

More Black Men Are In Prison Today Than Were Slaves In 1850, Law Professor Says

Whites account for roughly 70% of the U.S. population. Whites can never be disproportionately represented in prison. But prison has become just another form of black population control in the past 40 years.
May 14, 2013
Why ? OP never stated that the system wasn't racist and never negated the Black experience. He just said that the system didn't work even if you were white.

The elephant in the room is that white people rarely get caught up in the "system". Numerous articles containing hard facts have already proven that whites are much, much less likely to be locked up over drugs. In many major metro areas, the racial make-up of prison populations is overwhelming black and Latino with whites being a minority. For example, in Maryland State prisons, blacks account for around 75% of the prison population despite the fact that blacks only make-up about 25% of Maryland's population:

Incarceration rate drops for blacks

Whites in prison more or less belong there and are locked up for serious violent crimes like murder. The majority of blacks in prison are locked up on non-violent drug offenses. In addition, white prison inmates tend to be older so the whole argument of a young whiteboy getting caught up and sent to jail for drugs is a statistical outlier. An 18 year old whiteboy going to prison and getting raped is highly believable though. :ufdup:

Race and Prison | Drug War Facts

Blacks are more likely to be sentenced to life without parole for non-violent drug offenses. 65% of people sentenced to life without parole for non-violent offenses are black while only 18% of such people are white.

Thousands sentenced to life without parole for nonviolent offenses | Al Jazeera America

Most of all, this thread is hilarious because a whiteboy is trying to break stereotypes by being a stereotype. Whites use more drugs than any other race. Black kids in the hood don't start off smoking weed, then experimenting with LSD, snorting coke, then smoking crack, and then finally sniffing oxy's and transition to dope. Rather, hella black kids in the hood watch their parents and neigbors do dope and crack and end up selling it to survive before their balls even drop because they have no strong parental support system. Black kids from the hood know not to fukk around with dope and crack because of what happened to the elders in the community in the 60's, 70's, 80's and 90's. White kids from the 'burbs were sheltered from the horrific scourge of dope that plagued the inner city for decades. White kids literally don't know they are fukking with death when they try every drug under the sun. If the negative effects of drugs as a whole effects whites in any way, it's the drugs, themselves, not the legal system. The horrible devastating effects of a drug like dope don't care what race your ass is. But meeting a non-white dopefiend under age 35 at this day in age is as rare as meeting an Asian girl with natural H cup tiddies and a real 40 inch ass free of injections. 90% of heroin overdose deaths are white people:

Dr: 'This is primarily a white person's problem'

So there you have it. Systematic racism DOES directly target blacks while collectively looking the other way and letting whites off the hook when it comes to using and selling drugs, BUT the drugs themselves do not discriminate and kill thousands of white people annually because of white recklessness due to the ignorance of white privilege.
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Liu Kang

May 3, 2012
Of course people may disagree with him thinking that drug laws are more of class issue than a race issue (though he agrees that they are both and thus simply disagrees on what is more than the other) but that's simply his opinion which he put up for debate. I understand his opinion (not necessarily agree with it regarding the American context) because it is a trend that can be seen worldwide which is that the "war on drugs" have targeted the poor at an unprecedented rate and that regardless of one's complexion. We could talk about Central America (Honduras, Salvador, Mexico), we could talk about Italy (or more specifically Napoli), Russia or other eastern European countries and he could have a point about drug law being related to class. We could also expand on how, worldwide, crime rate is relative to poverty/unemployment/lack of education regardless the type of crime and that is for centuries thus far. So that's why I can understand his opinion.

The experience in the USA may be different indeed but that doesn't make his point entirely invalid if we think about it from a worldwide perspective.

The elephant in the room is that white people rarely get caught up in the "system". Numerous articles containing hard facts have already proven that whites are much, much less likely to be locked up over drugs. In many major metro areas, the racial make-up of prison populations is overwhelming black and Latino with whites being a minority. [...]
That's not OP's point. His point is that the system doesn't work (aka doesn't rehabilitate) when it comes to the poor and that is, no matter your complexion. And he cited his example to back up his point and how in Florida he's a lifetime felon with permanently reduced rights. He never said that Black people wasn't over-represented in the prison system and he even agreed with what you just said here. He even stated that his deal was lenient and that had he been Black he may not have had that opportunity. So I don't see him negating any White privilege in his experience.

"The first is drug laws are classist not racist"

That is what he stated which is complete nonsense.
Did you stop reading his posts after that sentence ? If so, you may want to read the rest of his posts where he kinda corrected his point on that matter stating that in his opinion, drug laws are more classist than racist (then agreeing that they are both).


Omniversal Guardian
May 4, 2012
Of course people may disagree with him thinking that drug laws are more of class issue than a race issue (though he agrees that they are both and thus simply disagrees on what is more than the other) but that's simply his opinion which he put up for debate. I understand his opinion (not necessarily agree with it regarding the American context) because it is a trend that can be seen worldwide which is that the "war on drugs" have targeted the poor at an unprecedented rate and that regardless of one's complexion. We could talk about Central America (Honduras, Salvador, Mexico), we could talk about Italy (or more specifically Napoli), Russia or other eastern European countries and he could have a point about drug law being related to class. We could also expand on how, worldwide, crime rate is relative to poverty/unemployment/lack of education regardless the type of crime and that is for centuries thus far. So that's why I can understand his opinion.

The experience in the USA may be different indeed but that doesn't make his point entirely invalid if we think about it from a worldwide perspective.

That's not OP's point. His point is that the system doesn't work (aka doesn't rehabilitate) when it comes to the poor and that is, no matter your complexion. And he cited his example to back up his point and how in Florida he's a lifetime felon with permanently reduced rights. He never said that Black people wasn't over-represented in the prison system and he even agreed with what you just said here. He even stated that his deal was lenient and that had he been Black he may not have had that opportunity. So I don't see him negating any White privilege in his experience.

Did you stop reading his posts after that sentence ? If so, you may want to read the rest of his posts where he kinda corrected his point on that matter stating that in his opinion, drug laws are more classist than racist (then agreeing that they are both).
Like u said people will disagree with him and I just so happen to be one of them. He's a white guy who experienced what a lot of black folk have for doing much less. I don't care what's going on in Russia or any other country for that matter, but in the U.S. the war on drugs unfairly targets minorities while letting MOST white people off the hook for the same crimes.

OP is an exception not the rule
Jun 7, 2015
"The first is drug laws are classist not racist"

That is what he stated which is complete nonsense.
Co-sign. American governance with respect to drugs disproportionately racist at every rung of the ladder. That's not an opinion, it's a fact supported by empirical evidence. OP is simply an exception to the rule.